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     GSA GeoCorps™ America Program                               ■ HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY

    Temporary, short-term geoscience opportunities               History and Philosophy of Geology Student Award
            in America’s amazing public lands.
                                                                 Deadline: 15 June
   Fall/Winter 2017–2018 GeoCorps Positions
                                                                   This award is for the best paper in history and philosophy of
                         Apply by 1 July                         geology to be submitted for presentation by the student at the
    GeoCorps provides geoscience opportunities on federal        annual GSA meeting. The proposed paper may be: (1) a paper in
public lands. Project areas include a wide variety of topics,    the history and philosophy of geology; (2) a literature review of
such as paleontology, hydrology, geohazards, caves/karst,        ideas for a technical work or thesis/dissertation; or (3) some
                                                                 imaginative aspect of the history and philosophy of geology we
                    GIS/mapping, and more.                       have not thought of before. For more information, please contact
                                                                 Kathleen Lohff at or go to community

   Bureau of Land U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Management (BLM) (USDA) Forest Service

National Park Service Geoscientists-in-the-Parks                 ■ LIMNOGEOLOGY
                 (GIP) Opportunities                             Kerry Kelts Student Research Award

         Fall/Winter 2017–2018 GIP Positions                     Deadline: 30 June
                                                                   This award for undergraduate or graduate student research is
                            Apply by 1 July
       The NPS-GIP program places college students and early     named in honor of Kerry Kelts, a visionary limnogeologist and
career professionals (18–35 years old) in National Park Service  inspiring teacher. Send your application to Division Chair Joop
 units for three months to one year to assist with geology and   Varekamp with “Kelts Award application” in the subject line.
   integrated science projects. This program is a partnership    For more information, go to
 between the National Park Service, the Geological Society of    limnogeologydivision/awards/kerrykelts.

              America, and Environmental Stewards.               ■ PLANETARY GEOLOGY
                                                                 Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service
                                                                 Deadline: 30 June
 National Park Service Environmental Stewards                      This award may be given to those members of the Planetary

                                                                 Geology Division or those outside of the Division and GSA who
                                                                 have rendered exceptional service to the Division for a multi-year
                                                                 period. For more information, go to

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