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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    ment of Geosciences at Georgia State University      GSA Science
                                                                in the area of mineral-water interface geochemis-    Communication Fellowship
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    try. The work will lead to the degree of Ph.D. in
                                                                Chemistry with a Geochemistry Specialization         Application deadline: 15 May 2017
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   (coursework in geosciences) or without (course-
                                                                work in geosciences & chemistry). Funded by the      Term of employment: 1 July 2017–30 April, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  Department of Energy (DOE), the work will focus      2018 (10 months, part-time)
                                                                on studying the energetics of fundamental reac-
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       tions at mineral-water interfaces. The Kabengi       Location: The Geological Society of America
                                                                group has focused on experimental thermody-          (GSA) is headquartered in Boulder, Colo., but
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   namics through the utilization and development       the Fellow may work remotely from any U.S.
                                                                of flow adsorption microcalorimetry techniques       location (no relocation assistance is available).
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      and instrumentations although other techniques       Work will be conducted primarily via tele-
                                                                (spectroscopy, computational modeling, etc.)         phone and computer, with travel to Seattle,
                                               Per line each    will be equally utilized. The work will involve      Washington, for GSA’s annual meeting, 21–
                                                                collaborative efforts, and opportunities to travel   25 Oct. 2017, required.
                            Per Line for       addt’l month     and work with scientists at the DOE National Lab-
                                                                oratories. Requirements include an M.S. degree       Pay: The Fellow will receive US$8,000
Classification              1st month          (same ad)        in geosciences, chemistry, physics, or any related   in compensation plus paid travel to Seattle
                                                                discipline, as well as strong quantitative and com-  (expenses and accommodations) as noted
Positions Open              $9.25              $9.00            munication skills. Stipends for Ph.D. candidates     above.
Fellowship Opportunities    $9.25              $9.00            are $22,500 (12 months) plus a full tuition waiver.
Opportunities for Students                                      The preferred start date is August 2017. Georgia     Description: This position is intended for
                            $0.00              $5.00            State University is a research-intensive university  journalists aspiring to increase their knowl-
  First 25 lines            $5.00              $5.00            in the dynamic heart of downtown Atlanta. Inter-     edge and skill in communicating geoscience
  Additional lines                                              ested candidates should send a cover letter, CV,     and its value to society. The fellowship is an
                                                                GRE, and TOEFL (international students) scores,      opportunity for an early career professional
Positions Open                                                  and transcripts (unofficial copy OK) via email       or recent graduate to gain experience and
                                                                to Nadine Kabengi at Any            professional contacts working for a well-
    OPEN RANK FACULTY POSITION IN                               inquiries about the work, the opportunity, or GSU    established and respected science organiza-
      PETROLEUM OR SEDIMENTARY                                  should also be sent to the email above.              tion. Read more at
                      GEOLOGY                                                                                        gsa/hr/1704-SciCommFellow.aspx.
         LOUISIANA AT LAFAYETTE                                                                                      How to apply: Submit a résumé, cover letter,
                                                                                                                     and writing sample to communications@
The School of Geosciences at the University of                                                              (subject line: ATTN Fellow-
Louisiana at Lafayette invites applications for an                                                                   ship). Interviews will be conducted by phone
open-rank (tenured or tenure track) faculty posi-                                                                    or video conference after the application
tion in Petroleum or Sedimentary Geology that is                                                                     period closes, and a hiring decision should
expected to begin in August 2017. The rank of this                                                                   be made by 1 July 2017.
position will be determined based on qualifica-
tions. The successful candidate will be expected                     GSA Advertising
to put together a dynamic research program in                              Manager
the area of Petroleum and/or Sedimentary Geol-
ogy and will mentor students at the undergraduate                        Ann Crawford
and graduate levels. Responsibilities will include
teaching undergraduate and graduate courses such           
as stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology, subsurface                         +1-303-357-1053
mapping, and basin analysis. A Ph.D. is required
at the time of hire. The School of Geosciences                       toll free +1-800-472-1988
( houses the programs                                ext. 1053
of Geology (B.S. and M.S. degrees) and Environ-
mental Science (B.S. degree with a M.S. to begin      
in August 2017). The School includes 11 faculty
members, four full time instructors, a research sci-                   Check out the online
entist, lab technician, and approximately 150 total             Geoscience Job Board for the
undergraduate majors and 85 graduate students.                   latest recruitment postings.
There are many opportunities for collaboration
with local industry, institutes, and centers, as well
as within other departments and colleges.

   To be considered for this position, send as
a single PDF file that includes your name in the
title, an application letter, CV, separate statements
of teaching and research interests, and the names
and contact information (post and email) of four
references to The review
process will begin immediately and continue
until the position is filled. Questions regarding
this position can be directed to Dr. David Borrok
( The University of
Louisiana at Lafayette is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and encourages applications from
minority group members and women.

Opportunities for Students                            

Ph.D. Research Assistantships in Mineral-
Water Interface Geochemistry, Georgia State
University, Atlanta, Georgia. Funding is avail-
able in the Kabengi research group in the Depart-

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