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Submit (1) a cover letter from an MGPV Division member, no           should include a description of what the nominee has given to
longer than three pages, summarizing the nominee’s most                the PGD community, may be made by any PGD member to the
important accomplishments in geologic approaches to mineral-           management board. More information is online at http://rock
ogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology. Special atten-
tion should be paid to describing how the nominee’s published
work demonstrates field-based multidisciplinary geologic               QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND
accomplishments of a ground-breaking nature. The letter should         GEOMORPHOLOGY DIVISION
include the name, address, and contact information of the nomi-
nator as well as from whom letters of support can be expected;         Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research
(2) curriculum vitae of the nominee; and (3) three letters of sup-
port that can be either from members or non-members of GSA             Nominations due 1 Apr.
or the MGPV Division to J. Alex Speer, Mineralogical Society of          Submit nominations, including (1) a statement of the signifi-
America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Suite 500, Chantilly VA 20151-
1110 USA; More information is online at          cance of the nominee’s research; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) letters              of support; and (4) copies of no more than five of the nominee’s
                                                                       most significant publications related to desert research to Tammy
PLANETARY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                             Rittenour, Please submit electronically
                                                                       unless hardcopy previously approved. The Farouk El-Baz Award
Shoemaker Award                                                        for Desert Research rewards excellence in desert geomorphology
                                                                       research worldwide. It is intended to stimulate research in desert
Nominations due 26 Aug.                                                environments by recognizing an individual whose research has
  The Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award is for                significantly advanced the understanding of the Quaternary geol-
                                                                       ogy and geomorphology of deserts. Although the award primarily
undergraduate or graduate students, of any nationality, working in     recognizes achievement in desert research, the funds that accom-
any country, in the disciplines of geology, geophysics, geochemis-     pany it may be used for further research. The award is normally
try, astronomy, or biology. The award, which will include              given to one person but may be shared by two people if the recog-
US$2500, is to be applied to the study of impact craters, either on    nized research was the result of a coequal partnership. Any
Earth or on the other solid bodies in the solar system. Areas of       scientist from any country may be nominated. Because the award
study may include but shall not necessarily be limited to impact       recognizes research excellence, self-nomination is not permitted.
cratering processes; the bodies (asteroidal or cometary) that make     Neither nominators nor nominees need be GSA members. Monies
the impacts; or the geological, chemical, or biological results        for the award are derived from the annual interest income of the
of impact cratering. More information is online at http://rock         Farouk El-Baz Fund, administered by the GSA Foundation. More                                    information is online at
Pellas-Ryder Award
                                                                       Distinguished Career Award
Nominations due 31 Jan.
  This award, which is jointly sponsored by the Meteoritical           Nominations due 1 Apr.
                                                                         Submit nominations, including (1) a brief biographical sketch;
Society and the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological
Society of America, is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate         (2) a statement of no more than 200 words describing the candi-
student who is first author of the best planetary science paper pub-   date’s scientific contributions to Quaternary geology and geomor-
lished in a peer-reviewed scientific journal during the year prior to  phology; (3) a selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles; and
the award. Potential topics are listed on the cover of Meteoritics &   (4) a minimum of four letters from colleagues supporting the
Planetary Science, and include Asteroids, Comets, Craters,             nomination, via email to the Division Secretary, Sarah Lewis
Interplanetary Dust, Interstellar Medium, Lunar Samples,               ( Please submit electronically
Meteors, Meteorites, Natural Satellites, Planets, Tektites, and        unless hardcopy previously approved. The Distinguished Career
Origin and History of the Solar System. The award has been given       Award is presented annually to a Quaternary geologist or geomor-
since 2001 and honors the memories of meteoriticist Paul Pellas        phologist who has demonstrated excellence in their contributions
and lunar scientist Graham Ryder. More information is online at        to science. Because the award recognizes research excellence,                      self-nomination is not permitted. Neither nominators nor nomi-
                                                                       nees need be GSA members. Previous recipients are listed on the
Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service                         QG&G website. More information is online at community
Nominations due 30 June
  In 2011, the Planetary Geology Division (PGD) established the        Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence

Ronald Greeley Award for Distinguished Service. This award             Nominations due 1 Feb.
may be given to those members of the PGD, and those outside of           The Kirk Bryan Award is bestowed upon the author or authors
the Division and GSA, who have rendered exceptional service to
the PGD for a multi-year period. The award is not open to cur-         of a published paper of distinction advancing the science of
rently serving members of the management board, but may be             geomorphology or some related field, such as Quaternary geology.
awarded to past members of the management board who have               The paper constituting the basis of the award must fulfill the fol-
provided exceptional service to the PGD after their term on the        lowing requirements: (1) the paper will deal with geomorphology
management board has ended. Nominations for the award, which           or with a bordering field; and (2) the paper will have been                                                                                                                  19
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