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                                              Nominations due 15 June 2017

For more information, go to or contact Dominique Olvera at

Committee name                                No. of         Position title                             Term
                                            vacancies  (special requirements)                           (years)

Academic and Applied Geoscience             1 Member-at-Large (Industry Related Field) Professional     3
Relations Committee (E/M)                          Interest: Structural Geology/Tectonics, Sedimentary
                                                   Geology, Environmental & Engineering                 4
Annual Program Committee (B/E/M)                                                                        3
Arthur L. Day Medal Award (E/T)             3 Members-at-Large                                          3
Diversity in the Geosciences (E/M)
                                            2 Members-at-Large

                                            3 Members-at-Large

Education (B/E/M)                            1 Graduate Educator                                        4
                                             1 Undergraduate Student                                    4
Geologic Mapping Award (E)                   1 Informal Science Educator (museum, visitor center)       2
Geology and Public Policy (B/E/M)            1 Member-at-Large (Government)                             3
                                             2 Members-at-Large                                         3
GSA International (E/M)                      1 Student Representative                                   2
                                             1 Member-at-Large (International Associated Society)       4
Joint Technical Program (E) (term begins     1 Member-at-Large (North America)
December 2017)                               1 Member-at-Large (outside North America)                  1
Membership (B/T)                             1 Member-at-Large Paleoclimatology & Paleoceanology        1
                                             1 Member-at-Large Precambrian Geology                      3
Nominations (B/E)                            1 Member-at-Large (Government)                             3
Penrose Conferences and Thompson             1 Councilor/Former Councilor                               3
Field Forums (E)                             2 Members-at-Large                                         3
Penrose Medal Award (E/T)                    2 Members-at-Large (convener of a past Penrose Conference
Professional Development (E)                                                                            3
Publications Committee (B/E/M)                       or Thompson Field Forum)                           3
                                             2 Members-at-Large                                         4
Research Grants (B/T)                        1 Member-at-Large
                                             1 Member-at-Large                                          3
Research Grants Alternates (B/T)             1 Councilor (at time of appointment)
Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)         1 Member-at-Large (young professional)                     3
(E/T)                                       11 Members-at-Large (intensive time commitment Feb.–Mar.)   3
GSA Representative to the AAAS               1 National Science Foundation Delegate
Consortium of Affiliates for International  10 Members-at-Large (alternates, in needed, Feb.-Mar.)      3
Programs (B/E)                               1 Member-at-Large (variety of discipline and experience)
GSA Representative to the AGI                                                                           3
Environmental Geoscience Advisory            1 GSA Representative (term begins 1 Jan. 2018)
Committee (E/M)                                                                                         3
North American Commission on                 1 GSA Representative (term begins 1 Jan. 2018)
Stratigraphic Nomenclature (E/M)                                                                        3
GSA Representative. to the U.S. National     1 GSA Representative (term begins Nov. 2018)
Committee for Soil Science (B/E)
                                             1 GSA Representative

  Note: Terms begin 1 July 2018 unless stated otherwise. Nominees for Division/Section positions will come from the Divisions and Sections.
B—meets in Boulder or elsewhere; E—communicates by phone or electronically; M—meets at the Annual Meeting; T—extensive time
commitment required during application review period.

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