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AB                                                                               Goldfinger et al. (2012). Earthquake prob-
                                                                                                             ability issues can be explored from discus-
                                       Paleoearthquake History                                               sions in Stark and Freedman (2003),
                                                                                                             Parsons (2008), Matthews et al. (2002), and
                                                                                       recent cluster        Kagan et al. (2012).

                            8000 BCE 6000 BCE 4000 BCE 2000 BCE     0            2000 CE                       The take-home message for students is
                                                                                                             that saying “the probability of an earth-
                                                     D Earthquake probability                                quake is N%” involves specifying the
                                                                     in next 50 years                        assumptions made. Different plausible
                                                                                                             assumptions yield different probabilities.
       C Annual earthquake probability               40%                                                     This situation may seem frustrating, but it
                                                                                                             lets instructors explain how limitations in
0.004           2017-                                                     Time dependent                     our knowledge give young scientists
                2067                                                                                         opportunities for major advances.
                         Recent cluster                                                                      ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                               Recent cluster
0.002                                                                                                           We thank Michael Hubenthal and three reviewers
                                                     20%                                                     for helpful comments.
                                      All data
                                                            Time independent                                 REFERENCES CITED

                                                     10% Time independent  Time                              Goldfinger, C., Nelson, C.H., Morey, A.E.,

0                                                         All data         Dependent                            Johnson, J.E., Patton, J.R., Karabanov, E.,
    1700                                                                                                        Gutiérrez-Pastor, J., Eriksson, A.T., Gràcia, E.,
          1900  2100 2300   2500               2700  0% 1700  1800  Date   1900                        2000     Dunhill, G., Enkin, R.J., Dallimore, A., and
                                                                                                                Vallier, T., 2012, Turbidite event history—
                      Date                                                                                      Methods and implications for Holocene
                                                                                                                paleoseismicity of the Cascadia subduction zone:
Figure 1. (A) Geometry of the Cascadia subduction zone. (B) Paleoearthquake history from turbidite              USGS Professional Paper 1661-F.
deposits. (C) Probabilities of an earthquake in the next year as a function of time assuming a Gauss-        Goldfinger, C., Ikeda, Y., and Yeats, R.S., 2013,
ian distribution of recurrence times with mean and standard deviation corresponding to the recent               Superquakes, supercycles, and global earthquake
cluster (red/dashed lines) or the entire paleoearthquake record (blue/solid lines). Shaded area                 clustering, 7 Jan. 2013: Earth, https://www.
under the curves corresponds to the probability in next 50 years. (D) Conditional probability of an   
earthquake in next 50 years, given that last was in 1700, for the four cases discussed.                         supercycles-and-global-earthquake-clustering-
                                                                                                                recent-research-and-recent-quakes (last accessed
However, assuming that we are still in the      subduction zone. Each choice yields a dif-                      17 Aug. 2017).
recent cluster gives a probability ~6 times     ferent probability estimate.                                 Kagan, Y.Y., Jackson, D.D., and Geller, R.J., 2012,
larger: 0.41 or 41%. The higher probability                                                                     Characteristic earthquake model, 1884–2011,
results from the smaller mean recurrence          A baseball analogy illustrates these                          R.I.P.: Seismological Research Letters, v. 83,
time and standard deviation.                    ideas. Whether to assume that we are in                         p. 951–953, doi:10.1785/0220120107.
                                                the cluster is like whether to assume that a                 Matthews, M.V., Ellsworth, W.L., and Reasenberg,
  Figure 1D also shows flat lines starting      hitter’s performance in the next game is                        P.A., 2002, A Brownian model for recurrent
at 1700 CE, corresponding to time-inde-         better described by his lifetime batting                        earthquakes: Bulletin of the Seismological
pendent models. If the time-dependent           average or by the past few games, because                       Society of America, v. 92, p. 2233–2250,
model predicts higher probability than the      he may be hitting unusually well or in a                        doi:10.1785/0120010267.
time-independent model, an earthquake           slump. Choosing between time‐indepen-                        Parsons, T., 2008, Earthquake recurrence on the
can be considered “overdue,” which occurs       dent or time-dependent models is like                           south Hayward fault is most consistent with a
if we are in the cluster.                       assuming either that the player’s hitting is                    time dependent, renewal process: Geophysical
                                                the same from year to year or that it                           Research Letters, v. 35,
IMPLICATIONS AND                                changes systematically over his career. The                     doi:10.1029/2008GL035887.
OPPORTUNITIES                                   probability of a hit in the next game                        Schulz, K., 2015, The really big one: The New
                                                depends on the assumptions.                                     Yorker, 20 July, p. 20.
  Comparing these cases shows how                                                                            Stark, P.B., and Freedman, D., 2003, What is the
earthquake probability estimates depend           There are many opportunities for delv-                        chance of an earthquake?, in Mulargia, F., Geller,
on the probability model chosen and the         ing further. Students can explore different                     R.J. eds., Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk
data used to choose the model parameters.       assumptions using the data and spread-                          Reduction: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer.
Other plausible choices are possible.           sheet at                      Stein, S., and Stein, J., 2014, Playing against nature:
Various probability density functions can       edu/people/seth/Educational/eqprob.html                         integrating science and economics to mitigate
be used. The data can be treated in more        or write spreadsheets or programs using                         natural hazards in an uncertain world:
complex ways: considering different sub-        formulations in Stein and Wysession (2003)                      Washington, D.C., American Geophysical
sets, assigning different magnitudes to         or Stein and Stein (2014). Instructors or                       Union, and New Jersey, Wiley, 278 p.
different paleoevents, and assuming that        students interested in Cascadia paleo­                       Stein, S., and Wysession, M., 2003, Introduction to
different events broke different parts of the   seismology and probabilities can consult                        seismology, earthquakes, and earth structure:
                                                                                                                New Jersey, Wiley-Blackwell, 510 p.

                                                                                                             Manuscript received 3 July 2017
                                                                                                             Revised manuscript received 29 July 2017
                                                                                                             Manuscript accepted 9 Aug. 2017

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