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come employees who are committed to and will           via Interfolio at
actively contribute to our efforts to celebrate our    by December 1, 2017.
cultural and intellectual richness and be resolute in
advancing inclusion and equity. We encourage all          Hamilton ( is a residen-
interested individuals meeting the criteria of the     tial liberal arts college located in upstate New
described position to apply.                           York. Applicants with dual-career considerations
                                                       can find other Hamilton and nearby academic
   Located in a diverse community close to Madi-       job listings at as well as
son, Milwaukee, and Chicago, Beloit is a selective     additional information at
undergraduate liberal arts college that attracts stu-  dof/faculty-development/resources-for
dents from across the United States and the world.     - p r o s p e c t ive - o r- n e w-f a c u lt y/o p p o r t u n it ie s -fo r
The college emphasizes excellence in teaching,         -spouses-or-partners.
learning beyond the traditional classroom, inter-
national perspectives, and collaborative research         Hamilton College is an affirmative action,
among students and faculty. It is recognized as one    equal opportunity employer and is committed to
of the Colleges That Change Lives.                     diversity in all areas of the campus community.
                                                       Hamilton provides domestic partner benefits. Can-
   Inquiries may be addressed to Susan Swan-           didates from underrepresented groups in higher
son, department chair (           education are especially encouraged to apply.
Interested individuals may submit a letter of
interest, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching
and research interests, graduate transcripts, and
contact information for three references to To ensure full con-
sideration, please submit all materials by Nov. 15,
2017. The search will remain open until the posi-
tion is filled.

              (CLIMATE SCIENCE),
              HAMILTON COLLEGE

The Environmental Studies Program at Hamilton
College invites applications for a tenure track
appointment at the Assistant or Associate Profes-
sor level in the general field of climate science
starting July 1, 2018. We are seeking candidates
who have earned a Ph.D. in an appropriate scien-
tific field and who can demonstrate their experi-
ence in teaching or working with diverse student
populations. Your cover letter should address
ways in which you raise issues of diversity in
your teaching, scholarship and/or service. Candi-
dates will be expected to teach courses in global
climate change and a gateway course in Environ-
mental Studies. Areas of expertise could include
(but are not limited to) one or more of the follow-
ing: climatology, paleoclimatology, atmospheric
science, climate modeling, climate and biodiver-
sity, climate and energy systems, and the social,
political, economic, and policy implications of
climate change. Preference will be given to can-
didates who are conversant in both the scientific
and societal aspects of climate change and who are
dedicated to developing an active and productive
research program involving undergraduate stu-
dents. The normal teaching load is five courses per
year. The successful candidate will be expected to
advise and mentor senior projects in Environmen-
tal Studies and eventually assume directorship of
the program.

   Qualified candidates should submit: 1) a cover
letter that addresses his/her qualifications for the
position; 2) a statement describing his/her teach-
ing philosophy; 3) a statement of research inter-
ests; 4) a curriculum vitae; and 5) letters from
three professional references who know the can-
didate well and understand the expectations of a
competitive liberal arts college. Candidates should
submit these materials to Professor Todd Rayne

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