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Figure 2. Unsightly drill holes mar a classic exposure of hummocky   Figure 3. Many students enjoy the Cretaceous out­crop exposures at the
cross-stratified sandstone in the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation of  mouth of Gentile Wash, near Helper, Utah, USA. The current property
Tuscher Canyon, near Green River, Utah. Credit: D. Stolz.            own­er has procedures to accommodate field trips with advance writ-
                                                                     ten permission.

have to take a number and wait your turn       2. 	 Understand and follow land-use rules                Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, abstract no.
to see these outcrops!                              and policies; obtain permission to                  38-5,
                                                    access outcrops on private land.                    webprogram/Paper287803.html (last accessed
  These Cretaceous outcrops are on private          Specialized details of land ownership               29 June 2017).
property; access now requires a request             can be hard to find. Ways to ascertain           Kamola, D.L., and Van Wagoner, J.C., 1995,
submitted 30 days in advance and subse-             property access include (a) contact                 Stratigraphy and facies architecture of para-­
quent written permission. Recently, a               local or published experts who                      seq­ uences with examples from the Spring
group with students parked unauthorized             have previously worked in the area;                 Canyon Member, Blackhawk Formation, Utah,
vehicles on the property. When asked by             (b) query state geological surveys;                 in Van Wagoner, J.C., and Bertram, G.T., eds.,
an agent of the owner if they had permis-           (c) check land ownership plat maps;                 Sequence Stratigraphy of Foreland Basin
sion to be on the property, the group said          and (d) consult with government land                Deposits: American Association of Petroleum
that they were associated with a local state        managers or local law enforcement                   Geologists Memoir 64, p. 27–54.
university (an unverifiable claim that later        groups. If in doubt, always ask for              Mogk, D.W., 2004, Access to field sites: A growing
put some local universities under scrutiny)         permission, because government and                  concern for geoscience education: Geological
and falsely claimed permission to access            private land owners frequently wel-                 Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
the outcrops. Although many visitors are            come the communication.                             v. 36, no. 5, p. 156, abstract no. 62-17, https://
well-intended educational groups, contin-                                                     
ued unauthorized access could jeopardize       3. 	 Uphold high ethical standards for your­             Paper80948.html (last accessed 29 June 2017).
access for all of us in the future.                 self, and encourage your colleagues to           Newman, K.F., and Chan, M.A., 1991, Depositional
                                                    do the same. As a community, our                    facies in the Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue
LOOKING FORWARD                                     good field conduct helps ensure safety,             Member of the Star Point Formation, Wasatch
                                                    communication, and continued access                 Plateau, Utah, in Chidsey, T.C., ed., Geology of
  As GSA continues to look at issues of             to classic outcrops. There are many                 East-Central Utah: Utah Geological Association
both geoheritage and ethics, it is important        rich localities that we want future                 Publication 19, p. 65–75.
that our society helps educate the member-          generations to be able to visit for an           O’Halloran, D., Green, C., Harley, M., Stanley, M.,
ship on field conduct that is in the best           enjoyable learning experience.                      and Knill, J., editors, 1994, Geological and Land­­
interest of our whole community. We make                                                                scape Conservation: Geological Society,
three specific recommendations:                ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                          London, Proceedings of the Malvern
1. 	 Act responsibly, remediate sites, and                                                              International Conference 1993, 530 p.
                                                  We thank John McBride and David Mogk for           Olariu, C., Steel, R.J., and Petter, A.L., 2010, Delta-
     whenever possible leave no trace.                                                                  front hyperpycnal bed geometry and implications
     Teach outcrop etiquette to students,      their helpful reviews to improve this paper.             for reservoir modeling: Cretaceous Panther
     assistants, or volunteers who partici-                                                             Tongue delta, Book Cliffs, Utah: American
     pate in fieldwork. Ethical behavior is    REFERENCES CITED                                         Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin,
     paramount, because field-trip leaders,                                                             v. 94, p. 819–845, doi:10.1306/11020909072.
     faculty, and professional scientists are  Burek, C.V., and Prosser, C.D., 2008, The history of  Van Wagoner, J.C., Mitchum, R.M., Campion,
     role models. Unethical behavior could        geoconservation: An introduction, in Burek,           K.M., and Rahmanian, V.D., 1990, Siliciclastic
     have serious repercussions, such as          C.V., and Prosser, C.D., eds., The History of         sequence stratigraphy in well logs, cores, and
     limiting private land access and, in         Geoconservation: Geological Society (London)          outcrops: Concepts for high-resolution correlation
     severe cases, even criminal prosecu-         Special Publication 300, p. 1–5,     of time and facies: American Association of
     tion (Foss and Liggett, 2016).               10.1144/SP300.1.                                      Petroleum Geologists Methods in Exploration
                                                                                                        Series, no. 7, 55 p.
                                               Foss, S.E., and Liggett, G.A., 2016, Unethical and
                                                  criminal behavior by professional geoscientists    Manuscript received 16 Apr. 2017
                                                  on public lands: Geological Society of America     Revised manuscript received 15 June 2017
                                                                                                     Manuscript accepted 21 June 2017
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