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Position Statement Draft positive and negative impacts on the health, safety, legislation that fully considers the economic and security impacts
and welfare of humans and ecosystems.15 of such mandates, and to facilitate the responsible transition
away from fossil fuel energy resources by supporting renewable
In its 2016 pamphlet titled “Geoscience for America’s Critical energy and climate research.
Needs,” the American Geosciences Institute stated the impor- • Research on energy sources and on the environmental, eco-
tance of energy and the role of the nation’s geoscientists as nomic, and social impacts and benefits of their development is
follows: vital. Continued monitoring and research are necessary to
improve forecasts of climate change and impacts to geological
Energy supports economic growth, national security, and ecological systems.
and all the elements of daily life—food, water, trans- • Given the dynamic nature of energy markets, state, federal, and
portation, communication, and entertainment. The global energy policies must be developed in a way that is adap-
United States’ historically robust and secure energy tive to circumstances and innovations and continuously updated
systems have contributed to our high quality of life. to reflect changing conditions. Geoscientists need to be at the
Geoscientists find and develop earth and ocean- forefront of discussions, so that science-based energy policies
sourced energy, such as oil, natural gas, coal, ura- can be formulated and implemented. The continued responsible
nium, and geothermal. They also find and develop the development of all forms of energy resources, and the advance-
raw materials needed for renewable energy sources, ment of emerging energy sources, will ensure reliable supplies
such as cement and metals for dams, and rare earth for the future.
elements for wind turbines and solar installations. In • Global coal resources are abundant. However, the continued use
addition, geoscientists help determine suitable loca- of coal for electric generation will not be possible without con-
tions for energy infrastructure, including refineries, tinued improvement in technologies to reduce carbon dioxide,
transmission lines, dams, and wind farms. sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, mercury, and particulate emis-
sions. GSA supports continued research into clean coal tech-
Geologists who work in the petroleum, coal, uranium, and nologies, carbon gasification, and carbon capture and storage to
geothermal industries; engineering geologists; hydrologists; consider how best to reduce CO2 emissions from coal.
geochemists; oceanographers; meteorologists; and climatolo- • Nuclear power generation emits no carbon. GSA recommends
gists all play important parts in evaluating and implementing that a national nuclear waste storage solution be developed, and
the development of all forms of energy. It is the geoscience that the U.S. Congress approve the construction and operation
community that also assesses the impact of energy development of said solution. The recycling and reuse of spent fuels from
on water resources, ecosystems, air quality, and climate. nuclear power plants should be explored, and the U.S. should
Geoscientists understand the dynamics of Earth’s natural pro- determine where and if these opportunities exist, and when and
cesses and are able to reconstruct climates from the past with how to implement the process. Research into power technolo-
their atmospheric CO2 levels, and the associated sea level gies such as fusion and thorium-based fission must continue.
stands, ecosystem diversity and distribution, and sea water • Wind and solar power projects require the permitting and con-
composition. For those reasons, geoscientists can assess how struction of new power transmission corridors, because the
human activities can influence nature, and which activities are optimum sites for wind and solar generation are often remotely
environmentally sustainable. Accordingly, geoscientists have an located from existing transmission infrastructure. GSA recom-
essential role to play in energy policy. mends that state and federal regulatory bodies support the per-
mitting of these transmission corridors to facilitate a growing
Earth scientists can provide a balanced and realistic perspec- renewable energy portfolio. The geoscience community can
tive in the oftentimes contentious debate about the pros and provide an assessment of the environmental impact of such
cons of fossil fuels versus renewable energy and the scope and transmission corridors and find and develop the natural
timing of the transition to energy resources that reduce green- resources necessary for energy infrastructure construction.
house gas emissions. Resolution of the energy issues that are • GSA recognizes that energy efficiency and conservation is one
presently being debated will have significant economic, strate- of the most effective, scalable, and near-term solutions to reduc-
gic, and environmental consequences. Input from geoscientists ing greenhouse-gas emissions from fossil fuels. Much progress
is critical to informing the public and policy makers about the has been made recently in mandating increased fuel efficiencies
consequences of different options. for automobiles; for increased efficiencies in electric appli-
ances; in home insulation; in lighting; and much more. Without
GSA supports scientific knowledge as a guide to public deci- energy efficiency measures developed and deployed since the
sions about the exploration, exploitation, and stewardship of early 1970s, the U.S. would today consume significantly more
finite energy and mineral resources. energy every year than the 100 quads we currently consume.
However, more can be done. GSA recommends that state and
RECOMMENDATIONS federal legislative bodies implement policies through regulation
and incentives to further increase fuel efficiencies for all forms
• GSA recognizes that all forms of energy production will be of transportation; enhance insulation and “smart” electric
required to meet global energy demand through this century power and distribution technologies in homes, schools and other
and that no form of energy is perfectly secure or completely public buildings, offices, warehouses, and manufacturing facili-
devoid of potential negative impacts. However, in order to ties; improve lighting systems; and incentivize and implement
mitigate negative climate change impacts, GSA encourages
policy makers to mandate reductions in carbon and other
greenhouse gas emissions through appropriate regulation and
50 GSA Today | July 2017