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2017 GSA Fellows

      “He is an outstanding, widely recognized,                    level with emphasis on field geology. Therefore, it is my distinct
            innovative leader of research.”                        pleasure to nominate him for Fellowship in the Geological
                                                                   Society of America. — William Niles Mode
Patricia Allison McCrory (U.S. Geological Survey): In short,
for her outstanding contributions to our understanding of the      Aaron J. Pietruszka (U.S. Geological Survey): Dr. Pietruszka is
geology and geophysics of the Pacific Northwest, and the seismic    nominated for fellowship in the Geological Society of America
hazards related to the Cascadia subduction zone, I nominate        for his pioneering of new geochemical methods and for his
Dr. Patricia McCrory to be a fellow of the Geological Society      innovative studies of the chemistry and structure of magmatic
of America. — Naomi Oreskes                                        systems in oceanic volcanoes. — Michael O. Garcia

Donald George Mikulic (Illinois State Geological Survey            J. Michael Rhodes (University of Massachusetts–Amherst):
Prairie Research Institute): Donald Mikulic has been a leader and  Professor J.M. Rhodes should be elected a GSA Fellow for
organizer of some 50 geologic field trips and co-author of about    (1) his geochemical studies which provided new constraints on
20 field trip guidebooks or chapters in guidebooks. He has also     the origin and evolution of Hawaiian volcanoes and (2) providing
been at the forefront of fostering public awareness of geology     access to the state of the art X-ray fluorescence analytical facility
through his work with amateur groups, publications, and open       at U. Mass. to geologists from throughout the world. — Frederick
houses. — Joseph Hannibal                                          A. Frey

                                                                   William Ian Ridley (U.S. Geological Survey): Pioneering work
                                                                   in lunar petrology and petrology of the oceanic lithosphere. Also,
                                                                   for his leadership roles in administrating USGS research teams.
                                                                   — Dennis Geist

Scott A. Minor (U.S. Geological Survey): Scott A. Minor, re-       Jeffrey G. Ryan (University of South Florida): Jeff has made
search geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, is nominated     significant contributions in geoscience education and through
for consideration as a GSA Fellow. Scott is a nationally recog-    his research on the geochemistry of volcanic rocks at convergent
nized expert in fault mapping, fault kinematics, and structural    margins. He is an energetic and innovative educator and tireless
and hydrogeologic properties of fault zones in some of the most    in his activities at the national level related to improving
tectonically active and dynamic terranes in the country.           geoscience education. He has held leadership positions in the
— Randall Schumann                                                 Council on Undergraduate Research and National Assoc. of
                                                                   Geoscience Teachers. — Jill K. Singer
Joseph N. Moore (University of Utah): Joe Moore is nominated
for extensive contributions in applied research into geothermal    Matthew R. Saltzman (The Ohio State University):
system exploration and resource assessment. These span concept     Prof. Saltzman has made seminal contributions to the
advancement, publication, mentorship, and public awareness.        chemostratigraphy of the Paleozoic providing insights on carbon
— Philip E. Wannamaker                                             dynamics, biological diversity, tectonics, and climate change.
                                                                   — W. Berry Lyons
Joseph D. Ortiz (Kent State University): Nominated for his
research contributions in paleoclimate, paleoceanography,          Kevin M. Schmidt (U.S. Geological Survey): In recognition of
and water quality. He has pioneered the use of non-invasive,       his three decades of influential research and publication on mass
geophysical core and well-logging measurements to reconstruct      transport on mountain slopes as well as diverse applications of
paleoclimate and sediment properties and has applied novel         surficial processes and mapping to tectonic, ecosystem, and fire-
approaches to quantifying algal and cyanophyte biomass in          disturbance processes. His publications on these subjects are
harmful algal blooms. — Daniel K Holm                              widely regarded as authoritative and have guided public policy
                                                                   decisions. — David M. Miller
David R.M. Pattison (University of Calgary): Dave is one of
most highly respected metamorphic petrologists in the world        Janet L. Slate (U.S. Geological Survey): Janet is nominated
and the leading expert on low pressure metamorphism. He has        for her combination of research contributions, editorial
made seminal contributions to the study of contact aureoles, the   responsibilities, and administration of USGS policy regarding
Al2SiO5 polymorphs, the thermal structure of the deep crust, and   scientific quality of information products. — Ren A. Thompson
kinetics in metamorphism. — Frank S. Spear
                                                                   Aleksey V. Smirnov (Michigan Technological University):
Timothy Scott Paulsen (University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh):           Aleksey is recognized for his advances in fundamental rock mag-
Tim Paulsen has shown excellence in scholarship through his        netism and related innovative applications of paleomagnetism to
research concerning Gondwana assembly and breakup with             solve geologic problems, especially concerning the nature of the
emphasis on Antarctica and in teaching at the undergraduate        early geodynamo and core. — John A. Tarduno

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