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T210. Challenges in Tectonics 2: Beyond Steady State: New investigating ties between crustal structure and regional metallog-
Developments in Understanding Strain Localization Processes eny are encouraged.
and the Rheology of the Lithosphere
T214. Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Tectono-
Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of the NW Pangea Margin
Future of Tectonics Initiative
Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;
Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics, GSA Sedimentary Geology Division
Disciplines: Structural Geology, Paleontology, Biogeography/
Advocates: Seth C. Kruckenberg; Jamie S. Levine; Elena A. Biostratigraphy, Stratigraphy
Advocates: Walter S. Snyder; Charles M. Henderson; Scott Ritter
We seek broad contributions from experimental rock deforma-
tion studies, numerical modeling, geophysical, geochronologic Controls and timing of tectonic events that affected the late
and field-based investigations, and structural and textural analy- Paleozoic/early Mesozoic NW Pangea margin are still debated.
ses that inform on processes of strain localization and the tran- Resolution demands multidisciplinary approaches and therefore
sient rheology of the lithosphere. this session will integrate structural geology, tectonic modeling,
geochronology, and paleontology.
T211. Folds: Causes and Consequences (Posters)
T215. Scaled Physical Experiments Tell Tectonic Stories of the
Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division Earth and Beyond
Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics Cosponsor: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division
Advocates: Andreas Eckert; Amanda Hughes Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics
We seek contributions investigating folding from plate-scale to Advocates: Mattathias D. Needle; Kathleen F. Warrell
micro-scale, including field, analytical, and modeling studies
investigating the causes and consequences of folding in the con- Scaled physical experiments are a robust and quantitative way
texts of tectonics, crustal deformation, rheology, landscape evolu- to explore geologic processes through space and time. This ses-
tion, or fluid migration. sion will highlight research using scaled physical experiments to
explore geologic questions.
T212. Geologic Mapping in the Pacific Northwest
and Beyond: Recent Maps, Advances, and New Insights T216. Spatiotemporal Variations and the Role of Fluids in
(Posters) Fault-Zone Hydromechanical Processes
Cosponsors: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;
Resources; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Energy Geology Division;
Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Environmental GSA Future of Tectonics Initiative
and Engineering Geology Division; GSA Geology and Society
Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Disciplines: Structural Geology, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry
Volcanology Division; GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics
Division Advocates: Elizabeth S. Petrie; Randolph T. Williams;
Keith R. Hodson
Disciplines: Structural Geology, Quaternary Geology, Stratigraphy
This session explores the evolution of fault-fluid interactions,
Advocates: Michael Polenz; Dave Norman focusing on specific stages of fault development, long-term
variability, and the effects of cumulative deformation and
Geologic mapping in the Pacific Northwest and beyond: recent diagenesis. Similar studies characterizing non-fault structures
maps, advances, and new insights. This session presents new geo- are also encouraged.
logic mapping, approaches to geologic mapping, and insights from
geologic mapping, mainly in the Pacific Northwest. T217. Challenges in Tectonics 5: Synergies between Meeting
Societal Needs and Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in
T213. Integrated Approaches to Deciphering Major Tectonics and Structural Geology
Crustal Boundaries in Polyphase Orogenic Settings
Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division;
Cosponsors: GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division; Future of Tectonics Initiative
Society of Economic Geologists; GSA Geophysics Division
Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics,
Disciplines: Structural Geology, Tectonics/Tectonophysics, Geomorphology
Advocates: Kim Blisniuk; Richard W. Briggs; Frederick M.
Advocates: James V. Jones III; James J. Ryan; Jonathan S. Caine; Chester; Alison R. Duvall; Peter Eichhubl; Katharine Huntington
Benjamin J. Drenth
This session focuses on fundamental research in structural
This session seeks contributions focused on understanding geology, tectonics, and related fields that addresses topics of soci-
major crustal boundaries within polyphase orogens and decipher- etal relevance, from resources to hazards, and that leverages field,
ing tectonic events and processes that shaped them. Contributions laboratory, experimental, numerical, and theoretical approaches. 45