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flexibility and problem-solving (National     of stasis as well. Even in an inclusive class-         Chalufour, I., 2010, Learning to Teach Science:
Science Teachers Association, n.d.). How­     room, special-needs students may have                     Strategies that support teacher practice: http://
ever, three choices should be the maximum     difficulty relating to their peers and vice     
provided to decrease the chance of being      versa. However, learning about the differ-                (last accessed 29 June 2017).
overwhelmed (Education Insider, 2015).        ences between brachiopods and bivalves,
                                              for example, could demonstrate that differ-            Education Insider, 2015, Helping students with
  Cooperative learning should be used to      ences do not preclude similarities. The                   autism succeed in STEM—Our next-generation
build social skills (Virginia Dept. of        class could be grouped and assigned ques-                 problem solvers, 10 Apr. 2015: http://blog.iat.
Education, 2011, p. 19, 115). Because indi-   tions to discover common interests.                       com/2015/04/10/helping-students-with-autism-
vidual strengths are integral to the group,                                                             succeed-stem-our-next-generation-problem-
cooperative learning enables students with      One field trip technique that helps stu-                solvers/ (last accessed 22 June 2017).
autism to utilize advanced skill sets.        dents with autism overcome defensive
Emphasizing individual strengths within       behaviors, such as repetitive self-stimula-            Flammer, L., 2011, Fossil patterns in time: Science
the group may help students carve a           tion, is a fossil-collecting trip. In the                 Scope, v. 34, no. 6, p. 40–45.
niche in the classroom hierarchy, and         Hudson Valley, New York, USA, there are
improve self-esteem and peer acceptance       several shale outcrops from which it is                Grandin, T., 2011, The Way I See It: A Personal
(Chalufour, 2010).                            easy to collect specimens of brachiopods,                 Look at Autism & Asperger’s (2nd edition):
                                              solitary corals, and bivalves. Students are               Future Horizons, 339 p. (accessed as a Google
APPLICATIONS                                  given a handout and plastic bags and told                 ebook 29 June 2017).
                                              to scour the outcrop to locate the fossils
  Teachers could teach a scientific concept   and place them in the bags. They work in               Mind, 2013, Feel better outside, feel better inside:
alongside an application into the hidden      pairs and become very enthusiastic and          
curriculum—that is, concepts not normally     more curious and energetic as their collec-               better-outside-feel-better-inside-report.pdf (last
intended to be taught in lessons. Examples    tion grows. Ritual with the same pattern                  accessed 29 June 2017).
include social skills such as deceit, life    reduces fear of change; it is a task with
skills, and flexibility to changes. To orga-  order and routine. Finding the fossils and             Monteith, B., 2012, Top ten fraudulent/fake fossil
nize these concepts, students can use a       identifying the specimens could act as a                  cases in history:
double-entry journal to log the scientific    distraction that makes some of them tem-                  top-ten-top-10-fraudulentfake-fossil-cases-in-
area of study alongside its application.      porarily forget their defensive behaviors. It             history/ (last accessed 29 June 2017).
                                              should be noted that in addition to collect-
  Typically, children develop their under-    ing opportunities such as that mentioned in            Myles, B.S., and Simpson, R.L., 2001,
standing and application of concepts, such    the Hudson Valley, numerous opportunities                 Understanding the hidden curriculum: An essential
as determining sarcasm, innately, but         exist elsewhere and should be sought out.                 social skill for children and youth with Asperger
many students with autism require specific                                                              syndrome: Intervention in School and Clinic,
instruction in this regard (National Science  CONCLUSIONS                                               v. 36, no. 5, p. 279–286, doi:10.1177/
Teachers Association, n.d.). To help stu-                                                               105345120103600504.
dents understand deceit, they could             The Common Core curriculum empha-
research causes of falsified fossil records.  sizes reading, writing, and math more than             National Science Teachers Association, n.d.,
Fossils have been falsified for attention,    science and history. However, this does not               Science for students with disabilities: http://
money, fame, religion, medicinal quackery,    diminish the importance of science to            (last
and to embarrass others (Monteith, 2012).     every student, and especially to students                 accessed 29 June 2017).
Discussing the concepts of sarcasm, lies,     with autism. Although most of these meth-
and deception with examples may help          odologies benefit students at the higher               Sarris, M., 2016, “Recovery” by the numbers: How
students apply them to their own lives.       end of the ASD spectrum, geoscience can                   often do children lose an autism diagnosis?,
                                              be utilized to encourage long-term growth                 27 Jan. 2016:
  The fossil record can be used to explore    socially and emotionally. Teachers can                    recovery-numbers-how-often-do-children-lose-
the concept of change. The fossil record      build on effective teaching methodologies                 autism-diagnosis (last accessed 29 June 2017).
contains patterns of extreme and sudden       to strengthen socio-emotional skills,
change followed by long periods of stasis     develop self-confidence, and mitigate anx-             Science Made Simple Inc., 2006, Science definition:
(punctuated equilibrium). Learning and        iety in students with autism.                             What is science?: http://www.sciencemadesimple
exploring the concept of change, being                                                                  .com/science-definition.html (last accessed
able to name types of change, and seeing      REFERENCES CITED                                          29 June 2017).
that there are times of stability can help
prepare students with autism for life         Autism Speaks, 2016, Facts about autism: https://      Teacher Vision, n.d., Symmetry in nature: https://
changes such as moving to middle or high
school, or into adulthood. The teacher can       autism (last accessed 29 June 2017).                   html (last accessed 29 June 2017).
point out that these periods of change are
followed by periods of calm and equilib-      Autism Speaks, n.d., DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria:        Virginia Department of Education, 2011, Models of
rium. Moreover, this lesson can be used as              best practice in the education of students with
a springboard for calming strategies dur-        diagnosis/dsm-5-diagnostic-criteria (last accessed     autism spectrum disorders, May 2011: http://
ing periods of change. Students will then        22 June 2017).                               
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                                                 field-trips/ (last accessed 29 June 2017).          Winter-Messiers, M.A., and Herr, C.M., Dinosaurs
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                                                                                                     Wisconsin Medical Society, 2016, FAQs: Savant
                                                                                                        syndrome: https://www.wisconsinmedicalsociety
                                                                                                        .org/professional/savant-syndrome/faqs/ (last
                                                                                                        accessed 22 June 2017).

                                                                                                     Manuscript received 16 Nov. 2016

                                                                                                     Revised manuscript received 10 May 2017

                                                                                                     Manuscript accepted 21 June 2017

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