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year at both introductory and graduate-levels.           the department and the environmental industry           interruptions may have had on their record of
To learn more about Dartmouth College and the            in Alaska.                                              research achievements.
Dept. of Earth Sciences, visit www.dartmouth
.edu/~earthsci.                                             The position requires a Ph.D. in geological             Applicants are requested to submit a curriculum
                                                         sciences or a related field at the time of initial      vitae, a statement of research and teaching inter-
   Dartmouth College has undergraduate and               appointment, university teaching experience, and        ests, and the names, addresses, phone numbers,
graduate student populations that are diverse by         demonstration of research experience and future         and email addresses of three referees. Electronic
many measures. We seek applicants with a record          potential. Industry or post-doctoral experience         applications are preferred. Review of applications
of successful teaching and mentoring of students         will be considered favorably. Please submit a cover     will begin Nov. 1, 2017.
from all backgrounds (including first-generation         letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching
college students, low-income students, racial            and research interests that includes how you will          CRC Tier 2 Chairs:
and ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ, etc.).              involve students in research opportunities, con-        •	Tier 2 chairs are intended for exceptional
Dartmouth provides opportunities to participate          tact information for at least three references, and
in undergraduate diversity initiatives in STEM           unofficial academic transcripts to Posting 506562          emerging scholars (i.e., candidates must have
research, such as our Women in Science Program,          at We will be available to             been an active researcher in their field for fewer
E.E. Just STEM Scholars Program, and Academic            meet with potential candidates at our gradu-               than 10 years at the time of nomination).
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience                 ate school booth at the GSA meeting in Seattle.         •	 Applicants who are more than 10 years from
(ASURE).                                                 Review of applications will begin October 16, 2017         having earned their highest degree (and where
                                                         and will continue until the position has been filled.      career breaks exist, such as maternity, parental
   To submit an application, upload a cover let-                                                                    or extended sick leave, clinical training, etc.)
ter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and           UA is an AA/EO employer and educational                 may have their eligibility for a Tier 2 chair
research interests and objectives, reprints or pre-      institution and prohibits illegal discrimina-              assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justifica-
prints of up to three of your most significant pub-      tion against any individual:               tion process. Please contact the research grants
lications, and the name, address (including street       titleIXcompliance/nondiscrimination. For more              office for more information.
address), e-mail address and fax/phone numbers           information, please contact search commit-              •	 Please consult the Canada Research Chairs
of at least three references to http://apply.interfolio  tee chair, Dr. Simon Kattenhorn: skattenhorn@              website for full program information, including
.com/43899.                                                                                    further details on eligibility criteria.
   Application review will begin Nov. 1, 2017, and                ASSISTANT PROFESSORSHIP                        nomination-mise_en_candidature-eng.aspx#s5.
continue until the position is filled.                                IN NATURAL HAZARDS                            Please note that under the authority of the Uni-
                                                                                                                 versity Act personal information that is required
   The appointment will be effective July 1, 2018.               SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY                         by the University for academic appointment com-
   Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/            The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Simon Fraser Uni-        petitions will be collected. For further details
affirmative action employer with a strong commit-        versity invites applications for a tenure track Assis-  see:
ment to diversity. In that spirit, we are particularly   tant Professorship in Natural Hazards commenc-          Collection_Notice.html.
interested in receiving applications from a broad        ing as early as September 2018. A PhD is required,         Applications or requests for further information
spectrum of people, including women, minorities,         and post-doctoral research, teaching or industry        should be directed to: Dr. Brent Ward, Chair, Dept.
and individuals with disabilities, veterans, or any      experience is desirable. Qualified candidates will      of Earth Sciences , Simon Fraser University , 8888
other legally protected group.                           be considered for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair        University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 , Phone:
                                                         (see below). The research activities of the success-    778-782-4229, E-mail:
  TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION                          ful candidate will complement the existing natural
               IN HYDROGEOLOGY                           hazards research interests within the department,                TENURE TRACK, ASSISTANT
                                                         while contributing to the expertise of the depart-                PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY,
 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGE                          ment as a whole. Candidates with expertise in                            BELOIT COLLEGE
The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the University of    remote sensing, risk assessment and mitigation,
Alaska Anchorage ( geology/)          field-based observation and/or laboratory-based            The Beloit College Dept. of Geology invites
seeks to hire a tenure-track faculty member at the       studies examining natural hazards, in particular,       applicants for a tenure-track position in the area of
Assistant Professor rank, broadly in the field of        geological hazards, are encouraged to apply.            Earth History and Climate (Paleoclimatology) to
hydrogeology, to begin August 2018. Exceptional,                                                                 begin August 2018. The successful applicant will
experienced candidates may be considered for                The successful candidate will develop a strong,      teach courses in climate and historical geology
appointment at a higher rank. We aim to expand           externally funded research program, and super-          for geology majors and non-majors. Additional
and complement existing areas of research exper-         vise both Master’s and doctoral students. Teach-        courses taught will reflect the applicant’s area of
tise in the department which include geochemis-          ing responsibilities will include undergraduate         specialty, and might include paleontology, sedi-
try, structural geology, petrology, geochronol-          and graduate level courses, to support the envi-        mentology, geochemistry, and geoarchaeology. We
ogy, stratigraphy, petroleum geology, geophysics,        ronmental geoscience curriculum, for example, by        seek candidates that can contribute to the depart-
and planetary geology. We encourage applica-             teaching courses in Quaternary geology or envi-         ments’ commitment to increasing access and
tions from individuals with: 1) a commitment to          ronmental geoscience. The successful candidate is       opportunities for populations under-represented
teaching and research at the undergraduate and           expected to eventually take on a leadership role in     in the geosciences. The successful candidate will
graduate level in a diverse campus community;            the Centre for Natural Hazards Research.                develop a research program that engages under-
2) a strong background in geological sciences; and                                                               graduates, contribute to all-college programs such
3) expertise in one or more of the following areas:         For additional information about this position,      as first-year seminars, interdisciplinary studies,
physical hydrogeology, groundwater and shallow           see                          and international education, and serve in leader-
subsurface flow in the vadose zone, fluid flow                                                                   ship roles in campus governance. An ability to
through fractured rocks, geothermal energy, fluid           All qualified candidates are encouraged to           contribute to an interdisciplinary Environmental
flow in cold climate environments and permafrost,        apply; however, Canadian Citizens and Perma-            Studies program is considered an asset.
contaminant transport, and environmental hydro-          nent Residents will be given priority. Simon Fraser
geology. The successful candidate is expected to:        University is committed to employment equity and           Because equity and inclusion are central to our
1) develop a successful, externally funded research      encourages applications from all qualified women        students’ liberal education and vital to the thriving
program that actively involves undergraduate and         and men, including visible minorities, Aboriginal       of all members of our residential learning com-
graduate students; 2) teach introductory geology         peoples, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ           munity, Beloit College aspires to be an actively
courses as well as upper division and graduate           persons. The University acknowledges the poten-         anti-racist institution. We recognize our aspiration
courses in hydrogeology and related fields; and          tial impact of career interruptions on a candidate’s    as ongoing and institution-wide, involving col-
3) help build and sustain partnerships between           record of research productivity, and encourages         lective commitment and accountability. We wel-
                                                         qualified candidates to explain any impact career

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