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Mentoring Tomorrow’s Geoscience
Leaders at the 2017 Section Meetings

  The Geological Society of America (GSA) is proud to provide        result of these programs, new friendships were made and
mentoring and career pathway events at all meetings. At Section      professional contacts were established that will last well into
Meetings, students are invited to participate in the Roy J.          the future.
Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology and the John
Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program. These popu-              In addition to mentoring, GSA also provided three career
lar events, supported by the GSA Foundation through gifts from       workshops for students, designed to help them plan and prepare
Roy J. Shlemon and John Mann, are designed to extend the men-        for their job search. The workshops covered career planning and
toring reach of individual professionals. Together, mentor volun-    informational interviewing, career exploration, and cover letters,
teers and students meet in a relaxing, informal setting, to discuss  résumés, and CVs. Working professionals from academia, gov-
careers in geology over lunch.                                       ernment, and industry were invited to answer questions and help
                                                                     attendees maneuver the career exploration process.
  This past spring, 280 students and 33 mentors participated in
the Shlemon Program and 195 students and 25 mentors attended           GSA gratefully acknowledges the following mentors for their
the Mann Program. With additional financial assistance from          individual gifts of time and for sharing their insight with stu-
GSA’s South-Central, Northeastern, North-Central, and                dents. To learn more about these programs, or to be a mentor at a
Southeastern Sections, both mentors and students left the events     future Section Meeting, please contact Jennifer Nocerino at
expressing feelings of personal and professional growth. As a

The Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geology

                Helping Mentor Students Since 1996

    SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION              Kyle Metz, Ohio Department of Natural           CORDILLERAN SECTION
James Beach, LBG-Guyton Associates     Resources–Division of Geological Survey         Blake Cole, Hyperloop One
                                       Katherine Neff, American Geotechnical         Gil Gilchrist, Statoil (UK) Ltd.
   James Eldrett, Shell International                                                 Jean Hébert, Aquaterre LLC
       Exploration and Production               & Environmental Services          Diane Murbach, Murbach Geotech
                                         Connor O’Loughlin, Hazardous Site        Drew Siler, U.S. Geological Survey
 Robert Lee, GSI Environmental Inc.                                                Jeff Sloan, U.S. Geological Survey
         Robert Scott, Precision                      Cleanup Division
            Stratigraphy Assoc.           David Russ, U.S. Geological Survey        ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION
                                        David Saja, The Cleveland Museum of           Debra Hanneman, Whitehall
Jon Smith, Kansas Geological Survey                                                             Geogroup Inc.
Chris Sumner, Lhoist North America                     Natural History
                                         Greg Walsh, U.S. Geological Survey     Aaron Kilmury, Royal Tyrrell Museum
        NORTHEASTERN AND                                                                      of Palaeontology
   NORTH-CENTRAL SECTIONS                  Thomas Whitfield, Pennsylvania
   Mary Ann Fajvan, Forest Service                   Geological Survey             Robert MacNaughton, Geological
                                                                                             Survey of Canada
      Richard Gray, DiGioia Gray              SOUTHEASTERN SECTION
   Jim Hamel, Hamel Geotechnical        Adam Karst, Karst Geo Solutions LLC      Katie McDonald, Montana Bureau of
                                                                                            Mines and Geology
                 Consultants                  Josh Poole, Wellborn Mining
      Heather Houlton, American                William Schenck, Delaware

           Geosciences Institute                     Geological Survey
      Charlie Martin, KEMRON               John Stewart, ECS Carolinas LLP
      Environmental Services Inc.
                                             Ronald Wallace, Georgia EPD

18 GSA Today | August 2017
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