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GSA Celebrates Milestone Member Anniversaries

     GSA salutes the following members and Fellows on their 50-year membership anniversaries. We appreciate
their dedication and loyalty to GSA. To view a full list of members who have surpassed the 50-year mark, please

       visit Asterisks (*) indicate GSA Fellows.

50 Year Members      Ronald V. Fodor*                   Fred T. MacKenzie*       Wm. (Skip) B. Simmons Jr.
                     Thomas D. Fouch*                   Edgar J. McCullough Jr.  Gerry L. Stirewalt
M. James Aldrich*    Joseph James Gerencher Jr.         John A. Minch            Raymond Sullivan*
Richard T. Bachman*  Richard I. Grauch*                 Robert D. Nason          Keene Swett
James L. Bischoff*   James T. Gutmann                   Carl E. Norman           Paul A. Thayer*
Kennard B. Bork*     Weldon W. Hammond Jr.              Waite R. Osterkamp*      Dee D. Trent
Peter E. Coffin       Don Hermes*                        David D. Pollard*        Walter E. Trzcienski Jr.*
John B. Comer        Carlos Garcia Herrera              David K. Rea*            L. Jan Turk*
Anita M. Cotton      James R. Hinthorne*                Suzanne Rose             Alan Keith Turner*
James C. Dawson      Thomas L. Holzer*                  Steven Schamel*          Richard B. Waitt*
Thomas E. Eastler*   Leonard Jacob Jr.                  Robert B. Scott*         Howard G. Wilshire*
Rolfe C. Erickson    Philip S. Justus                   Gerald L. Shideler*      Margaret S. Woyski*
Edward B. Evenson*   Edwin Karp                         William W. Shilts*

                     Thank you for your membership!


Now Accepting Penrose Conference and Thompson Field Forum Proposals

Penrose Conferences                                     Thompson Field Forums

bring together multidisciplinary groups for open and    capture the essence of exciting discoveries or
frank discussion of geoscience research and ideas on
location in some of the most fascinating places in the  controversial topics via forays into the field for
                                                        on-the-spot discussions.

                    GSA and the GSA Foundation can provide start-up funds for these events.

22 GSA Today | July 2017
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