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Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers                                   CALL FOR PAPERS

  NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION                                                              Abstract deadline: 16 Jan. 2018
                                                                                       Submit online at Abstract submis-
      52nd Annual Meeting of North-Central
      Section, GSA                                                                   sion fee: US$18 for students; US$30 for all others. If you cannot
      Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, USA                                       submit an abstract online, please contact Heather Clark, +1-303-
      16–17 April 2018                                                               357-1018,
                                                                                       In addition to Theme Sessions, we are soliciting abstracts for
View of the Campanile on the Iowa State University campus. Photograph by Bri Gerke.  general discipline sessions. Please direct questions on these ses-
                                                                                     sions to the technical program co-chairs: Neal Iverson, niverson@
     Geoscience Returns to the Heartland                                   , and Kristie Franz,

        LOCATION                                                                     Theme Sessions
          The 52nd Annual Meeting of GSA’s North-Central Section
                                                                                     T1. 	Ancient Life on Earth and Elsewhere: Evidence from
        returns to the location of its 30th Annual Meeting at the Iowa                    Modern and Fossil Systems. Cosponsored by
        State University Conference Center in the Scheman Building,                       Paleontological Society; GSA Planetary Geology Division;
        located on the campus of Iowa State University, in Ames, Iowa,                    GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division. Andy Czaja,
        USA. As a premier university-based convention and meeting loca-                   Univ. of Cincinnati,; Jeff Havig, Univ.
        tion, Ames is centrally located in America’s Heartland. Known                     of Minnesota,; Trinity Hamilton, Univ.
        for one of the most beautiful campuses in the nation, Iowa State                  of Minnesota,; Andrew Gangidine,
        University is easy to navigate, and the Conference Center offers                  Univ. of Cincinnati,
        easy access to community and campus amenities. Whether look-
        ing for unique dining options or distinctive shopping experiences,           T2. 	Fossil Insights into Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental
        you’ll enjoy the Midwestern hospitality in Ames. If you’re driv-                  Change. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology
        ing, Ames is easily accessible from both I-35 and I-80. If you’re                 Division. Aaron R. Wood, Iowa State Univ., awood@iastate.
        flying, the Des Moines International Airport is served by all                     edu; Natalie Thompson, Iowa State Univ.,
        major airlines and is 45 minutes from Ames by car.
                                                                                     T3. 	Climate Reconstructions from Speleothems. Cosponsored
                                                                                          by GSA Karst Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and
                                                                                          Geomorphology Division. Rhawn Denniston, Cornell
                                                                                          College,; Jeffrey Dorale,
                                                                                          Univ. of Iowa,

                                                                                     T4. 	Landlocked but Not Left Out: Contributions to
                                                                                          Oceanography by Mid-Continent Scientists. Cosponsored
                                                                                          by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Geobiology
                                                                                          and Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology
                                                                                          and Geomorphology Division; GSA Environmental and
                                                                                          Engineering Geology Division. Beth E. Caissie, Iowa State
                                                                                          Univ.,; Sally Zellers, Univ. of Central
                                                                                          Missouri,; Anna Nesterovich, Iowa State
                                                                                          Univ.,; Nina Whitney, Iowa State

                                                                                     T5. 	Potential Impact of Climate Change on Water Quality
                                                                                          and Quantity. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division;
                                                                                          GSA Geology and Society Division. Zelalem Bedaso, Univ.
                                                                                          of Dayton,; Shuang-Ye Wu, Univ. of
                                                                                          Dayton,; Mike Ekberg, Miami
                                                                                          Conservancy District,

                                                                                     T6. 	Assessing Groundwater in the Midwestern U.S.—How
                                                                                          Much, How Good, and for How Long? Cosponsored by
                                                                                          GSA Hydrogeology Division. Bob Libra, blibra999@gmail.
                                                                                          com; Michael Anderson, Iowa Department of Natural

                                                                                     T7. 	Agricultural Impacts on Hydrology and Water Quality in
                                                                                          the Midwest. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division;
                                                                                          GSA Geology and Society Division. William Simpkins, Iowa
                                                                                          State Univ.,; Michael Burkart, USDA-
                                                                                          ARS (retired),; Nathan Young, Iowa
                                                                                          State Univ.,

                                                                                     T8. 	Hydrology and Water Quality in Urban and Suburban
                                                                                          Watersheds. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division;                                                                                                                              25
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