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from 19.3 km2 to 1.72 km2, representing a calving event ever witnessed, when gas–forced warming will drive tempera-
91% loss (Kincaid, 2007). From 2000 to Greenland’s Ilulissat glacier discharged tures to rise faster with elevation, with this
2002 alone, surface area decreased from a section of its terminus that measured vertical amplification being greatest in the
2.326 km2 to 2.152 km2, or by 7.48% ~5 km wide, 1 km thick, and 1.5 km long. tropics due to feedbacks involving upper-
(Klein and Kincaid, 2006). The rate of tropospheric humidity, as well as snow
retreat accelerated from 1988 to 2005, even CAUSES OF ICE LOSS albedo and surface-based and water-vapor
while precipitation (partly as rain) actually feedbacks (Ramaswamy et al., 2006;
increased (Kincaid, 2007). When ice con- Extensive literature shows that the Randall et al., 2007; Pepin et al., 2015).
tracts in area and thickness, the ice within ongoing loss of mass from glaciers is Results from general circulation models
the glacier can also be affected by melting. being caused primarily by warming over indicate that the combined water-vapor/
Snow pits and cores at the Quelccaya ice those glaciers and that this warming is, in lapse-rate feedback provides the largest
cap in southern Peru reveal that since the turn, being caused primarily by the rising positive radiative reaction and that this
late 1970s the seasonal oxygen isotopic CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. effect alone roughly doubles the warming
(d18O) variations have been homogenized The reports of the Intergovernmental in response to forcing by greenhouse
by meltwater percolating through the top Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provide gases. As a result, the projected changes in
20 to 30 m of firn. This homogenization useful starting points for understanding mean annual free-air temperatures show
compromises the long-term seasonally the linkage between temperature and the twice as much warming at higher eleva-
resolved record of past climate variations. mass balance of a glacier (e.g., Lemke et tions in the tropics as is predicted at
This finding is consistent with analyses of al., 2007), and IPCC (2013) examines the Earth’s surface generally (Bradley et al.,
shallow cores throughout the Cordillera history and causes of warming. Glaciers 2006). These projections are consistent
Blanca of northern Peru (Davis et al., can respond to changes in accumulation with the recently documented rise of the
1995). Radiocarbon dates from wetland of snowfall, seasonality of temperature, free-air 0 °C isotherm in the tropical atmo-
plants exposed by the retreating margins of cloudiness, and other factors. The advance sphere (Bradley et al., 2009). Furthermore,
Quelccaya ice demonstrate that, for or retreat of a single glacier may be dif- as more dark land surface is exposed,
>~6,300 years, this ice cap has not been ficult to interpret without targeted stud- absorption of the intense higher-elevation
smaller than it is today (Thompson et al., ies, but literature summarized in these radiation increases, thus accelerating the
2013). Rapid retreat of the ice margin con- sources shows that for a large suite of gla- melting (Bradley et al., 2006).
tinues to expose such evidence. ciers ending on land, retreat is primarily
driven by atmospheric warming. Low- to mid-latitude glaciers are
Photography extremely susceptible to such warming. In
Paleoclimate information contributes in accord with model predictions of warming,
Our collaboration features the work of fundamental ways to the strong evidence high-elevation tropical glaciers appear to
the Extreme Ice Survey (EIS), a non- that warming temperature is the primary be responding with an accelerating rate
governmental organization founded to driver of the recent acceleration of ice of glacier loss (Coudrain et al., 2005;
photograph the retreat of glaciers. Photo retreat (Thompson et al., 2011, 2013). For Thompson et al., 2006). Smaller glaciers
couplets of ice retreat have been both example, evidence for warming is associ- respond more rapidly to climate changes,
coincidentally and intentionally collected. ated with ice retreat in the tropical Andes and these mountain glaciers are generally
Ernest Shackleton’s expedition on HMS (Rabatel et al., 2013). Arendt et al. (2013) much smaller than their polar counterparts.
Endurance, for example, collected historic found that mean summer temperatures These ice masses are also particularly sen-
photos of the extent of ice on South derived from ground and lower tropo- sitive to small changes in ambient tempera-
Georgia that can be compared to modern sphere records were good predictors of tures, because they already exist very close
photos (see GRACE-derived summer mass balances to the melting point.
Figure 2 presents photo couplets of glacial in Gulf of Alaska glaciers, capturing 59%
retreat in Alaska, Iceland, Switzerland, and and 72% of the variability. In the context We again emphasize that many environ-
Peru, where lateral retreat and thinning are of the ice retreat in New Guinea from mental factors affect glaciers, and one
apparent. In a similar vein, the EIS has 1972 to 1987, mean monthly atmospheric glacier may change for many reasons. As
amassed >1.1 million images recorded by temperature was the only climate variable glaciers shrink, the insulating effect of a
43 cameras observing 24 glaciers in that changed in a statistically significant debris cover that slows further melting
Alaska, the Rockies, the Andes, South way (+0.24 °C; Klein and Kincaid, 2006). may become more important, joining other
Georgia, Antarctica, the Alps, Iceland, and Warming is also seen throughout the factors influencing glaciers, some of which
the Himalayas. Ice: Portraits of Vanishing Tibetan Plateau (now sometimes charac- are mentioned above. Thus, proper charac-
Glaciers (Balog, 2012) provides graphic terized as the Third Pole [TP]), where terization of ongoing trends requires moni-
evidence in print form. Such time-lapse meteorological data show that surface toring of many glaciers in many places,
imagery has also been assembled into temperatures are rising faster at higher together with targeted studies of selected
videos that display ice retreat, such as elevations than at lower elevations (Liu glaciers to better characterize controls.
“Extreme Ice” ( and Chen, 2000). On average, the tem- Taken together, though, the full scholar-
watch?v=6scs-Q-Ut_E). The film Chasing perature on the TP has been increasing at ship as summarized above gives high con-
Ice is critically acclaimed for its portrayal a rate of 0.16 °C annually and 0.32 °C per fidence that warming caused primarily
of glacial retreat. The film captured spell- decade during winter. by human release of greenhouse gases is
binding imagery of perhaps the largest causing the retreat of glaciers.
On decadal and longer time scales,
climate models project that greenhouse-
6 GSA Today | August 2017