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attend college. FG students and their par- not perform up to their capabilities (Steele, REFERENCES CITED
ents are more likely to be interested in 2011). Stereotype threat increases as the
career opportunities (Engle et al., 2006). difficulty of academic work increases, ACT/COE (Council for Opportunity in Education),
The geosciences are well-positioned to when the activity (e.g., test) is considered 2016, The Condition of College & Career
exploit this interest. The Bureau of Labor evaluative of mental ability, and in larger Readiness, First-Generation Students: ACT/
Statistics (2015) predicts that geoscience school settings, where anonymity exacer- COE, 20 p.,
jobs will grow 10% from 2014 to 2024. bates concerns about belonging. Several unsecured/documents/CCCR_National_2016.pdf
Advisers and department websites can pro- stereotype threat interventions have been (last accessed 6 Dec. 2016).
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fraud despite a record of high achievement, New York, Delacorte Press, 272 p.
Inviting URM geoscientists to speak can also impede students’ progress.
and to meet with students is another great Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015, Occupational
opportunity to provide role models. Any The following are some actions we Outlook Handbook, Geoscientists: U.S.
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