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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Positions Open                                          • 	Have excellent communication skills, media           10 years professional experience, prior administra-
                                                           experience, and the ability to positively influence  tive and/or leadership experience, national recog-
    CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO)                          others.                                              nition in geoscience research, excellent communi-
         NATIONAL GROUND WATER                                                                                  cation skills, knowledge of natural resources and
                    ASSOCIATION                         • 	 Seek opportunities to strengthen cross-organi-      the environmental aspects of their use, and demon-
                                                           zational collaboration.                              strated ability to deal with natural-resource policy
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA)                                                                    issues. Will have the opportunity to jointly hold a
seeks a collaborative, forward-thinking Chief           • 	 Effectively influence public policy and regulatory  tenured faculty position in an academic depart-
Executive Officer to lead the organization in              issues affecting members.                            ment at the University of Kansas (KU).
partnership with the Board of Directors. NGWA
is a hybrid international trade association and sci-    • 	Work to secure legislation and grants from              The KGS is a research and service division of
entific professional society working together to           federal government to better our industry and        KU. Created in 1889, the KGS studies the geology
advance groundwater knowledge and the success              members.                                             of Kansas, develops new techniques for exploring
of members through education and outreach; advo-                                                                and analyzing geologic data, and produces and
cacy; cooperation and information exchange; and         • 	Represent NGWA regionally, nationally and            disseminates maps, reports, and scientific papers.
enhancement of professional practices. NGWA’s              internationally to achieve NGWA goals. Regular       Among the premier earth-science research and
vision is to be the leading groundwater association        travel and public speaking engagements are an        service institutions in the U.S., the KGS has an
advocating the responsible development, manage-            important part of this position.                     annual state budget of $5.8 million, a fiscal year
ment, and use of groundwater. NGWA also oper-                                                                   2016 grant and contract budget of $4.6 million, and
ates a charitable foundation, the NGWA Founda-          • 	 The ideal candidate will be a seasoned executive    employs more than 112 researchers, support staff,
tion, focused on education, research and charitable        leader with a strong track record of successfully    and students engaged in a variety of disciplines.
activities related to broader public understanding         leading and developing teams, working with an        Staff collaborate extensively with faculty and
of groundwater.                                            engaged Board, diversifying revenue streams,         students in academic departments at KU.
                                                           leading strategic planning, and cultivating rela-
   The current CEO will retire at the end of 2017.         tionships with a wide spectrum of stakeholders,         Full announcement and application info at
The next CEO must be a talented leader who rec-            vendors, and partners.                      Review will
ognizes successes of the past and charts a course          This describes the general nature of the CEO         begin March 1, 2017, position open until filled.
for future impact and growth.                                                                                   For further information contact Greg Ludvig-
                                                        position. A full position description will be provided  son (,
   NGWA has four membership sections—                   to candidates.                                          KU is an EO/AAE,
contractors, scientists and engineers, manufactur-                                                              nondiscrimination.
ers, and suppliers. The national board has 19 voting       To Apply: NGWA has retained Nancy Rum-
members and each membership section has an              mel of Nancy Rummel & Associates to assist in           Opportunities for students
oversight board. The CEO manages a staff of 29          this search. Candidates should submit a letter of
and a budget of $5.5 Million, and serves roughly        interest with salary requirement and resume to:         Ph.D. position in Sedimentology and Paleo-
10,500 members.                                Deadline for appli-              limnology, Missouri University of Science and
                                                        cation is March 31, 2017.                               Technology. We seek a qualified Ph.D. candidate
   In close partnership with the Board of Direc-                                                                to investigate the sedimentology of modern lacus-
tors and staff, the CEO provides strategic vision          Salary package is commensurate with experience.      trine environments. The objective of the project is
and leadership to steward the future of NGWA and           The National Ground Water Association head-          to better understand processes controlling sedi-
cultivates relationships with key policymakers,         quarters is located in Westerville, Ohio. To learn      mentation in an evolving lacustrine basin within
stakeholders, the media, and partners to advance        more about NGWA, visit:                   an active tectonic setting. Full financial support is
NGWA’s goals. The CEO has a strong external                                                                     available for at least three years at a competitive
presence and the ability to engage stakeholders.                   GEOLOGY: SOLID EARTH                         rate through research and teaching assistantships.
                                                             GEOLOGY, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS                         Candidates with a strong background and inter-
   As an international association, NGWA works                                                                  est in sedimentology, paleolimnology, and paleo­
with a network of state and professional associations                          COLLEGE                          climate are strongly encouraged to apply. Starting
as well as foreign counterparts serving groundwater     Starting September 2017                                 date, August 2017.
professionals. The CEO has a strong external pres-
ence and needs a natural ability to collaborate, har-      Gustavus Adolphus College seeks a full-time             If interested, please submit C.V. and one page
ness the collective voice of the groundwater industry,  one-year position of visiting assistant professor       summary of research interests to Dr. Jonathan
and cultivate relationships globally.                   to begin September 1, 2017. We seek candidates          Obrist at
                                                        with a PhD or ABD and demonstrated excellence
   The CEO is a visible leader for NGWA and will        in undergraduate teaching. Assignments include              Check out the Job
                                                        courses in earth materials/mineralogy, structural          Board for the latest
• 	 Be the operational leader that the Board needs      geology, petrology, introductory geology, a Janu-         recruitment postings.
   to achieve NGWA’s strategic plan.                    ary Term experiential course, and senior thesis
                                                        supervision. The strongest candidates will articu-
• 	 Successfully achieve NGWA’s goals as estab-         late their intersections with emerging employment
   lished by the Board.                                 opportunities in the geosciences, and complement
                                                        our existing department strengths. Visit http://
• 	Have strategic vision to assist the Board in for application instructions.
   setting the best goals.                              Application review will begin immediately, and
                                                        continue until the position is filled.
• 	Work in a collegial, transparent and highly
   participatory manner.                                   Gustavus Adolphus College is a EOE Employer/
                                                        Disabled/Vet employer.
• 	Be highly knowledgeable about, attuned to,
   and effective in researching member needs and            DIRECTOR, KANSAS GEOLOGICAL
   industry issues.                                                             SURVEY

• 	Identify and foster opportunities to diversify              THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS,
   and grow the organization’s revenue through                               LAWRENCE
   new partnerships and services.
                                                           Full-time position serving as the Director of the
• 	 Manage and nurture an exceptional staff.            Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) and State Geolo-
• 	 Possess a high level of business and financial      gist. Must develop and articulate a vision of KGS
                                                        programs, understand the concept of serving Kan-
   acumen along with experience improving oper-         sas through high-quality research in the applied
   ational efficiencies.                                geosciences, and embrace a collegial leadership
                                                        style. Requires doctorate in the geosciences with

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