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While scientific publications have been a primary                   incorporating geology on a regional scale. The far-reaching proj-
                  component of GSA’s purpose since the Society’s    ect, spanning more than a decade, attracted a stunning $3.8 mil-
                  inception, some may be surprised to learn that    lion in contributed funds, which made it possible.
                  funding to support publications was written into
the very first Constitution and Bylaws of the Geological Society      Today, as GSA moves into open access for its journals, we con-
of America. As early as this 1889 document, lifetime membership     tinue to see a strong culture of commitment to support publica-
invested sums were to be transferred into the Publication Fund      tions. Aiming to assist authors who are unable to assume process-
upon the passing of members (By-Laws, CHAPTER I.—oF                 ing fees that allow for the open access model, a generous GSA
MeMBersHip. sec 2.). It also allowed that anyone paying US$1,000    member pledged US$25,000, challenging editors to match the
to the Publication Fund of the Society may be elected Patron, one   contribution and create an endowed fund. Having reached
of three categories of membership at the time: “persons who have    US$50,000 in combined giving, we now pose a second match to
bestowed important favors upon the Society.” With a later note      an even larger group in hope of sending a message that GSA’s edi-
that the fund consisted of publication payments from the general    torial community supports the continued vitality of high-quality
public, donations, and lifetime dues sums, in addition to the       GSA publications from a wide range of authors.
Patron recognition, we can deduce that the significance of publi-
cation support was established and communicated in GSA’s              Our Society’s history supports our bold, but essential, blueprint
earliest days.                                                      for the future. A number of leaders, such as GSA past president
                                                                    (2014) Hap McSween, helped guide the Society forward into this
  Further along in the Society’s history, an honorary named         initiative, ensuring that high-quality editorial and review pro-
publication fund was established but proved challenging to sustain  cesses are retained: “Publications are at the core of GSA’s research
(late 1950s through the early 1970s). In 1980, however, a publish-  mission, and contributions help shore up their continuity and qual-
ing endeavor took strong hold within GSA and its membership:        ity.” We hope you will consider helping us carry on the tradition
In celebration of the Society’s approaching 100th anniversary, the  in which GSA was founded, transforming how we share our sci-
Decade of North American Geology project was an enormous            ence. To learn about ways in which you can support these ground-
effort resulting in a set of published volumes and maps             breaking efforts, contact me directly at +1-303-357-1011 or jhess@

The Decade of North American Geology was a significant publishing effort in honor of GSA’s 100th anniversary. A number of the companies listed gave
US$250,000 each in support of the project.

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