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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Positions Open                                         women, persons with disabilities, protected veter-     ates. We are particularly interested in candidates
                                                       ans, and underrepresented minorities.                  who take an interdisciplinary approach to climate
FACULTY POSITION IN GEOCHEMISTRY                                                                              science, and who will be likely to develop research
                YALE UNIVERSITY                                 TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT                        and teaching collaborations across departmental
                                                                            PROFESSOR                         boundaries.
The Dept. of Geology & Geophysics at Yale Uni-
versity invites applications for an open-rank fac-             IN SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY                            The successful candidate will teach three
ulty appointment in the broad area of geochemistry               TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY                        courses per year (lectures plus labs). Teaching
at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or                                                           responsibilities are likely to include an introduc-
Professor level. Relevant fields include (but are not  The Dept. of Geosciences at Texas Tech University      tory course in weather and climate, as well as
limited to) geochemical cycling, biogeochemistry,      invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant      higher-level courses based on the candidate’s
geomicrobiology, cosmology, planetary evolution,       Professor position in the broader field of sedimen-    interests. Examples of such courses include, but
petrology, and Earth surface processes.                tary geology to begin in fall 2018. Applicants who     are not limited to: climate system analysis and pre-
                                                       demonstrate skills in carbonate sedimentology,         diction; physical climatology; climate and society;
   We seek candidates with outstanding prospects       paleoclimatology, basin analysis, or micropaleon-      hydroclimatology; applied climatology; climate
for research, scholarly leadership, and teach-         tology will be preferred. The ideal candidate will     engineering; climate dynamics; economics of cli-
ing excellence who will complement the existing        employ a combination of field, laboratory and/or       mate change; statistical analysis of climatologic
strengths of the department. A successful applicant    computational techniques and be willing to par-        data; GIS/remote sensing; environmental man-
will develop and implement independent, exter-         ticipate in the development of petroleum-relevant      agement; climate and policy; cryosphere-climate
nally-funded research programs, teach and advise       research and teaching programs in the university.      interaction; or energy and the environment. Fac-
students, and facilitate interdisciplinary research.   The department has a broad array of in-house           ulty have broad latitude in developing their own
                                                       analytical equipment; interested applicants should     courses and we welcome ideas from candidates
   Applicants should submit a letter of applica-       visit the department website www.geosciences.ttu       for ways in which they might develop courses that
tion, a curriculum vitae including a full list of      .edu/geo.php.                                          would cross traditional disciplinary lines and build
publications, a statement of research, a statement                                                            dynamic intellectual bridges between Geosciences
of teaching interests, and four confidential let-         The successful candidate is expected to estab-      and other departments.
ters of reference. Applications should be submit-      lish an innovative, externally funded academic
ted online at       research program, teach and advise graduate and           The Geosciences department web.williams
Applications that arrive before Nov. 1, 2017, will     undergraduate students, and provide service to the     .edu/Geoscience/ is committed to providing excel-
receive full consideration. For information regard-    department, college, university and the commu-         lent training for future geoscientists, as well as
ing Yale Geology and Geophysics, visit our web         nity. A PhD in Geology or a closely related field is   teaching earth science as part of a balanced lib-
site at Yale University is an   required at the time of appointment.                   eral arts education. Our department works closely
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.                                                                with the Center for Environmental Studies ces
Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and      Applicants must first visit the TTU employ-, and the successful candidate will
faculty and strongly welcomes applications from        ment website at Once        be expected to mount courses that would be cross-
women, persons with disabilities, protected veter-     there, go to “Search Jobs,” search for requisition     listed with that program. The College is especially
ans, and underrepresented minorities.                  number 11599BR, and provide the required infor-        interested in candidates who can contribute to the
                                                       mation. Afterwards, applicants must submit a let-      growing diversity of the academic community
             FACULTY POSITION IN                       ter of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of   through their teaching, scholarship and service.
               CLIMATE SCIENCES                        teaching and research interests, names and contact     Enthusiasm for teaching, mentoring and advising
                YALE UNIVERSITY                        information (including e-mail address) of at least     a diverse population of students is essential.
                                                       three professional references. These documents
The Dept. of Geology & Geophysics at Yale Uni-         must be uploaded to the employment website.               Applicants should have a Ph.D. or disserta-
versity invites applications for a tenure-track        Inquiries regarding the position should be sent to     tion completed by the time of appointment, dem-
Assistant Professor appointment in the broad area Review of applications will      onstrated teaching experience, and a vigorous
of climate sciences. Relevant fields include (but      begin Nov. 27, 2017, and will continue until the       research program suitable for undergraduate
are not limited to) the physics and chemistry of the   position is filled.                                    student involvement. Deadline for applications is
atmosphere and ocean, climate change, paleocli-                                                               30 Nov. 2017. We welcome applications from mem-
mate, and the dynamics of planetary and exoplan-          As an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affir-           bers of groups traditionally underrepresented in
etary atmospheres.                                     mative Action employer, Texas Tech University          the field, and applicants are asked to state in their
                                                       is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally      cover letter how they will enhance the diversity of
   We seek candidates with outstanding prospects       diverse faculty committed to teaching and work-        offerings and educational experiences if hired. All
for research, scholarly leadership, and teach-         ing in a multicultural environment. We actively        offers of employment are contingent upon comple-
ing excellence who will complement the existing        encourage applications from all those who can          tion of a background check. Further information is
strengths of the department. A successful appli-       contribute, through their research, teaching, and/     available here:
cant will develop and implement independent,           or service, to the diversity and excellence of the     tive-faculty/background-check-policy/.
externally-funded research programs, teach and         academic community at Texas Tech University.
advise students, and facilitate interdisciplinary      The university welcomes applications from minor-          Candidates should apply via Interfolio (http://
research.                                              ities, women, protected veterans, persons with dis- The letter of appli-
                                                       abilities, and dual-career couples.                    cation should include a cover letter, statements of
   Applicants should submit a letter of applica-                                                              teaching and research philosophy, curriculum vita,
tion, a curriculum vitae including a full list of              TENURE-TRACK, ASSISTANT                        and contact information for three references.
publications, a statement of research, a statement                          PROFESSOR
of teaching interests, and four confidential let-                                                                Williams College is a liberal arts institution
ters of reference. Applications should be submit-                    WILLIAMS COLLEGE                         located in the Berkshire Hills of western Mas-
ted online at       The Geosciences Dept. at Williams College invites      sachusetts. The college has built its reputation
Applications that arrive before Nov. 1, 2017, will     applications for a tenure-track appointment in the     on outstanding teaching and scholarship and on
receive full consideration. For information regard-    broad field of climate science, at the rank of Assis-  the academic excellence of its approximately
ing Yale Geology and Geophysics, visit our web         tant Professor, beginning 1 July 2018. We seek         2,000 students. Please visit the Williams College
site at Yale University is an   a colleague committed to excellence in under-          website ( Beyond meeting
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.         graduate teaching, who will provide a balance of       fully its legal obligations for non-discrimination,
Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and   classroom, field, and laboratory experiences for       Williams College is committed to building a
faculty and strongly welcomes applications from        our students, and develop a vibrant and produc-
                                                       tive research program that engages undergradu-

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