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                                   Congratulations to All 2017 GSA Division Award Recipients
GSA’s primary Division awards and the other Division awards presented at this year’s annual meeting are listed below.

                        Learn more about GSA’s specialty Divisions at

Rip Rapp Archaeological Geology Award                                Outstanding Contributions in Geobiosciences
Panagiotis (Takis) Karkanas, Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory            Award—Pre-Tenure
for Archaeological Science                                           Chris Reinhard, Georgia Institute of Technology

Claude C. Albritton, Jr., Memorial Student Research Award            Outstanding Contributions in Geobiosciences
Leila Donn, University of Texas at Austin                            Award—Post-Tenure
                                                                     Susannah M. Porter, University of California at Santa Barbara
Richard Hay Student Paper/Poster Award
(to be named)                                                        Outstanding Contributions in Geobiosciences Award—
                                                                     Distinguished Career
ENERGY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                              Marilyn L. Fogel, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Gilbert H. Cady Award
Cortland F. Eble, University of Kentucky, Kentucky                   GEOINFORMATICS DIVISION
Geological Survey                                                    Outstanding Contributions Award
                                                                     Kerstin Lehnert, System for Earth Sample Registration (SESAR)
Antoinette Lierman Medlin Research Award
Matt Costa, University of Texas at El Paso                           GEOLOGY AND SOCIETY DIVISION
Kuo Li, Southern Illinois University                                 Best Student Paper Award
                                                                     Logan Frederick, University of Utah
Best Paper Award (for papers presented at the 2016 GSA
Annual Meeting)                                                      GEOPHYSICS DIVISION
Eltom Hassan, University of Kansas                                   George P. Woollard Award
                                                                     Susan L. Beck, University of Arizona
DIVISION                                                             Allan V. Cox Student Research Award
E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award                                             Zongbo Xu, Boise State University
Johnson, P.L., Shires, P.O., and Sneddon, T.P., 2016, “Geologic
and Geotechnical Factors Controlling Incipient Slope Instability at  Geophysics Division Student Research Award
a Gravel Quarry, Livermore Basin, California”: Environmental &       Zheng Gong, Yale University
Engineering Geoscience, v. XXII, no. 2, p. 141–155.

Distinguished Practice Award                                         GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION DIVISION
Jeffrey A. Coe, U.S. Geological Survey                               Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching
                                                                     Laura Lukes, George Mason University
Meritorious Service Award
Matthew M. Crawford, Kentucky Geological Survey                      HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY DIVISION
Norman S. Levine, College of Charleston                              Mary C. Rabbitt History of Geology Award
                                                                     A.M. Celâl Şengör, ITU Maden Fakultesi
Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer (2016–2017)
Scott Anderson, BGC Engineering Inc.

Roy J. Shlemon Scholarship Awards                                    Gerry and Sue Friedman Award for Distinguished Service
Hannah Chapella, Kent State University                               Renee M. Clary, Mississippi State University
Jory Chapin Lerback, University of Utah

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