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IMPLICATIONS OF ICE LOSS                        al., 2014; Parizek et al., 2013). In cold envi-  Figure 3. Ice that enters the ocean typically
                                                ronments, ice flowing into the ocean typi-       forms cliffs that then fracture, as shown for this
Global Sea Level                                cally forms attached, floating ice shelves.      iceberg with an approximate 60 m cliff face, in
                                                Friction between ice shelves and fjord           Scoresby Sound, Greenland. Higher cliffs have
  The most widespread and economically          walls, or local sea-floor highs, slows ice-      larger stress imbalances and so are more likely
important global impact of ice loss is sea-     shelf flow, in turn slowing the flow of non-     to break rapidly. Ice cliffs of ~100 m height
level rise. As summarized by the IPCC           floating ice into ice shelves. Warming           appear to be near the highest that can support
(2013), sea level has recently been rising at   ocean waters thin shelves, reducing this         themselves. Retreat in West Antarctica, partic-
just over 3 mm/year. A longer view shows        ice-shelf buttressing, allowing faster flow      ularly at Thwaites Glacier, could produce taller
that this rise has accelerated and that fur-    of non-floating ice into ice shelves. Beyond     cliffs that would fail rapidly, accelerating the
ther acceleration is likely with continuing     some warming threshold, ice shelves typi-        retreat and its contribution to sea-level rise.
warming. Recent contributions to ocean          cally break off completely, leaving tide­
volume have come from a combination of          water cliffs (reviewed in Alley et al., 2015).   Antarctic ice sheets (Yao et al., 2012;
the expansion of ocean water due to its         Material strength limits the height of cliffs    Bolch et al., 2012). These glaciers dis-
warming, retreat of mountain glaciers,          (e.g., Fig. 3); ice cliffs much taller than      charge meltwater into the largest rivers in
shrinkage of the Greenland and Antarctic        ~100 m are likely to be unstable and break       south Asia (Fig. 4), which are critical water
ice sheets through faster flow of land-orig-    rapidly (Hanson and Hooke, 2003; Bassis          resources in the populous regions sur-
inated ice into the ocean, and, primarily in    and Walker, 2012). Retreat of Thwaites           rounding the Himalayas. In 2009, the
Greenland, increasing surface melting and       Glacier, West Antarctica (Joughin et al.,        Third Pole Environment (TPE) program
runoff. Relevant studies show accelerated       2014; DeConto and Pollard, 2016), could          was launched in part to study the response
flow in coastal regions in response to          generate a cliff much higher than this           of this remote region to climate change
warming ocean waters that reduce the            limit, suggesting that very rapid retreat        ( The TPE program
buttressing of ice shelves (IPCC, 2013).        could follow. Implementation of a param-         includes a strong educational component,
The Shepherd et al. (2012) synthesis            eterization for these processes in a well-       as well as an integrated study of paleo-
estimated that sea-level rise from the ice      characterized ice-flow model produced            records to develop the context essential to
sheets accelerated between 1992 and             ice-sheet collapse more than one century         assess and address the impact of anthro­
2011, with an average over that interval of     after initiation of rapid retreat, with >3 m     pogenic activities. Beside the larger-scale
0.59 ± 0.20 mm/yr. Complete loss of the         of sea-level rise from this one source alone     impacts that are yet to unfold, people who
ice sheets would raise sea level ~60 m, so      (Pollard et al., 2015; DeConto and Pollard,      live in areas affected by glacial retreat are
at this average rate, more than 100,000         2016). The full parameter space for such         already experiencing the consequences.
years would be required for complete            cliff instability has not been extensively       For example, in 2006, a lake that had grown
ice-sheet removal. As discussed below,          explored, and faster collapse cannot be          from the melting of Quelccaya’s Qori Kalis
however, much shorter time scales may           eliminated (Alley et al., 2015). Even if such    outlet glacier (see Fig. 2J) breached its
be involved.                                    rapid cliff collapse is not triggered, warm-     moraine dam after an avalanche and
                                                ing during the next one to a few centuries       flooded the valley below, drowning herds
  Some studies estimate the costs of sea-       could commit the world to a very much            of grazing alpacas. Emblematic of these
level rise to be relatively small. These esti-  larger long-term rise of sea-level (Pollard      concerns, the National Research Council
mates are, in part, based upon using the        et al., 2015), possibly including complete       of the National Academies also conducted
most-likely IPCC projections of a slow,         loss of the ice sheets (Winkelmann et al.,       a study to assess the role of Himalayan
small, and well-anticipated rate, as well as    2015). Uncertainties remain great, with          glaciers within the context of climate
the assumption of an efficient response to      potentially very large impacts upon human
the rise (e.g., Darwin and Tol, 2001).          society and economies. The importance of
Growing knowledge about the ongoing             this topic was highlighted by the recent
evolution and behavior of the primary out-      studies from the National Research
let glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica,       Council/National Academies (2013, 2015).
however, raises the possibility that future
increments of sea-level rise may not, in        Water Supply
fact, be slow, small, or well-anticipated
(e.g., Joughin et al., 2014; Pollard et al.,      The loss of ice will have direct impact
2015; DeConto and Pollard, 2016).               on local populations through changes in
                                                water availability, particularly during dry
  As reviewed in Alley et al. (2015), the       periods. The glacial-fed streams in the
distribution of possible rates of sea-level     Andes, and elsewhere, are essential for
rise includes values with slightly slower,      hydroelectric production, irrigation, and
slightly faster, or a much faster rise than     municipal water supplies. Indeed, the gla-
the central IPCC projections. Of particular     ciers across the TP are sometimes referred
concern is marine instability in West           to as the “water towers” for southern Asia,
Antarctica, especially the drainage through     where >100,000 km2 of glaciers contain
Thwaites Glacier into the Amundsen Sea          one of the largest glacial stores of fresh
(National Research Council, 2013).              water outside of the Greenland and
Extensive retreat may already have been
triggered or may be imminent (Joughin et

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