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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities
Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office paleontology, Earth materials, and field courses. PETROLEUM GEOSCIENTIST
Opportunities (depending upon interest and apti- (2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE)
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the tude) include advancing pedagogy and scholar-
ship through attendance at professional meetings KANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@ and/or mentoring undergraduate research stu- UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS–LAWRENCE
dents. This is a 12-month position with additional Full-time, faculty-equivalent, sabbatical-eligible, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053. responsibilities in the summer and winter sessions. positions at Assistant or entry-level Associate Sci-
entist rank. Complete announcements/application
All correspondence must include complete contact informa- The successful candidate will have earned a information at
PhD in Geology or a closely related field with a Positions are expected to conduct, publish, and
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. conferral date no later than the start of the appoint- present the results of fundamental and applied
ment. Demonstrated teaching ability is required; research in petroleum geology and related areas
Rates are in U.S. dollars. university teaching experience is preferred. The that is of national stature and relevant to Kan-
ability to lead field trips for assigned courses, sas. Ph.D. in the geosciences or related field is
Per line each as well as bend and lift up to 30 pounds is also required. Review of applications will begin Sept.
required. 1, 2017. For further information contact Eugene
Per Line for addt’l month Holubnyak ( or Tandis Bidgoli
The initial one-year appointment begins on ( For
Classification 1st month (same ad) August 24, 2017, and is renewable for two addi- other questions contact Annette Delaney, KGS
tional years. Applications, including cover letter, Human Resources, KU is an EO/
Positions Open $9.25 $9.00 CV, teaching statement and list of 3 references, AAE,
Fellowship Opportunities $9.25 $9.00 must be submitted electronically at www.ubjobs.
Opportunities for Students The position is open Opportunities for Students
$0.00 $5.00 until filled. UB is an AA/EOE and welcomes all
First 25 lines $5.00 $5.00 to apply including veterans and individuals with Graduate studies in experimental planetary
Additional lines disabilities. science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
The Dygert group at the Department of Earth
Positions Open HYDROGEOCHEMIST and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennes-
GEOHYDROLOGY SECTION see, Knoxville seeks to recruit an MS or PhD
FACULTY POSITION IN KANSAS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY student to start in spring 2018. Research topics
GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES include experimental and analytical investiga-
THE UNIVERSITY OF tions into the thermal and chemical evolution of
YONSEI UNIVERSITY KANSAS–LAWRENCE lunar and planetary interiors, and the origins of
The Department of Earth System Sciences at Full-time position to lead KGS hydrogeochemi- Earth’s mantle lithosphere. Motivated candidates
Yonsei University, Korea, invites applications for cal investigations. Faculty-equivalent, sabbati- with strong organizational and communication
a tenure-track faculty position in sedimentology, cal-eligible position at Assistant or entry-level skills are encouraged to apply. The successful
petrology-geochemistry, resource geology, and Associate Scientist rank. Requires Ph.D. with applicant is expected to assist in assembling and
other related fields. All (assistant, associate and emphasis on aqueous geochemistry related to calibrating a high pressure experimental petrology
full) professor levels are considered. The Depart- groundwater resources, and scientific leadership laboratory; technical, mechanical, and/or quantita-
ment of Earth System Sciences supports under- potential. Background in hydrogeochemistry tive expertise of any type is preferred. Interested
graduate, M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Geological applied to regional-scale groundwater investiga- parties are encouraged to contact Nick Dygert at
and Environmental Sciences. Yonsei University is tions is desired. The Geohydrology Section has; please include a CV or
one of the premier universities in Korea, located 6 full-time professionals with additional support resume in your message. Applicants attending the
in Seoul. The University may offer reasonable personnel. Emphasis on state-of-the-science field 2017 Goldschmidt conference in Paris can orga-
moving expenditure and initial housing for foreign studies and complementary theoretical research. nize an in-person meeting. Knoxville has a grow-
nationals. Complete announcement/application info at www ing downtown arts and nightlife scene, low cost of Review of appli- living, a pleasant climate, and excellent outdoor
Qualifications Required: A successful candi- cations will begin Sept. 30, 2017. Apply online recreation opportunities in the nearby Smoky
date is expected to build his/her original indepen- at Mountains.
dent research programs and to seek interdisciplin- For further information contact Geoff Bohling
ary collaborations with the Department faculty ( or Don Whittemore (donwhitt
members and/or other researchers worldwide. KU is an EO/AAE, http://policy.
The applicant should also have strong passion for
teaching and advising students and must have a
Ph.D. degree in geological sciences and related Check out the online
fields with postdoctoral research experience. Geoscience Job Board for the
latest recruitment postings.
Application Procedure: Candidates should sub-
mit a CV with a list of publications, a statement of
research and teaching plans, and the names and con-
tact addresses for two references. Applications that
arrive by 7/7/2017, will receive full consideration.
Applications should be submitted to Yonsei Univer-
sity following the guideline outlined at the homep-
age ( Other inquiries
can be E-mailed to: Tae-Kyung Hong, Chair, Depart-
ment of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University,
Seoul 120-749, Korea,
The Geology Department, University at Buffalo,
seeks a clinical teaching faculty member, with a
title of Clinical Assistant Professor. The successful
candidate will teach four courses per semester, or
equivalent, and may carry additional service and/
or administrative responsibilities associated with
the Department’s undergraduate programs. The
successful candidate will primarily teach courses
in the undergraduate curriculum on the following
topics: introductory geology, introductory geology
laboratories, sedimentary geology/stratigraphy/ 55