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Advances in Salt Tectonics: Observations, Applications, and
Perspective: In Honor of Martin P.A. Jackson
11–16 February 2018 • Dead Sea, Ein Boqeq, Israel
CONVENERS 3. New concepts derived from physical and mathematical mod-
eling of salt diapirs;
Ram Weinberger, Geological Survey of Israel, Jerusalem, and
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, 4. Innovative, and perhaps controversial new concepts in salt
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, tectonics;
5. Evolution of salt basins; and
Ian Alsop, Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology, 6. A field visit to the Sedom salt wall, which provides as an out-
School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, standing outcrop example of diapiric geometry, kinematics
and mechanics.
Michael R. Hudec, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University
of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, michael.hudec@ The preliminary outline of sessions is as follows: 1. Field-based studies of salt diapirs and related structures;
2. Seismic-based analysis of salt tectonic systems in Atlantic
Cosponsored by: GSA Foundation, Israeli Ministry of Science,
Geological Survey of Israel margins, Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, and elsewhere;
3. Physical and mathematical modeling of salt tectonics;
4. Mechanics of salt flow from microscale to macroscale; and
5. Interrelations between salt tectonics and hydrocarbons.
Salt tectonics involves processes associated with the flow of This six-day meeting will start with an icebreaker on the shore
rock salt. These processes are both scientifically and economically of the Dead Sea, Israel, on the evening of Sunday, 11 Feb. 2018. It
important, because (1) when salt is present, it typically dominates will end at the foot of Masada, on the afternoon of Friday, 16 Feb.
the structural style, evolution, and stratigraphic development of 2018. The meeting will contain a balance of two days of field
surrounding regions, providing a long time-scale, long length- excursions and three days of talks and poster presentations. The
scale record of geodynamic processes; and (2) salt governs hydro- field excursions will focus on the Sedom salt wall as well as the
carbon trap development and the thermal evolution of many Dead Sea plate-bounding fault systems and seismically triggered
basins, including some of the largest hydrocarbon accumulations deformation structures in the Dead Sea basin. We believe the
on Earth. Great advances have been made in salt tectonics over Sedom salt wall to be one of the best exposed and most accessible
the past 10 years, largely driven by the utilization of 3D seismic salt diapirs in the world, with an impressive current uplift rate of
data, advanced physical and numerical modeling techniques, and about 8 mm/yr. It includes great outcrops of both halite and sur-
application of modern geospatial technology to the study of rounding sediments.
exposed salt structures. This Penrose Conference will gather the
leading academic and applied industry experts in salt tectonics in All nights will be spent at the Leonardo Club Hotel, Dead Sea,
the Dead Sea (the lowest place on Earth’s surface), with field trips which is a 15-minute drive from the Sedom salt wall and about a
to the Sedom salt wall, one of the most accessible and exceptional two-hour drive from the international airport at Tel-Aviv.
salt diapirs in the world.
The main objectives of the meeting are to present and discuss:
1. New field-based observations of salt-diapir geometries and The registration fee is estimated at US$750–$850 and will
cover the cost of the meeting, hotel lodging for five nights (double
kinematics; occupancy; single occupancy will be possible with additional
2. Latest advances in understanding of diapiric structures from fees), the icebreaker reception, all meals and coffee breaks for five
days, transportation, and meals for the field trips. Airfare is not
seismic interpretation;
66 GSA Today | May 2017