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The Planetary Geology Division (est. 1981; ~773 members)
                                                                                         fosters interactions among planetary scientists, facilitates the pre-
                                                                                         sentation and discussion of their research and ideas, stimulates
                                                                                         communication with other earth scientists, and promotes plan-
                                                                                         etary geology to a broad audience. Awards sponsored by the
                                                                                         Division include the G.K. Gilbert Award, the Ronald Greeley
                                                                                         Award for Distinguished Service, and, for students, the Eugene M.
                                                                                         Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award, the Stephen E. Dwornik
                                                                                         Awards for best student presentations at the annual Lunar and
                                                                                         Planetary Science Conference, Student Travel Grants, and (jointly
                                                                                         with the Meteoritical Society) the Pellas-Ryder Award for the best
                                                                                         student-authored paper in planetary science. Learn more at http://

                                                                                            The Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division (est.
                                                                                         1955; ~1,400 members) facilitates communication among scien-
                                                                                         tists in these fields and the presentation of their research and ideas
                                                                                         to the wider scientific community. Several awards are given by
                                                                                         this Division, including the Distinguished Career Award, the Kirk
                                                                                         Bryan Award, the Gladys W. Cole Memorial Award, the Farouk
                                                                                         El-Baz Award for Desert Research, and the J. Hoover Mackin,
                                                                                         Arthur D. Howard, and Marie Morisawa student research awards.
                                                                                         Learn more at

                                                                                            The Sedimentary Geology Division (est. 1985; ~1,400 mem-
                                                                                         bers) works to ensure the presentation of sedimentary-related top-
                                                                                         ics and sessions at GSA meetings and actively nurtures the work
                                                                                         of students by offering the Sedimentary Geology Division Student
                                                                                         Research Grant Award and Student Poster Awards and by provid-
                                                                                         ing financial aid for students to attend Division-sponsored short
                                                                                         courses and field trips. It also offers the Laurence L. Sloss Award
                                                                                         for outstanding accomplishments in sedimentary geology and
                                                                                         contributions to GSA and cosponsors the Stephen E. Laubach
                                                                                         Research in Structural Diagenesis Award (alternating with the
                                                                                         Structural Geology and Tectonics Division). Learn more at

                                                                                            The Structural Geology and Tectonics Division (est. 1980;
                                                                                         ~1,800 members) focuses on the geometry and mechanisms of
                                                                                         natural and experimental deformation at all scales and works to
                                                                                         promote the research of scientists in these fields and to facilitate
                                                                                         communication and discussion at all levels of the earth sciences.
                                                                                         The Division offers a Career Contribution Award for advancement
                                                                                         of the science of structural geology and tectonics, an Outstanding
                                                                                         Publication Award, and a Division Student Research Grant
                                                                                         Award. It also cosponsors the Stephen E. Laubach Research in
                                                                                         Structural Diagenesis Award (alternating with the Sedimentary
                                                                                         Geology Division). Learn more at

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