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DEPARTMENT CHAIR                         undergraduate students and 297 graduate students            The final candidate is required to provide copies
    GEOSCIENCES AND GEOLOGICAL AND                      in its Ph.D., M.S., and M.E. programs. The depart-       of official transcript(s) for any college degree(s)
                                                        ment’s faculty and students are actively engaged in      listed in application materials submitted. Copies of
      PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DEPT.                       a wide variety of multi-disciplinary research. Closely   transcript(s) should be provided prior to the start
      (GGPE), MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF                    associated programs on campus include Civil              of employment. In addition, the final candidate
                                                        Engineering, Environmental Engineering and               may be required to verify other credentials listed
          SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                        Mining Engineering. Local area establishments with       in application materials. Failure to provide official
The Dept. of Geosciences and Geological and Petro-      active research collaborations include the U.S. Geolog-  transcript(s) or other required verification may
leum Engineering (GGPE) at Missouri University of       ical Survey (Mid-continent Geospatial Mapping            result in the withdrawal of the job offer.
Science and Technology invites applications for the     Center), Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources, Fort
position of Department Chair. Candidates should         Leonard Wood, the Missouri S&T Rock Mechanics               All job offers are contingent upon successful
have a record of successful multidisciplinary team      and Explosives Research Center, Materials Research       completion of a criminal background check.
leadership with exceptional skills in communica-        Center, Environmental Research Center, and Energy
tion, organization, and promoting collaboration         Research and Development Center. More informa-              The University of Missouri is an equal access,
within and among multiple academic and technical        tion about the department and campus can be found        equal opportunity, affirmative action employer that
programs. Candidates will embrace the values of         at Questions and nominations       is fully committed to achieving a diverse faculty and
transparency, inclusion, and collegiality, and possess  can be emailed to                     staff. Equal Opportunity is and shall be provided
a strong record of building programs and facilitating                                                            for all employees and applicants for employment
the success of personnel. Requirements include:            Interested candidates should electronically           on the basis of their demonstrated ability and
a Ph.D. in Geosciences, Geological Engineering,         submit an application consisting of a cover letter,      competence without unlawful discrimination on the
Petroleum Engineering or a closely related area;        current curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and     basis of their race, color, national origin, ancestry,
experience in academic, industry, or government         leadership philosophies, a research statement, and       religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender iden-
research sectors; and a successful scholarly record     complete contact information for five references         tity, gender expression, age, genetic information,
commensurate with appointment at the rank of            to Missouri University of Science and Technol-           disability, or protected veteran status.
full professor.                                         ogy’s Human Resource Office at
                                                        careers/academic/. Application review will begin
   The department has grown by 37% since 2011           on October 15, 2016, and will continue until the
to reach 22 full-time faculty, including 21 tenured     position is filled. All submitted application materials
or tenure-track professors and 1 full-time teaching     must have the position number 00066297 in order
faculty member. The department offers B.S., M.S.,       to be processed. Hardcopy applications will not
and Ph.D. degrees in each of geology and geophysics,    be accepted.
geological engineering and petroleum engineering.
The department also offers an online M.E. program
in Geotechnics. The department currently has 545

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