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diverse and inclusive community where members range of focused graduate and research programs. official transcripts, reprints of three peer-reviewed
from all backgrounds can live, learn, and thrive. CMU is a studentfocused university with opportu- publications, separate statements of your research
nities for leadership, internships, and off-campus plan and teaching philosophy, and the names
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF volunteer programs. CMU is an AA/EO institution, and contact information of three references. The
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY providing equal opportunity to all persons, includ- application package should be submitted elec-
ing minorities, females, veterans, and individuals tronically to: Dr. Daniel Peppe, Search Commit-
CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY with disabilities (see tee Chair, Dept. of Geosciences, One Bear Place
Central Michigan University, Dept. of Earth and #97354, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7354
Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for a ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF USA (Telephone: +1-254-710-2629; email: daniel
full time position in the broad field of structural PALEOBIOLOGY _
geology at the Assistant Professor level beginning
in Fall 2018. We seek a colleague whose research DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES Salary is commensurate with experience and
interests are focused on surficial or crustal level BAYLOR UNIVERSITY qualifications. We will be available to meet with
investigations with applications to regional or candidates at the GSA meeting in Seattle. Please
basin-scale tectonics; petroleum exploration; Baylor University is a private Christian univer- contact Daniel Peppe by email to set up a meet-
water resource development; reservoir/aquifer sity and a nationally-ranked research institution, ing. Applications will be reviewed beginning
modeling and geomechanics; or subsurface frac- consistently listed with highest honors among The 11/01/2017 and will be accepted until the position
turing and fluid flow. The ability to incorporate Chronicle of Higher Education’s “Great Colleges is filled. To ensure full consideration, complete
geophysical data and geographic information to Work For.” The university is recruiting new applications must be submitted by 11/17/2017.
systems into their research is advantageous. S/he faculty with a deep commitment to excellence in
should be also be adept at employing and teach- teaching, research and scholarship. Baylor seeks To learn more, please visit these links: www.baylor
ing surficial field methods that our B.S. geology faculty who share in our aspiration to become a .edu/geology/,,
majors need to successfully complete their cap- tier one research institution while strengthening and
stone field camp course. The selected candidate our distinctive Christian mission as described in
will support the department’s programs through our strategic vision, Pro Futuris ( Baylor University is a private not-for-profit
engaging, student-centered teaching, develop an profuturis/). As the world’s largest Baptist Univer- university affiliated with the Baptist General Con-
externally-funded research program that involves sity, Baylor offers over 40 doctoral programs and vention of Texas. As an Affirmative Action/Equal
students, and actively contribute to service initia- has almost 17,000 students from all 50 states and Opportunity employer, Baylor is committed to
tives that advance the department, college, and more than 80 countries. compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination
university. laws, including those regarding age, race, color,
Baylor seeks to fill the following tenure track sex, national origin, marital status, pregnancy
The Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, faculty position within the College of Arts and status, military service, genetic information,
housed in the College of Science and Engineer- Sciences: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Paleo- and disability. As a religious educational institu-
ing, offers B.S. degrees in Geology, Meteorology, biology. tion, Baylor is lawfully permitted to consider an
and Environmental Science, and participates in applicant’s religion as a selection criterion. Baylor
an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Earth and The Baylor University Dept. of Geosciences encourages women, minorities, veterans and indi-
Ecosystems Science. Further information about ( seeks a dynamic viduals with disabilities to apply.
the department is available at scholar to fill this position beginning August, 2018.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Paleob iology, EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in structural Paleontology, Geology, Ecology and Evolution- GEOSCIENCE INFORMATICS,
geology or a related field. In addition, candidates ary Biology, or a closely related discipline. We
must demonstrate (1) potential for outstanding seek an individual with a research focus in aspects DARTMOUTH COLLEGE
teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, of biological paleontology such as invertebrate The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth
(2) potential to develop a vigorous research pro- paleontology, vertebrate paleontology, ichnology, College invites applications for an assistant or
gram that involves students and attracts external palynology, micropaleontology, paleoecology, associate rank tenure-track position in the area
funding, (3) strong verbal and written commu- paleogeography, molecular paleontology, tapho- of earth and environmental geoscience informat-
nication skills, and (4) the ability to perform the nomy, phylogeny, systematics, macroevolution, ics with specific application to one or more of
essential functions of the job with or without functional morphology, and other biological and our core research areas: ice and climate systems,
reasonable accommodations. Preference will be paleobiological processes and patterns. Regardless watershed and soil processes, or environmental
given to candidates who have postdoctoral expe- of research focus area, enthusiasm for interdisci- (bio)geochemistry. We are especially interested in
rience (academic or industry), a demonstrated plinary research and cultivation of new collabora- candidates who combine a focus on understanding
record of receiving external funding, college-level tions is essential to this position. The successful fundamental physical and/or geochemical pro-
instructional experience, and potential to collabo- candidate will contribute to the undergraduate cesses in modern or ancient systems using inno-
rate with existing faculty. curriculum by teaching courses in historical geol- vative analyses of big and/or broad datasets and
ogy and invertebrate paleontology and to the grad- to candidates who provide synergy with ongoing
Review of applications will begin October 30th, uate programs (MS and PhD) in Geosciences by research activities within the department and else-
and continue until the position is filled. Applicants teaching graduate courses and seminars in his/her where at Dartmouth.
should submit a CV, cover letter, statement of areas of specialization, establish and participate in
research interests, statement of teaching philoso- externally-funded research, and successfully men- The Dept. of Earth Sciences is home to
phy, transcripts, and the names and contact infor- tor M.S. and Ph.D. candidates to graduation. The 11 tenured and tenure-track faculty members in
mation for three references through an online pro- department currently consists of 18 tenured and the School of Arts and Sciences, and enjoys strong
cess at CMU faculty will tenure-track geoscientists, and has considerable Ph.D. and M.S. programs as well as outstanding
attend the 2017 Seattle GSA Annual Meeting analytical and computing facilities with equipment undergraduate majors. To create an atmosphere
and can arrange to meet potential applicants including Stable Isotope, Gas Chromatograph, supportive of research, Dartmouth College offers
and answer questions about the EAS depart- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, FTIR, and Raman new faculty members grants for research-related
ment and this position. Requests for further Spectrometers. Additionally, shared Mass Spec- expenses, a quarter of sabbatical leave for each
information may be sent to Dr. Lawrence Lemke trometry, Molecular Biosciences, and Microscopy three academic years in residence, and flexible
at and Imaging Centers are available. Research space scheduling of teaching responsibilities. We have
is available in the 500,000 ft2 “state-of-the-art” strong traditions in graduate and undergraduate
The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Baylor Sciences Building. teaching, and the successful candidate will help
Higher Education identifies CMU as a doctoral develop curricular and research opportunities
university with higher research activity (R2) rec- The application package for this position should in the analysis of big and/or broad data. Teach-
ognized for strong undergraduate education and a include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, ing responsibilities consist of three courses per 31