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GSA Divisions

  GSA’s specialty Divisions help you stay connected with your       Division membership costs between US$3 and US$12 annually.
colleagues worldwide and receive specific information related to    Join one or more Divisions when you renew your 2018 membership
your area of interest. Divisions provide opportunities for leader-  (opens 16 Aug.) at or by calling
ship and service, specialty meetings, awards, student support,      +1-888-443-4471.
and development of the GSA meeting technical program.

                                                                      The Archaeological Geology Division (est. 1977; ~496 mem-
                                                                    bers) provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of
                                                                    papers on archaeological geology in order to stimulate and pro-
                                                                    mote research and teaching within this field. Division awards
                                                                    include the Rip Rapp Archaeological Geology Award, the Richard
                                                                    Hay Student Paper/Poster Award, and the Claude C. Albritton, Jr.,
                                                                    Award memorial fund. Learn more at

                                                                      The Energy Geology Division (est. 1954; ~698 members
                                                                    [formerly the Coal Geology Division]) encourages energy
                                                                    research and disseminates information about energy geology to all
                                                                    interested parties by actively participating in thought-provoking
                                                                    symposia and technical sessions at GSA’s meetings and through
                                                                    scientifically pertinent publications. The Division sponsors a major
                                                                    award for outstanding contributions to the field of coal geology,
                                                                    the Gilbert H. Cady Award, and also recognizes the volunteered
                                                                    contributions of its members through its Distinguished Service
                                                                    Award. For students, the Division offers the Antoinette Lierman
                                                                    Medlin Scholarship, the Antoinette Lierman Medlin Laboratory
                                                                    and Field Awards, and a Best Student Paper Award. Learn more at

                                                                      The Environmental and Engineering Geology Division (est.
                                                                    1947; ~2,000 members) seeks to advance the ability of geologists
                                                                    to identify, characterize, and mitigate adverse geological and envi-
                                                                    ronmental conditions and hazards affecting human safety and the
                                                                    built environment. To do so, the Division promotes research, edu-
                                                                    cation, and dissemination of information relevant to members.
                                                                    Each year, the Division honors an outstanding recent publication
                                                                    with the E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award and, along with the Assoc. of
                                                                    Environmental and Engineering Geologists, commissions the
                                                                    Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer. Other Division awards
                                                                    include the Meritorious Service Award, the Distinguished Practice
                                                                    Award, and, for students, the Roy J. Shlemon Scholarship Awards.
                                                                    Learn more at

                                                                      The Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division (est. 2001;
                                                                    ~561 members) promotes interdisciplinary research focusing on
                                                                    the interplay between the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and
                                                                    atmosphere. More specifically, geobiologists and geomicrobiolo-
                                                                    gists examine the effects of biological activities on geological pro-
                                                                    cesses and the influences of geological settings on biological pro-
                                                                    cesses—both at the macro- and micro-biological scales and in the
                                                                    past through the present. Members are invited to the yearly lunch
                                                                    banquet where winners of the annual Outstanding Contributions
                                                                    to Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Awards are celebrated. Learn
                                                                    more at                                                                                                                21
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