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A                          93° W

30° N                                         Chenier Plain                                      Mississippi Delta  New Orleans

                             20 km                                 Wax Lake Delta
                                        Subsidence rate (mm yr-1)     Atchafalaya Delta

                                    6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Semivariance (mm2yr-2)  80                         C                                                                D

                          B  50 100                          50 km                                                       50 km
                               Distance (km)                        Kriging std. dev. (mm yr-1)                                     Data std. dev. (mm yr-1)
                        60                                          0 4 8 12 16 20
                        40                                                                                                        0 4 8 12 16 20
                        20                       150


Figure 1. (A) Subsidence map for coastal Louisiana based on geostatistical interpolation (kriging) of 274 observations
(black dots) of land-surface subsidence rates over the past 6–10 years. Areas in white and gray are agricultural and
urban, respectively, and located outside of the wetlands. (B) Semivariogram of the data using 100 draws from different
kriging options (gray), the data mean (black), and the kriging model (red). (C) Uncertainty (standard deviation) of the
kriging estimate. Black squares show GPS stations. (D) Uncertainty (standard deviation) of the underlying data. Black
squares show National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tide gauges. Note that the subsidence map
can easily be converted into a relative sea-level rise map by adding the climate-driven sea-level component.

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