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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office    in the geosciences. The successful candidate will      teaching, learning beyond the traditional class-
                                                                develop a research program that engages under-         room, international perspectives, and collabora-
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    graduates, contribute to all-college programs such     tive research among students and faculty. It is rec-
                                                                as first-year seminars, interdisciplinary studies,     ognized as one of the Colleges That Change Lives.
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   and international education, and serve in leader-
                                                                ship roles in campus governance. An ability to            Inquiries may be addressed to Sue Swanson,, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  contribute to an interdisciplinary Environmental       department chair ( Inter-
                                                                Studies program is considered an asset.                ested individuals may submit a letter of inter-
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-                                                              est, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and
                                                                   Because equity and inclusion are central to our     research interests, graduate transcripts, and three
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   students’ liberal education and vital to the thriving  letters of reference to geologyvisitorsearch@
                                                                of all members of our residential learning com- To ensure full consideration, please
Rates are in U.S. dollars.                                      munity, Beloit College aspires to be an actively       submit all materials by September 15, 2017. The
                                                                anti-racist institution. We recognize our aspiration   search will remain open until the position is filled.
                                               Per line each    as ongoing and institution-wide, involving col-
                                                                lective commitment and accountability. We wel-              Hiring?
                            Per Line for       addt’l month     come employees who are committed to and will
                                                                actively contribute to our efforts to celebrate our       Post that open position on GSA’s Job Board.
Classification              1st month          (same ad)        cultural and intellectual richness and be resolute in     Then make plans to visit with potential
                                                                advancing inclusion and equity. We encourage all          candidates while at the GSA 2017 Seattle
Positions Open              $9.25              $9.00            interested individuals meeting the criteria of the        meeting. Highlight the position announce-
Fellowship Opportunities    $9.25              $9.00            described position to apply.                              ment through the special section on the
Opportunities for Students                                                                                                Geoscience Job Board (web).
                            $0.00              $5.00               Located in a diverse community close to Madi-
  First 25 lines            $5.00              $5.00            son, Milwaukee, and Chicago, Beloit is a selective        Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
  Additional lines                                              undergraduate liberal arts college that attracts stu-     vacancies. Use print issues of GSA Today
                                                                dents from across the United States and the world.        and GSA’s Geoscience Job Board (web).
Positions Open                                                  The college emphasizes excellence in teaching,            Bundle and save for best pricing options.
                                                                learning beyond the traditional classroom, inter-
                  TENURE TRACK                                  national perspectives, and collaborative research         That unique candidate is waiting to be found.
 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY                                 among students and faculty. It is recognized as one
                                                                of the Colleges That Change Lives.
                 BELOIT COLLEGE
The Beloit College Department of Geology invites                   Inquiries may be addressed to Susan Swanson,
applicants for a tenure-track position in the area of           department chair ( Inter-
Earth History and Climate (Paleoclimatology) to                 ested individuals may submit a letter of inter-
begin August 2018. The successful applicant will                est, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and
teach courses in climate and historical geology                 research interests, graduate transcripts, and con-
for geology majors and non-majors. Additional                   tact information for three references to geology-
courses taught will reflect the applicant’s area of    To ensure full consideration,
specialty, and might include paleontology, sedi-                please submit all materials by November 15, 2017.
mentology, geochemistry, and geoarchaeology. We                 The search will remain open until the position
seek candidates that can contribute to the depart-              is filled.
ments’ commitment to increasing access and
opportunities for populations under-represented

                                                                              VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                                                              OF GEOLOGY, BELOIT COLLEGE
                                                                        Beloit College invites applications for a one-
                                                                        semester Visiting Assistant Professor of Geology
                                                                        beginning in January, 2018. The successful candi-
                                                                        date will teach two laboratory courses: introduc-
                                                                        tory evolution of the earth and oceanography.
                                                                            Because equity and inclusion are central to our
                                                                        students’ liberal education and vital to the thriving
                                                                        of all members of our residential learning com-
                                                                        munity, Beloit College aspires to be an actively
                                                                        anti-racist institution. We recognize our aspiration
                                                                        as ongoing and institution-wide, involving col-
                                                                        lective commitment and accountability. We wel-
                                                                        come employees who are committed to and will
                                                                        actively contribute to our efforts to celebrate our
                                                                        cultural and intellectual richness and be resolute in
                                                                        advancing inclusion and equity. We encourage all
                                                                        interested individuals meeting the criteria of the
                                                                        described position to apply.
                                                                            Located in a diverse community close to Madi-
                                                                        son, Milwaukee, and Chicago, Beloit is a selective
                                                                        undergraduate liberal arts college that attracts
                                                                        students from across the United States and the
                                                                        world. The college emphasizes excellence in

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