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GSA TODAY | SEPTEMBER 2016 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities           TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                       research statement; and contact information for           track faculty position in hydrology/hydrogeology at
                                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS MODELER                        3 referees. Apply via email to           the assistant professor level. Exceptional candidates
                                                                                                                           Please address to Lisa Greer, Chair, Geology Dept.,       at the associate professor level will also be considered.
                                                                                    BOSTON COLLEGE                         Washington and Lee University. Initial review of          This position will carry with it additional resources
                                                                  The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at         applications will begin Sept. 1; we will be avail-        from the Gibson Endowed Fund for research activi-
                                                                  Boston College invites applications for a tenure-        able to meet with potential candidates at the fall        ties over the first five years of the appointment.
                                                                  track Assistant Professor with an expertise in quan-     GSA meeting in Denver. Review will continue until
                                                                  titative/computational modeling of integrated earth      the position is filled. The University is an Equal           Areas of research for this position could include
                                                                  systems: A geodynamic and/or hydrologic modeler          Opportunity Employer.                                     physical, chemical, and/or biological aspects of
                                                                  who explores the physical, chemical, and/or biolog-                                                                hydrology or hydrogeology. Frontier topics of
                                                                  ical interrelationships among diverse environmental                 TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT                         interest in this field include, among others, research
                                                                  and earth systems at the regional to global scale.                    PROFESSOR POSITIONS,                         at non-traditional spatial scales, grand challenges
                                                                  The candidate should have broad research interests                    FACULTY CLUSTER HIRE                         in water resource sustainability and security,
                                                                  compatible with those of the current faculty in our                                                                novel measurement techniques and datasets, and
                                                                  Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences and                    IN EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES                        links between the study of hydrological systems
                                                                  potentially with faculty in the Biology, Chemistry,                UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA                        and subsurface geology, other portions of the
                                                                  Physics, Computer Science and/or Mathematics                               SANTA BARBARA                           earth system, and/or other disciplines, as well as
                                                                  departments. Areas of research expertise could                                                                     other topics. The successful candidate is expected
                                                                  include (but are not limited to): modeling of the        The University of California Santa Barbara                to develop a vigorous research program, attract
                                                                  interactions of ice-sheet dynamics, sea-level rise and   announces a multidisciplinary cluster hire of four        external funding, and contribute to the instruction,
                                                                  climate change; modeling the exchange of water,          outstanding scientists, to further strengthen its         research, and service efforts of the department. A
                                                                  carbon, energy, or pollutants between the terrestrial    world class Earth surface process teaching and            Ph.D. in earth sciences or a related field is required at
                                                                  hydrosphere, cryosphere, ocean, atmosphere, and          research mission. We seek dynamic researchers who         the time of appointment.
                                                                  lithosphere; and modeling crustal deformation and        are at the forefront of advancing theory, measure-
                                                                  mantle flow as it influences surface topography and      ments and understanding in terrestrial Earth Surface         The Dept. of Earth Sciences is a vibrant interdis-
                                                                  climate. The successful candidate will be expected       Processes from disciplines including climatology,         ciplinary department whose research ranges from
                                                                  to develop a vigorous externally funded research         geochemistry, geology, geomorphology, hydrology           geobiology to deep earth dynamics. Alongside our
                                                                  program integrated with excellence in teaching           and soil science. The cluster hire will build on UC       commitment to excellence in scholarship, we seek
                                                                  within the Earth and Environmental Science curric-       Santa Barbara’s foundation strengths in physical          to further the University of Minnesota’s land-grant
                                                                  ulum at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.      geography and Earth and environmental sciences.           mission through developing ties with industry and/
                                                                                                                           Successful hires will contribute to improving our         or governmental agencies that benefit the needs
                                                                     Information on the department, its faculty and        understanding of the characteristics and functioning      of our students, the state of Minnesota, and the
                                                                  research strengths can be viewed at http://www           of the entire planet, and especially its terrestrial      broader community. The Department is in the N.H.
                                                                                              surface through the study of the complex interac-         Winchell School of Earth Sciences (http://www
                                                                                                                           tions among atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, , which also includes the Institute for
                                                                     Applicants should send a curriculum vita, state-      biosphere, cryosphere, including their alteration by,     Rock Magnetism, the Limnological Research Center/
                                                                  ments of teaching and research interests, and the        and impact on, human activity. We will give prefer-       National Lacustrine Core Facility/Continental Scien-
                                                                  names and contact information of at least three refer-   ence to candidates with demonstrated expertise in         tific Drilling Coordination Office, the Minnesota
                                                                  ences to Review of   one or more quantitative techniques including field       Geological Survey, the National Center for Earth-
                                                                  applications will begin on November 1, 2016. Inqui-      measurement, remote sensing, modeling, and theory         surface Dynamics, and the Polar Geospatial Center.
                                                                  ries may be directed to Prof. Noah Snyder, Search        and candidates who, based on research and teaching        Other affiliated research units at the University include
                                                                  Committee Chair (                    proficiency, would fit into one of the following: the     the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory and the Institute
                                                                                                                           Bren School of Environmental Science and Manage-          on the Environment. The appointee will have access
                                                                       TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                       ment, the Dept. of Earth Science, and the Dept. of        to large-scale computing facilities (Minnesota Super-
                                                                             DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY                         Geography. Applications will be reviewed starting         computer Institute, Digital Technology Center)
                                                                                                                           October 31, 2016 with expected appointments on            and the interdisciplinary Water Resources graduate
                                                                       WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY                       July 1, 2017. Please see the following website for a      program.
                                                                  The Geology Dept. at Washington and Lee Univer-          more complete description of the positions http://        Materials Required
                                                                  sity, Lexington, Virginia, seeks applications for a To be considered for          • A one-page letter of intent.
                                                                  tenure-track assistant professor in environmental        one of the four available positions, apply electroni-     • A CV with a list of publications.
                                                                  geochemistry starting in fall 2017. PhD required         cally at: Applications      • A statement of research and teaching interests.
                                                                  at the time of appointment. Courses taught by            completed by October 31st, 2016 will receive fullest      • Names and contact information of three referees
                                                                  the successful candidate will include hydrology,         consideration, but each department will continue
                                                                  geochemistry, and environmental field methods at         reviewing applicant files until that position is filled.     who can address the candidate’s research and
                                                                  the major level, and physical geology at the intro-                                                                   teaching potential.
                                                                  ductory level. We seek a dynamic, creative teacher/         The school is especially interested in candidates         Applications must be completed online at http://
                                                                  scholar, dedicated to diverse teaching approaches,       who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of —Search for Job
                                                                  enthusiastic about teaching intensive field-based        the academic community through research, teaching         Opening ID: 311335.
                                                                  geology courses, and able to develop a strong            and service. The University of California is an Equal        The review of applications will begin October 14,
                                                                  research program including collaboration with            Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all           2016. Applications will continue to be accepted until
                                                                  undergraduates. W&L and the Geology Dept. value          qualified applicants will receive consideration for       the position is filled. Questions may be directed to
                                                                  excellence in scholarship, meaningful engagement in      employment without regard to race, color, religion,       Prof. Jake Bailey (
                                                                  professional activities, sustainability, and the devel-  sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national           The University of Minnesota provides equal
                                                                  opment of a campus climate that supports equality        origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or   access to and opportunity in its programs, facili-
                                                                  and diversity among its faculty, staff, and students.    any other characteristic protected by law.                ties, and employment without regard to race, color,
                                                                  W&L is a nationally ranked, highly selective liberal                                                               creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital
                                                                  arts college. The Department ( has               HYDROLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY                            status, disability, public assistance status, veteran
                                                                  excellent facilities and resources, makes great use            DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES                        status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender
                                                                  of the Appalachians in field courses and labs, and                                                                 expression. The University supports the work-life
                                                                  belongs to the Keck Geology Consortium. Appli-                     UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA                         balance of its faculty.
                                                                  cations should include curriculum vitae; teaching        The Dept. of Earth Sciences in the College of Science
                                                                  statement including teaching interests/experience;       and Engineering at the University of Minnesota
                                                                                                                           —Twin Cities is soliciting applications for a tenure-
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