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Scientific Field Trips
Descriptions and leader bios are online.
401. Generation of the Palouse Loess: Exploring the Linkages 407. Geoarchaeology of the Central Puget Lowland.
between Glaciation, Outburst Megafloods, and Aeolian Fri.–Sat., 20–21 Oct. Cosponsors: SWCA Environmental
Deposition in Washington State. Wed.–Fri., 18–20 Oct. Consultants; Burke Museum. Leaders: Brandy A. Rinck, SWCA
Cosponsor: GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Environmental Consultants; Jack Johnson.
Division. Leaders: Mark R. Sweeney, Univ. of South Dakota;
Eric V. McDonald, David R. Gaylord. 408. Geologic Challenges and Engineering Solutions for
Major Transportation Construction Projects in Seattle.
402. Late Pleistocene Glaciation and Megafloods: The Fri.–Sat., 20–21 Oct. Leaders: William Laprade, Elizabeth
Cordilleran Ice Sheet and Columbia River Valley, Drainage Barnett, Shannon & Wilson, Inc.; Red Robinson,
Diversions, and Megafloods from Glacial Lake Missoula and Jenn Parker, Andrew Caneday, Jeremy Butkovich.
Glacial Lake Columbia. Wed.–Sat., 18–21 Oct. Leaders: Jim E.
O’Connor, U.S. Geological Survey; Victor R. Baker, Richard B. 409. Geology of Seattle. Fri., 20 Oct. Leaders: Ralph Haugerud,
Waitt, Andrea Balbas. U.S. Geological Survey; Kathy Goetz Troost.
403. Incorporation of Sedimentary Rocks into the Deep Levels 410. Rivers Gone Wild: Extreme Landscape Response to
of Continental Magmatic Arcs: Links between the North Climate-Induced Flooding and Debris Flows, and
Cascades Arc and Surrounding Sedimentary Terranes. Implications to Long-Term Management at Mount Rainier
Thurs.–Sat., 19–21 Oct. Cosponsors: GSA Mineralogy, National Park. Sat., 21 Oct. Cosponsors: National Park Service;
Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division. Leaders:
Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. Leaders: Stacia M. Scott R. Beason, Mount Rainier National Park; Paul M. Kennard.
Gordon, Univ. of Nevada–Reno; Robert B. Miller, Kirsten B. Sauer.
411. Exploring the Mechanics, Frequency, and Impacts of
404. Exploring the Western Idaho Shear Zone Using the Deep-Seated Landslides in Washington State. Sat., 21 Oct.
Strabo Data System. Thurs.–Sat., 19–21 Oct. Leaders: Basil Leaders: Alison R. Duvall, Univ. of Washington; Sean Richard
Tikoff, Univ. of Wisconsin; Z.D. Michels, Maureen Kahn, LaHusen.
Richard M. Gaschnig, Kathy K. Davenport, Christian Stanciu.
412. Glacial-Interglacial History of Whidbey Island: New
405. Mesozoic Terranes of the Central Cascades: Geology of Insights. Sat., 21 Oct. Leaders: Terry Swanson, Univ. of
the Hicks Butte Complex, Easton Metamorphic Suite, Washington.
Peshastin Formation, and Ingalls Serpentinite. Thurs.–Sat.,
19–21 Oct. Leaders: James H. MacDonald, Florida Gulf Coast 413. Mount St. Helens—Its 1980 Eruption and Subsequent
Univ.; Joe D. Dragovich. Hydrogeomorphic and Ecologic Responses. Sat., 21 Oct.
Leaders: Jon J. Major, Volcano Science Center; Charles M.
406. Tsunamis in the Salish Sea: Recurrence, Sources, Crisafulli.
Hazards. Fri., 20 Oct. Leaders: Carrie Garrison-Laney, Univ. of
Washington; Ian Miller, Brian Atwater.
Photo taken ca. 1970 by Link Washburn. Aerial view of Mima prairie and Photo taken by Ron Sletten (8/3/2014) of Mount St. Helens from Johnston
mounds. Ridge Observatory.
58 22–25 October 2017 • Seattle, Washington, USA