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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

                                                              Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    Petroleum Certificate curriculum and to supervise       is housed in the Frederick A. Sutton Building, a
                                                              no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. research, including       new state of the art teaching and research facility.
                                                              issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   students who are interested in pursuing careers in      Available research tools include LA-MC-ICP-MS,
                                                    , +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  the petroleum industry. Applicants are expected to      the SIRFER stable-isotope facility, noble-gas mass
                                                              All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       build and maintain a collaborative research program     spectrometry, electron microprobe, QEMSCAN,
                                                              tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   with colleagues in the College of Geosciences, the      paleomagnetic and rock magnetic facilities, and
                                                              Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      Berg-Hughes Center, the Dept. of Geology and            access to the University’s Surface Analysis Center
                                                                                                             Per line each    Geophysics, the Dept. of Petroleum                      and the Center for High Performance Computing.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Opportunities also exist for professional interac-
                                                                                          Per Line for       addt’l month        Engineering, and other energy related groups at      tions outside the department with personnel at the
                                                                                                                              Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M Univer-          University of Utah’s Energy and Geoscience Insti-
                                                              Classification              1st month          (same ad)        sity System and with geoscientists and petroleum        tute, the Utah Geological Survey and the United
                                                                                                                              engineers in the oil and gas industry and national      States Geological Survey. Applications should be
                                                              Positions Open              $9.20              $8.95            and international research institutions.                received by September 30, 2016, for full consider-
                                                              Fellowship Opportunities    $9.20              $8.95                                                                    ation; however, applications received after that time
                                                              Opportunities for Students  $0.00              $5.00               Interested candidates should submit electronic       may be considered until the position is filled. To
                                                                                          $5.00              $5.00            versions of a letter of application, curriculum vita,   apply, upload a statement of teaching and research
                                                                First 25 lines                                                teaching philosophy, statement of research vision,      interests, curriculum vitae, names and contact infor-
                                                                Additional lines                                              strategies to implement that vision, and accomplish-    mation for three references to: utah.peopleadmin.
                                                                                                                              ments, and the names and email addresses of at least    com/postings/52715. If you have specific questions
                                                              Positions Open                                                  three references to the Chair of the Basin Analysis     about the position please contact J.R. Bowman
                                                                                                                              and Modeling Search Committee, cdengo@tamu.             []. Information about the
GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities          SEDIMENTARY BASIN ANALYSIS                              edu. Screening of applications for the position will    Dept. of Geology and Geophysics can be found at
                                                                         AND MODELING POSITION                                begin immediately and will continue until the posi-
                                                                        BERG-HUGHES CENTER AND                                tion is filled. The Berg-Hughes Center (berg-hughes.
                                                                                                                     and the Dept. of Geology and Geophysics          The University of Utah is an Equal Opportunity/
                                                                  DEPT. OF GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS                             ( are part of the College of Geosci-    Affirmative Action employer and educator. Minori-
                                                                           TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY                               ences, which also includes the Departments of Atmo-     ties, women, and persons with disabilities are
                                                                                                                              spheric Sciences, Geography, and Oceanography; the      strongly encouraged to apply, and the University
                                                              The Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedi-                  Geochemical and Environmental Research Group            provides reasonable accommodation to the known
                                                              mentary Systems (BHC) and the Dept. of Geology                  (GERG); and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program       disabilities of applicants and employees. Veteran’s
                                                              and Geophysics at Texas A&M University invite                   (IODP). Texas A&M University, a land- , sea- , and      preference is extended to qualified applicants. The
                                                              applications from individuals for a non-tenure track,           space-grant university, is located in a metropolitan    University of Utah values candidates who have expe-
                                                              three-year renewable contract position as a Research            area with a dynamic and international commu-            rience working in settings with students from diverse
                                                              Professor in Sedimentary Basin Analysis and                     nity of 227,000 people. Texas A&M University is         backgrounds, and who possess a strong commit-
                                                              Modeling beginning January 16, 2017. This position              an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer        ment to improving access to higher education for
                                                              will be a joint appointment with teaching, research             committed to excellence through the recruitment         historically underrepresented students.
                                                              and service responsibilities in the Berg-Hughes                 and retention of a diverse faculty and student body
                                                              Center and Dept. of Geology and Geophysics. This                and compliance with the American with Disabili-            TENURE TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                              is a 9-month annual appointment.                                ties Act. The University is dedicated to the goal of                OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
                                                                                                                              building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty
                                                                 The principal responsibility of this position is             and staff committed to teaching and working in a              CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY
                                                              to lead the collaborative research and teaching                 multicultural environment. We strongly encourage        The Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at
                                                              programs in the Chevron–TAMU/BHC Basin                          applications from women, underrepresented ethnic        Central Michigan University invites applications
                                                              Modeling Center of Research Excellence in the BHC               groups, veterans, and persons with disabilities. Texas  for a tenure-track position in applied geophysics at
                                                              and Dept. of Geology and Geophysics. This respon-               A&M University also has a policy to address the         the Assistant Professor level, beginning Fall 2017.
                                                              sibility includes leading in the development of a               needs of dual-career partners (https://advance.tamu.    We seek candidates who use a combination of
                                                              robust externally funded research program in basin              edu/dual-career-program-information/).                  field-based geophysical methods and quantita-
                                                              analysis and modeling that includes research collab-                                                                    tive methods to examine crustal or lithosphere
                                                              oration with researchers in the petroleum industry;                        TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT                       dynamics; earthquake processes; petroleum or metal
                                                              teaching integrative courses that introduce advanced                  PROFESSOR, IGNEOUS PROCESSES                      exploration geophysics; subsurface fracturing and
                                                              concepts and technologies needed for unraveling                                                                         fluid flow; or environmental geophysics. Information
                                                              the geo-history of sedimentary basins and the origin                           UNIVERSITY OF UTAH                       about the department can be found at http://www.eas
                                                              and location of unconventional and conventional                 The Dept. of Geology & Geophysics at the Univer-
                                                              petroleum resources inherent to sedimentary basins,             sity of Utah invites applications for a tenure-track
                                                              and supervising graduate students and mentoring                 Assistant Professor position in Igneous Processes          Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in geophysics,
                                                              faculty in the use of sophisticated computational and           beginning fall semester 2017. Applicants must have a    geological sciences, or a related field. In addition,
                                                              applied research approaches and techniques to solve             Ph.D., and the successful candidate will be expected    candidates must demonstrate (1) the potential for
                                                              complex geologic problems.                                      to build a productive and internationally visible       outstanding teaching, (2) the potential to develop
                                                                                                                              research program. We will consider candidates           a vigorous research program that involves students
                                                                 We seek candidates who have had extensive expe-              in a broad range of igneous specialties, including      and attracts external funding, and (3) strong oral
                                                              rience in sedimentary basin analysis and modeling               one or more of igneous petrology, volcanology,          and written communication skills. Preference
                                                              and in serving as a team leader on multidisciplinary            igneous geochemistry including radiogenic isotopes/     will be given to candidates who have postdoctoral
                                                              research projects, and who have demonstrated the                geochronology, and magma physics/fluid dynamics         experience (academic or industry), a demonstrated
                                                              ability to develop and maintain an externally funded            (e.g., physical processes of magma formation, diffu-    record of receiving external funding, and teaching
                                                              research program. Applicants must have a record of              sive and advective mass transfer in magmas, erup-       experience.
                                                              success in working collaboratively with researchers             tion and crystallization processes). We particularly
                                                              in academia and the petroleum industry and be                   welcome candidates applying integrated field, labo-        Review of applications will begin October 15th.
                                                              enthusiastic about teaching integrative courses and             ratory and computational approaches to igneous          Applicants should submit a CV, cover letter, state-
                                                              supervising graduate students in basin analysis, basin          systems. The Dept. of Geology and Geophysics            ment of research interests, statement of teaching
                                                              architecture, basin modeling, basin geodynamics,                                                                        philosophy, and the names and contact information
                                                              and related areas.

                                                                 Applicants must have an earned Ph.D. at the
                                                              time of appointment. Successful applicants will be
                                                              expected to teach effectively at the graduate level in
                                                              basin analysis and modeling and related fields and
                                                              in team-taught courses, including classes in the

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