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Advocates: Kevin L. Mickus; Cynthia J. Ebinger                      inventories have for landslide mapping, hazard assessment,
                                                                    mitigation, and education.
  We seek contributions on the lithospheric evolution of the East
African Rift system using geophysics, volcanology, petrology,       T245. Subduction Zone Coseismic Landslides
geodynamics, sedimentology, and structural geology.                 Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
                                                                    Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division
T257. Contributions of Rock- and Paleo-Magnetism to                 Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Geomorphology, Quaternary
Understanding Orogenic Processes                                    Geology
                                                                    Advocates: William J. Burns; Joshua Roering; Alison R. Duvall;
Disciplines: Geophysics/Geodynamics, Tectonics/                     Kevin M. Schmidt
Tectonophysics, Structural Geology
                                                                      This session is focused on landslides triggered by subduction
Advocates: Peter A. Selkin; Daniel Pastor-Galán                     zone earthquakes and is intended to explore our current knowl-
                                                                    edge base on this subject.
  Magnetic records have been valuable tools for reconstructing
the formation of mountain belts. We request contributions that use          T246. Weather-Induced Landslides, Debris Flows,
paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, and anisotropy to understand                and Rock Fall
orogenic processes from a broad range of perspectives.              Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
                                                                    Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division
.ENGINEERING GEOLOGY                                                Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology
                                                                    Advocates: Benjamin B. Mirus; Mark E. Reid; Stephen L.
T242. Current Trends in Landslide Monitoring: New                   Slaughter; Rex L. Baum
Techniques, Methods, Successes, Failures, and Case Studies            Contributions to this session may explore new insights into
                                                                    landslide processes using field and instrumental observations,
Cosponsor: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division       analysis, and modeling techniques, or may introduce novel tools
                                                                    for assessing weather-induced landslide hazards.
Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Quaternary Geology,
Geomorphology                                                       .GEOMICROBIOLOGY
                                                                    T247. Deciphering the Major Paleoenvironmental Crises of the
Advocates: Peter Bobrowsky; David H. Huntley; Michael Hendry;       Earth and Their Impact on the Marine Ecosystems and
Renato Macciotta                                                    Biogeochemical Cycles
                                                                    Cosponsors: Paleontological Research Institution; GSA
  This session focuses on landslide monitoring techniques and       Sedimentary Geology Division; Paleoclimatology/Paleoceano-
methods: ground-based, remote, space-borne, real-time, method-      graphy; Paleontological Society
ological comparisons, new approaches, experimental efforts,         Disciplines: Geomicrobiology, Geochemistry, Paleoclimatology/
reliability, instrumentation success and failures, and case study   Paleoceanography
examples are encouraged contributions.                              Advocates: Marcello Natalicchio; Francesco Dela Pierre;
                                                                    Elliot Jagniecki
               T243. Environmental and Engineering Division
               Geology Student Research Competition (Posters)         This session aims to decipher the critical paleoenvironmental
                                                                    crises that impacted Earth’s marine realm (salinity crises, anoxic
Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology               events, and mass extinctions), bringing together different disciplines,
Division; Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists     including, but not limited to, geomicrobiology, geochemistry,
                                                                    paleontology, and sedimentology.
Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Environmental Geoscience
                                                                                        22–25 October
Advocates: Thad A. Wasklewicz; Jessica Witt; Stephen L.
Slaughter; Anne C. Witt                                                                       Seattle, Washington, USA

  We encourage students to submit poster presentations on topics
related to applied research in environmental and engineering geol-
ogy. Monetary awards will be given to the top presenters at the
Division dinner and awards ceremony.

        T244. Landslide Inventories, Databases, Hazard Maps,
        Risk Analysis, and Beyond (Posters)

Cosponsors: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology
Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
Division; GSA Geoinformatics Division

Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Geomorphology, Quaternary

Advocates: Stephen L. Slaughter; Matthew M. Crawford;
William J. Burns

  This session will highlight landslide inventories and the
changes, advances, issues, and far reaching applications that                                                                                                             49
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