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2018 GSA Awards & Medals                                                                                              ®

Geologic Mapping Award in Honor of                                      Randolph W. “Bill” and Cecile T.
Florence Bascom                                                         Bromery Award for Minorities

  The Geologic Mapping Award was established by GSA Council               The Bromery Award should be given to any minority, prefer-
in 2013, to acknowledge contributions in published, high-quality        ably African American, who qualifies under at least one of these
geologic mapping that led the recipient to publish significant new      two categories:
scientific discoveries; to bring about greater understanding of         1. Nominee has made significant contributions to research in the
fundamental geologic processes and concepts; and to contribute to
the application of new knowledge to societal needs and opportuni-         geological sciences, as exemplified by one or more of the
ties in such areas as mineral resources, water resources, and the         following:
                                                                             • Publications that have had a measurable impact on the
  The recipient will have authored high-quality geologic maps,                  geosciences;
cross sections, and summary reports that have received scientific
acclaim and are available to both peers and the public, through              • Outstanding original contributions or achievements that
federal or state agencies or major scientific societies. In evaluating          mark a major advance in the geosciences; and/or
the merits of nominees for this award, scientific achievements
should be considered rather than contributions in teaching, admin-           • Outstanding lifetime career that demonstrates leadership
istration, or service. Nominees do not need to be members of                    in geoscience research.
GSA, and they may be from any nation.
                                                                        2. Nominee has been instrumental in opening the geoscience field
  Selection criteria: (A) excellence of the nominee’s published           to other minorities, as exemplified by one or more of the
geologic maps; (B) clear record of a greater understanding of             following:
fundamental geologic processes and/or concepts, and high-quality             • Demonstrable contributions in teaching or mentoring that
publication of same, emerging directly from the meritorious                     have enhanced the professional growth of minority
quality of the geologic mapping; and (C) peer acclaim of the prac-              geoscientists;
tical usefulness of the geologic mapping and the new discoveries             • Outstanding lifetime career service in a role that has
that emerged from the mapping.                                                  highlighted the contributions of minorities in advancing
                                                                                the geosciences; and/or
                    How to Nominate                                          • Authorship of educational materials of high scientific
                                                                                quality that have enjoyed widespread use and acclaim
1. Nomination form: Please go to                   among educators or the general public.
  forms/Awardform.asp to submit the form online.
                                                                                            How to Nominate
2. Supporting documents, to be submitted as e-mail attachments
  or via post:                                                          1. Nomination form: Please go to
     • Curriculum vitae;                                                  forms/Awardform.asp to submit the form online.
     • Letter of nomination (300 words or fewer) addressing the
        evaluation criteria;                                            2. Supporting documents, to be submitted as e-mail attachments
     • Selected bibliography of geologic maps (20 titles or fewer);       or via post:
     • Selected bibliography of peer-reviewed publications (20               • Curriculum vitae;
        titles or fewer);                                                    • Letter of nomination (300 words or fewer);
     • PDFs or website links to several key geologic maps                    • Letters of support from three scientists with at least two
        authored by the nominee; and                                            from GSA Fellows or members and one from a member of
     • Letters of support from three scientists with at least two               another professional geoscience organization; and
        from GSA Fellows or members and one from a member of                 • Optional selected bibliography of no more than 10 titles.
        another professional geoscience organization. Diverse
        supporters (i.e., including individuals who are not
        currently/recently associated with the nominee’s institu-
        tion) are strongly encouraged.

                       The deadline for receipt of all GSA medal, award, and recognition nominations is 1 Feb. 2018.

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