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Second Announcement                                                  REGISTRATION

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION                                               Early registration deadline: 1 May
                                                                     Cancellation deadline: 8 May
69th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain                            Please register online at
Section, GSA                                                         Registration fees (all fees are in U.S. dollars). Fees for onsite
Calgary, Alberta, Canada                                             registration will be collected in U.S. dollars and credit cards only
9–10 June 2017                                                       (no checks).
                                                                                                                    Full Mtg. One day

                                                                     Professional Member           $335 $175

                                                                     Professional Member 70+       $175 $90

                                                                     Professional Nonmember        $375 $205

                                                                     Prof. Low-Income Countries    $152 $77

                                                                     Early Career Professionals    $175 $95

                                                                     Student Member                $125 $80

                                                                     Student Nonmember             $140 $100

                                                                     Student Low-Income Countries  $52  $27

                                                                     K–12 Professional             $125 $80

                                                                     Guest or Spouse               $55 n/a

                                                                     Field Trip/Workshop Only      $55 n/a

Mount Allan—“The Claw” Three Sisters.                                ACCOMMODATIONS

  Join Us in the Heart of the Western                                Hotel registration deadline: 25 May
  Canadian Sedimentary Basin, the                                      A block of rooms has been reserved at Grey Eagles Hotel; 3777
  Gateway to the Canadian Rockies
                                                                     Grey Eagle Drive, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The meeting rate is
                                                                     CDN$149.00 per night plus tax, which includes breakfast and a
                                                                     shuttle to campus. Reservations should be made by calling Grey
                                                                     Eagles Resort and Casino at +1-844-719-8777. Please mention that
                                                                     you are attending the GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting to
                                                                     get the discount.
                                                                     Residences deadline: 1 May

                                                                       A block of rooms has been reserved at Mount Royal University
                                                                     residences (West Residence Front Desk for check-in; 200 Mount
                                                                     Royal Circle SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada). The meeting rate is
                                                                     CDN$49.05 per night plus tax. Reservations should be made by
                                                                     calling Mount Royal University Residences at +1-866-264-7875 or
                                                                     local +1-403-440-6275. Please mention that you are attending the
                                                                     GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting to get the discount.

                                                                     TECHNICAL PROGRAM

                                                                       The technical program is online at

LOCATION                                                             FIELD TRIPS

Calgary is located in the heart of the Western Canadian                For additional information, please contact the Field Trip Chair,
Sedimentary Basin within sight of the Canadian Rockies. Our          Jean Hsieh,
technical program explores much of the geological time scale and
is intended to bridge across the North American Rocky                Pre-Meeting
Mountains. The field trips offer opportunities to explore our local
UNESCO World Heritage sites, such as the bone beds at Dinosaur       FT1. Hot and Cold Running Water in the Canadian Rockies.
Provincial Park and the Burgess Shale trilobite beds in Yoho         Thurs., 8 June. Cost: US$100. Steve Grasby, Natural Resources
National Park, the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, as         Canada,
well as the landscapes, geology, hot springs, and innovative
carbon capture facilities of Alberta.                                FT3. Effects of Sedimentology and Facies on Structural Styles
                                                                     in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Fold and Thrust Belt. Wed.–
                                                                     Thurs., 7–8 June. Cost: US$315. Byron Veilleux, Repsol Oil &

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