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Worthy programs like GSA’s GeoCareers Day have                                           That student is Dreadnaught Stubbs, a second-year master’s
             been supported by corporate partners since their ear-                     student of geological sciences at Ohio University, who says
             liest years during GSA’s Annual Meeting. While for-
mats have shifted to best serve both students and participating                             I attended GSA Denver in order to get exposed to pro-
organizations, the aim endures: to inform students about a variety                          fessionals in prospective industries I was interested in. I
of geoscience career paths across sectors—including necessary                               made sure to sign up for a short course because they are
preparation to enter these different sectors—as well as providing                           great opportunities to learn subjects and methods which
mentorship and networking opportunities with professionals.                                 are not offered at most universities. The Sequence
Employees from some of the same supporting companies also join                              Stratigraphy for Graduate Students short course was
together to teach short courses at GSA’s meeting, or serve as                               taught by industry geologists who gave clear explana-
small-group and one-to-one mentors. They confirm a notable ben-                             tions of complex principles and provided applicable
efit to participating in our student programs: The Society’s large                          teamwork-oriented exercises. The short course gave me
student membership brings together a wealth of bright, talented                             the opportunity to apply the critical thinking skills I
young geoscientists from a diverse reach beyond the relatively                              have developed during my education. It was also a great
restricted number of the usual recruiting schools. Chevron Energy                           way to meet other students who were interested in the
Technology Company is one of GSA’s longtime corporate partici-                              same subjects. After the course I was offered an oppor-
pants in these programs, including its support of the careers pro-                          tunity to participate in an internship program with
gram since 2007.                                                                            Chevron, an opportunity I would otherwise be hard-
                                                                                            pressed to come by because companies do not recruit
  Since 2009, Morgan Sullivan, a geologist with Chevron, has                                geologists at my university.
helped instruct a short course at GSA’s Annual Meeting. He has
been pleased to notice a number of interns and full-time employ-                         GSA’s students are one of our greatest strengths. If you would
ees within the company who were initially discovered through                           like more information on how you as an employee, or your organi-
GSA programs like the short courses or careers sessions.                               zation, can be involved in greater interaction with students
“Selecting interns is a challenging process with so many qualified                     through GSA programs, please contact Debbie Marcinkowski at
students, but we have one starting in May whom I met during the                        +1-303-357-1047 or
short course at GSA last fall. He is from a university that Chevron
doesn’t recruit at, and we would have never met him otherwise.”

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                                                                                       Dreadnaught Stubbs at field camp in Badlands
                                                                                       National Park, South Dakota, USA.

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