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published not more than five years prior to its selection for the    STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND
award. Submit nominations, including (1) a letter (1–3 pages long)   TECTONIC DIVISION
by the chief nominator outlining the significance and importance
of the nominated publication; (2) a copy of the publication;         Career Contribution Award
(3) reviews of the publications that have appeared in journals,
newsletters, or books (if any); and (4) one or more letters from     Nominations due 1 Mar.
other supporters of the nomination, via email to the Division sec-     This award is for an individual who throughout his/her career
retary, Sarah Lewis ( Please submit
electronically unless hardcopy previously approved. Kirk Bryan       has made numerous distinguished contributions that have clearly
Award–winning papers are listed on the QG&G website, and             advanced the science of structural geology or tectonics. Nominees
more information is online at              need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and mem-
qggdivision/awards/kirkbryanaward.                                   bership in the Geological Society of America is not required.
                                                                     Nominations should include the following information: (1) name of
SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY DIVISION                                         nominee, present institutional affiliation, and address; (2) summary
                                                                     statement of nominee’s major career contributions to the science
Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology                      of structural geology and tectonics; (3) selected key published
                                                                     works of the nominee; and (4) name and address of nominator.
Nominations due 15 Feb.                                              More information for how to nominate, whom to send the nomina-
  Submit (1) a cover letter describing the nominee’s accomplish-     tion to, and a list of past recipients is online at http://rock
ments in sedimentary geology and contributions to GSA; (2) a cur-
riculum vitae; and (3) any additional supporting letters electroni-  Outstanding Publication Award
cally to Linda Kah, Sedimentary Geology Division, lckah@utk
.edu. Nomination materials remain active for three years. The        Nominations due 12 Aug.
Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology is given annu-         This award is given annually for a published work (paper, book,
ally to a sedimentary geologist whose lifetime achievements best
exemplify those of Larry Sloss—i.e., achievements that contribute    or map) of exceptional distinction that clearly advances the sci-
widely to the field of sedimentary geology and service to GSA.       ence of structural geology or tectonics. Nominations include:
Monies for the award are derived from the annual interest income     (1) a full citation; (2) nomination (as short as a paragraph; letters
of the Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology Fund,         or reviews may also be included); and (3) the name and address of
administered by the GSA Foundation. For more information,            the nominator. More information for how to nominate, whom to
go to                send the nomination to, and a list of past recipients is online at

Sedimentary Geology Division and Structural Geology and
Tectonic Division Joint Award

Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award

Nominations due 1 Apr.
  The Stephen E. Laubach Structural Diagenesis Research Award

Fund promotes research combining structural geology and dia-
genesis and curriculum development in structural diagenesis. This
award addresses the rapidly growing recognition that fracturing,
cement precipitation and dissolution, evolving rock mechanical
properties, and other structural diagenetic processes can govern
recovery of resources and sequestration of material in deeply bur-
ied, diagenetically altered and fractured sedimentary rocks. The
award highlights the growing need to break down disciplinary
boundaries between structural geology and sedimentary petrol-
ogy, exemplified by the work of Dr. Stephen Laubach and col-
leagues. The award alternates between being awarded by the
Sedimentary Geology Division on odd numbered years, and the
Structural Geology and Tectonics Division on even-numbered
years, reflecting the focus of the award on this cycle. Graduate
students, postgraduate, and faculty-level researchers are eligible.
For information application requirements, go to community

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