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for 3 referees through an online process at http://      is an AA/EEO employer and encourages applications           mation of at least four references as a single PDF       GSA TODAY |                                      from women and minorities.                                  to Alex Bradley, Climate Search Committee Chair,
                                                                                                                     Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington
   Note CMU faculty will be at the Denver GSA 2016                     ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                           University, Campus Box 1169, 1 Brookings Drive, St.
Annual Meeting and can arrange to meet potential                      HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY                              Louis, MO 63130, or via e-mail: ClimateFacSearch@
applicants. Contact for Larry Lemke for details at                     GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES                  The Department seeks an exception-                                              SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY                         ally qualified and diverse faculty; women, minori-
                                                         The Dept. of Geological Sciences at San Diego State         ties, protected veterans and candidates with disabil-
   Classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a            University invites applications for a tenure-track          ities are strongly encouraged to apply. Washington
research high (R2) doctoral university, CMU is           faculty member at the Assistant Professor level in          University in St. Louis is committed to the principles
recognized for strong undergraduate education and        hydrogeology contributing to the Blue Gold, Miti-           and practices of equal employment opportunity
a range of focused graduate and research programs.       gating Water Scarcity initiative at SDSU (http://           and affirmative action. It is the University’s policy
CMU, an AA/EO institution, strongly and actively, with preference for expertise          to recruit, hire, train, and promote persons in
strives to increase diversity within its community       in geochemical, quantitative techniques and/or              all job titles without regard to race, color, age,
(see                               geophysical methods in assessing water fluxes and/          religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender iden-
                                                         or rock-water interactions. Candidates must have a          tity or expression, national origin, veteran status,
  TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                       PhD in Geological Sciences or a related field at the        disability, or genetic information. Applications
           MINERALOGY/PETROLOGY                          time of appointment. The full advertisement and             should be received by November 1, 2016 to ensure
                                                         directions for application are posted at (https://          full consideration.
        FORT HAYS STATE UNIVERSITY              The successful candidate
Fort Hays State University seeks applications for        is expected to establish an independent externally                 ASSOCIATE OR FULL PROFESSOR
a tenure-track Assistant Professor to start August       funded research program and teach and supervise                   OF GEOLOGY, HYDROGEOSCIENCE,
2017. Teaching duties include 12 credit hours per        student research at graduate and undergraduate
semester, and applicants will teach Mineralogy and       levels. Anticipated start date for the position is Fall               WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY
Petrology. Preference will be given to those inter-      2017. Applications received by October 15, 2016 will        Job Number: 03733
ested in teaching our 4-week capstone Geology            receive full consideration. The position will remain
Field Camp as well as developing and/or teaching         open until filled. For additional information,                 The West Virginia University (WVU) Dept. of
courses for our successful Virtual College. Online       contact the co-Chairs of the Search Committee,              Geology and Geography invites applications for a
and summer teaching offer opportunities for              Kathryn Thorbjarnarson, kthorbjarnarson@mail                tenured faculty position in the area of hydrogeo-
supplemental salary. Faculty are expected to develop and David Kimbrough, dkimbrough@                  science at either the Associate Professor or Full
independent research programs that involve under-                                              Professor level. Applicants with exceptional quali-
graduate and graduate students, and the university          Note: Search co-Chair David Kimbrough will be            fications will be nominated for the Eberly Family
offers annual grant opportunities to support these       at the Denver GSA 2016 Annual Meeting and can               Distinguished Professorship in Geology. The
efforts. Other duties include research, service, and     arrange to meet potential applicants. Contact for           successful candidate is expected to bring a vigorous
advising of students in our undergraduate and grad-      details at []                       program of innovative, externally-funded research;
uate programs.                                              SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity employer.          build effective collaborations; and teach at the grad-
                                                                                                                     uate and undergraduate levels.
   A Ph.D. in Geology or closely related field is                    ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF
required (ABD considered). The Dept. of Geosci-                EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES                             Research on fresh water resources is currently an
ences has eight full-time faculty members in geology        WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY–ST. LOUIS                          area of strategic growth at WVU (http://research.
and geography. The Department offers B.S. and M.S.       The Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Wash- including a new interdisciplinary
degrees in Geosciences. For more information, visit      ington University in St. Louis invites applications         water research institute. We invite applications from       for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the      individuals with interests in basic and applied aspects
Faculty/. Applications should include a C.V., contact    fields of climate, carbon cycling, or paleoclimatology.     of groundwater flow. Relevant specialties might
information for three references, and a cover letter     The ideal candidate will study climate or the effects       include physical hydrogeology; fluid flow modeling;
specifying: how your credentials match the job descrip-  of climate change in modern systems and/or over             hyporheic or vadose zone processes; groundwater-
tion, a statement of teaching philosophy, goals for      Cenozoic Earth history. Areas of interest include but       surface water interaction; flow in fractured media;
scholarship, and expectations for student engagement.    are not limited to paleoclimatology and records of          hydrogeology of energy-related activities; ground-
Review of applications will begin on 30 September        consequent environmental change; elemental cycling          water supply and sustainability; contaminant trans-
2016. Send completed applications in a single PDF file   and associated climate feedbacks; the response of           port; ecohydrology; multiscale hydrologic modeling;
to Dr. Hendratta Ali (                   terrestrial, marine, and/or freshwater systems to           critical zone processes; and/or karst hydrogeology.
                                                         climate change. The candidate is expected to employ
   EEO. Final candidate must pass a criminal back-       quantitative tools and ideally will integrate field obser-     To apply, please visit and
ground check.                                            vations with laboratory measurements.                       navigate to the position title listed above as Job
                                                            The successful candidate is also expected to develop     Number 03733. Upload (1) a single PDF file including
     TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                       a vigorous, externally funded research program,             a statement of research interests, a statement of
HYDROGEOLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES                         maintain a strong publication record, teach a range of      teaching philosophy, and a curriculum vitae; and
                                                         undergraduate and graduate courses, advise students,        (2) pdf files of up to 4 publications. Please also
      UNIV. OF WISCONSIN–EAU CLAIRE                      and be active in university service. We are seeking         arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to
The Dept. of Geology is seeking a person to teach        candidates who will complement our research                 search chair Joseph J. Donovan at jdonovan@mail
water resources, physical hydrogeology, chemical         programs in biogeochemistry and environmental      Review of applications will commence
hydrogeology, and introductory geology courses           geology as well as foster collaboration with environ-       on October 15, 2016 and continue until a successful
as needed starting Fall 2017. Applicant must also        mental scientists across the Washington University          candidate is identified. For additional information,
involve students in high-quality collaborative           community.                                                  please see
research projects. A Ph.D. in geology or a closely           Candidates must have a Ph.D. with a focus in
related discipline is required at the time of appoint-   environmental Earth science, or a related field, at            Note: WVU Geology faculty will be at the Denver
ment. The department has modern facilities in            the time of appointment, and should send a letter of        GSA 2016 Annual Meeting and can arrange to meet
hydrogeology (including on-campus well nests),           application, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching       potential applicants. Contact for details: Joseph J.
geophysics, geochemistry, and sedimentology.             and research interests, and names and contact infor-        Donovan at

   Only online applications are accepted; go to                                                                         WVU is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer to apply. For priority                                                                    and welcomes applications from all qualified indi-
consideration, all application materials must be                                                                     viduals, including minorities, females, individuals
submitted by October 28, 2016. For a complete posi-                                                                  with disabilities, and veterans.
tion description, call +1-715-836-3732 or visit http:// UW-Eau Claire

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