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GSA Section Meetings

                                           South-Central Section
                                           12–13 March
                                           Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
                                           Meeting Chair: Michael DeAngelis,
                                           Photo by Oliver Beland.

                                           Northeastern Section
                                           18–20 March
                                           Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
                                           Meeting Chairs: Charlotte Mehrtens,;
                                           Andrea Lini,
                                           Photo by Stephen Wright.

                                           Southeastern Section
                                           12–13 April
                                           Location: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
                                           Meeting Chair: Colin D. Sumrall,
                                           Photo by Bruce McCamish.

                                           North-Central Section
                                           16–17 April
                                           Ames, Iowa, USA
                                           Meeting Chair: William Simpkins,
                                           Photo by Bri Gerke.

                                           Rocky Mountain/Cordilleran Joint Section Meeting
                                           15–17 May
                                           Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
                                           Meeting Chair: Paul Umhoefer,
                                           Photo credit:

Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation                       Item No. from PS Form 3526                                                         Actual No. Copies
                                                                          15. Extent and Nature of Circulation                         Avg. No. Copies of Single Issue
                               (Required byTitle 39 U.S.C. 4369)           a. Total number of copies (net press run)                    Each Issue in Published Nearest
                                                                           b. Legitimate paid and/or requested distribution            Past 12 Months to Filing Date
    GSA Today (Publication No. 1052-5173) is published monthly by The
Geological Society of America, Inc., (GSA) with headquarters and               (by mail and outside the mail )                         13,377  14,300
offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301 U.S.A.; and         c. Total paid and/or requested circulation                  13,004  14,094
mailing address of Post Office Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140      d. Nonrequested distribution (by mail and outside
U.S.A. The Publisher is Vicki S. McConnell; the Managing Editor is                                                                     13,004  14,094
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The annual subscription prices are: for Members and Student Associates,    e. Total nonrequested distribution
$11.10; for non-members $97. The publication is wholly owned by The        f. Total distribution (sum of c and e )                        0       0
Geological Society of America, Inc., a not-for-profit, charitable corpo-   g. Copies not distributed (office use, leftovers, spoiled)  13,004  14,094
ration. No known stockholder holds 1 percent or more of the total          h. Total (sum of f and g )
stock. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of The Geological       i. Percent paid and/or requested circulation (c/f × 100)     373     206
Society of America, Inc., have not changed during the preceding                                                                        13,377  14,300
twelve months. The average number of copies of each issue during the                                                                   100%    100%
preceding twelve months and the actual number of copies published
nearest to the filing date (September 2017 issue) are noted at right.

    This information taken from PS Form 3526, signed 29 August 2017
by the Publisher, Vicki S. McConnell, and filed with the United States
Postal Service in Boulder, Colorado.
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