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2017–2018 Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer

                           John Wakabayashi                               meetings. The breadth of his research has broadened rather than
                                                                          narrowed over time, but the geology of that beguiling train wreck
                                  has been named the 2017–2018            of rocks known as the Franciscan Complex of coastal California
                                  Richard H. Jahns Distinguished          remains his chief interest, and the many aspects of mélanges have
                                  Lecturer. The lectureship, established  been his main focus since 2009. At Fresno State, he teaches non-
                                  in 1988, is sponsored by the            major introductory geology, geology major undergraduate courses
                                  Association of Environmental and        in petrology, geomorphology, and structural geology, graduate
                                  Engineering Geologists and the GSA      courses on active tectonics/seismic hazard analysis and orogenic
                                  Environmental and Engineering           belt tectonics, and his bread-and-butter undergraduate course in
                                  Geology Division. Its purpose is to     advanced geologic field mapping. He has supervised or is super-
                                  provide funding for distinguished       vising a large number of graduate and undergraduate student
                                  engineering geologists to present lec-  researchers, including a number of students from outside of
tures at colleges and universities in order to increase awareness of      Fresno State.
students about careers in engineering geology. The lectureship is
named in honor of Richard H. Jahns (1915–1983), an engineering              Outside of geology and beer (an amateur brewer since 1994),
geologist who had a diverse and distinguished career in academia,         Wakabayashi is probably best known for his experience trout fish-
consulting, and government.                                               ing in the backcountry (must be hiked to) of California, having
  Wakabayashi is a San Francisco Bay Area native who moved to             launched casts into over 750 different lakes, about 700 of these in
Fresno, California, USA, in 2005 to begin his academic career as          the Sierra Nevada. His strength and fitness routine that prepares
a geology professor at California State University, Fresno. He            him for his fieldwork and recreational hiking (and burns off some
received his B.A. in geology in 1980 from the University of               of the beer), as well as holding his body together for his return to
California at Berkeley and his Ph.D. in geology in 1989 from the          playing basketball, has also gained some notoriety. This routine
University of California at Davis. He is a professional geologist         includes excessively long plank sessions and multiple repetitions
(California) and a Fellow of the Geological Society of America.           of muscle-ups.
  After graduating from Davis, Wakabayashi worked as an engi-
neering and environmental geologist for 16 years, the last 13 as an         Interested institutions can contact Wakabayashi at jwakabayashi
independent consultant in Hayward, California, before becoming   to give one or more of the following lectures.
an academic. He worked on a variety of projects, including seis-          (Complete descriptions are posted to
mic hazard evaluation/paleoseismology, slope stability, engineer-         JahnsLecturer2017.)
ing and forensic petrography, naturally occurring asbestos, and
two Superfund projects on which his primary specialty was evalu-          Insight into Geologic Mapping of Mélanges from Structural
ation of ambient concentrations of metals of environmental con-           Geologic Research: Implications for Engineering Geologic
cern in soils and rock. He was a member of the Working Group on           Analysis and Illustration of the Value of Field Geologic
California Earthquake Probabilities.                                      Training
  Wakabayashi also conducted independent research, some of
which derived from his project work, but most of which dealt with         A Field-Based Alternative to Subduction Channel Models:
more esoteric research issues such as subduction initiation pro-          Insight from Mélange Studies
cesses, metamorphic P-t paths and metamorphic contrasts as tec-
tonic indicators, emplacement of ophiolites, subduction interface         (This is the more purely academic focused look at mélanges.)
processes and development of subduction complexes, evolution of
orogenic belts, development of strike-slip fault systems, and long        Attempting to Bridge the Growing Gap between Academic
time and length–scale geomorphology. He incorporated academic             and Applied Geology: A Personal Odyssey
research of his own and others into all of his project work, trying
to bridge the academic-applied geology gap from the standpoint            (Here, Wakabayashi will tell a few stories from his days as an
of a practitioner. After becoming an academic, he continued his           engineering and environmental geologist as well as some other
efforts to bridge this gap, realizing that the majority of geology        stories from the academic world.)
professors have never been employed in the engineering and envi-
ronmental geology profession that most geology graduates will             Evolution of Step-Overs and Bends along Strike-Slip Faults:
work in. He incorporates both his professional and research expe-         Implications for Seismic Hazards Assessment
rience into his teaching so as to better prepare students for profes-
sional careers, as well as providing a foundation for students who        Geomorphic Evolution and Cenozoic Tectonics of the Sierra
wish to undertake graduate study.                                         Nevada, California, and Alternative Interpretations of
  Wakabayashi’s research has resulted in 82 published papers and          Paleoaltimetry Data
more than 100 abstracts tied to presentations at major geoscience
                                                                          (This work began with seismic hazard studies Wakabayashi did as
                                                                          a consultant in the northern Sierra Nevada in the early 1990s.)

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