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SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                    Suoya Fan, University of Houston
Laurence L. Sloss Award                                         Nadine Reitman, University of Colorado Boulder
Isabel P. Montañez, University of California at Davis           Brandt Scott, Utah State University

Sedimentary Geology Division Student Research Award             Other awards presented at the annual meeting include:
Edward Matheson, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award         GSA INTERNATIONAL
(Joint with Structural Geology and Tectonics Division)          James B. Thompson, Jr., Distinguished International
Victoria Igoe, University of Wisconsin–Madison                  Lecturer Award
                                                                Ross Stein, Temblor Inc.
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS DIVISION                       Iain Simpson Stewart, University of Plymouth
Career Contribution Award
Arthur W. Snoke, University of Wyoming                          CUSHMAN FOUNDATION
                                                                W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award
Outstanding Publication Award                                   Jessica E. Pilarczyk, University of Southern Mississippi
W. Adolph Yonkee and Arlo Brandon Weil, “Tectonic evolution
of the Sevier and Laramide belts within the North American      AMERICAN GEOSCIENCES INSTITUTE
Cordillera orogenic system,” Earth Science Reviews, v. 150,     AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell
p. 531–593.                                                     Russell G. Slayback, Leggette, Brashears & Graham

Structural Geology & Tectonics Student Research Travel
Grant Award
Mark Ahenda, Queen’s University
Cassandra Brigham, University of Washington

     GSA Fellowship                                                   2018 Student
                                                                     Research Grants
  Fellowship is an honor that is bestowed on the best of our
profession once per year at the spring GSA Council meeting        GSA is proud to offer research grants to its highly quali-
and is recognized at GSA’s Annual Meeting. GSA members          fied student members. Students may receive a total of two
are elected to Fellowship in recognition of distinguished con-  GSA graduate student grants in their entire academic
tributions to the geosciences. A member can be nominated        career, regardless of what program they are currently
for Fellowship only by a Fellow of the Society who initiates    enrolled in. The maximum award per grant is US$2,500.
the process by completing the nominating sponsor’s form and     Students may be eligible for specialized awards, in which
identifying two other Fellows, or one Fellow and one mem-       case the total funding awarded could be greater than
ber, who agree to support the nomination. A GSA Fellow          US$2,500.
may only support two nominees per election cycle, only one
of which as a primary nominator. Questions? Email awards@         The GSA student research grant application process is                                                 available online only; no paper applications or letters will
                                                                be accepted. Apply online at
How to Make a Nomination                                        starting December 2017. Online submissions must be com-
                                                                pleted by Thursday, 1 February 2018, at 5 p.m. MST.
Deadline: 1 Feb.
Primary nominator:                                                For further information on the 2018 Research Grants
                                                                Program, go to, call +1-303-
    1. 	 Completes online nomination form at www                357-1025, or e-mail

    2.	 Writes a letter of support;

    3.	 Collects two (2) additional letters of support (one
          must be from a Fellow; both must be GSA members);

    4.	 Obtains nominee’s current CV or résumé; and

    5.	 Submits all documents in one packet to awards@

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