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P. 25 Sun., 15 Apr., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Room 208. Cost US$50;      4. 	 Pennsylvanian Sandstones and Cyclothems of Central
      includes workshop book, box lunch, morning and afternoon             Iowa. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division;
      refreshments.                                                        Great Lakes Section SEPM (Society for Sedimentary
W4. 	 Effective Science Communication for Geoscientists.                   Geology). Sun., 15 Apr., 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Cost: US$60;
      Carol McCartney, University of Wisconsin–Madison,                    includes guidebook, transportation, and refreshments.; Michael Dahlstrom,                   Lunch is on your own. Philip Heckel, University of Iowa,
      Iowa State University,; Dara Wald, Iowa    ; Emily Finzel, University of Iowa,
      State University, Mon., 16 Apr.,        ; John Paul Pope, Northwest
      noon–1:30 p.m. Room 208. Cost US$30; includes box lunch.             Missouri State University,
W5. 	 NSF’s Portal to the Public: Partnering Researchers with
      Science Centers to Create Interactive Demonstrations to         5. 	 Geoscience in Your Backyard: A Field Trip for
      Bring Research to the Public. Renee Harmon, Science                  Educators. Cosponsored by GSA Geoscience Education
      Center of Iowa, Tues., 17 Apr.,             Division. Sun., 15 Apr., 1–5 p.m. Cost: US$35; includes
      noon–1:30 p.m. Room 208. Cost US$30; includes box lunch.             guidebook, transportation, and refreshments. Collin
                                                                           Reichert, Ames Community Schools, collin.reichert@
FIELD TRIPS                                                      

  For additional information, please contact the field trip           6. 	 Hydrogeology of the Ames Aquifer and Its Award-
co-chairs, Franciszek Hasiuk,, and Aaron                Winning Drinking Water. Cosponsored by GSA
Wood,, the field trip leaders, or check the              Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Division.
meeting website. All trips depart from the Scheman Building at             Sun., 15 Apr., 8 a.m.–noon. Cost: US$35; includes guide-
the Iowa State Center.                                                     book, transportation, and refreshments. William Simpkins,
                                                                           Iowa State University,; Lyle Hammes,
During Meeting                                                             Ames Water and Pollution Control Department, lhammes@
1. 	 Twenty-First Century Aggregates Field Trip. Associated
     with Theme Session 38. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary            Post-Meeting
     Geology Division; GSA Engineering and Environmental
     Geology Division. Mon., 16 Apr., 1–5 p.m. Cost: US$50;           7. 	 Cambrian-Ordovician Industrial Sand Resources and
     includes guidebook, transportation, box lunch, and                    Stratigraphy of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, USA.
     refreshments. Franciszek Hasiuk, Iowa State University,               Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA; Ryan Clark, Iowa Geological Survey,               Environmental and Engineering Geology Division; Great                                               Lakes Section SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).
                                                                           Wed.–Thurs., 18–19 Apr., 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: US$175;
Pre-Meeting                                                                includes guidebook, transportation, one breakfast, two
                                                                           lunches, lodging on Wed., 18 Apr. (double occupancy), and
2. 	 Geomorphic Evolution of the Upper Mississippi Valley.                 refreshments. Dinner on Wed., 18 Apr., is on your own.
     Cosponsored by GSA Quaternary Geology and                             Jay Zambito, Wisconsin Geological Survey, jay.zambito@
     Geomorphology Division. Sat.–Sun., 14–15 Apr., 7 a.m.       ; Bob Libra,; Tony Runkel,
     –4 p.m. Cost: US$165; includes guidebook, transportation,             Minnesota Geological Survey,
     one breakfast (15 Apr.), lodging on Sat., 14 Apr. (double occu-
     pancy), and refreshments. Lunch on 14 Apr. and lunch and         8. 	 Pipes, Pigs, and Peaks: Human and Animal Impacts on
     dinner on 15 Apr. are on your own. Andrew Wickert,                    Hydrology, Water Quality, and Soils in Central Iowa.
     University of Minnesota–Twin Cities,;                Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA
     Carrie Jennings, Freshwater Society, cjennings@freshwater.            Geology and Society Division; GSA Soils and Soil
     org; Karen Gran, University of Minnesota–Duluth, kgran@               Processes Interdisciplinary Interest Group. Wed., 18 Apr.,; Brandon Curry, Illinois State Geological Survey,           8 a.m.–4 p.m. Cost: US$80; includes guidebook, transporta-                                                 tion, lunch, and refreshments. William Simpkins, Iowa
                                                                           State University,; Lee Burras, Iowa
3. 	 Geologic Controls on Surface and Groundwater Quality                  State University,; Kristie Franz, Iowa
     in the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System of the                      State University,; Nathan Young, Iowa
     “Driftless” Area of Southeastern Minnesota. Cosponsored               State University,; Katherine Taylor,
     by GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division;                     Iowa State University.
     GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology Division.
     Sat.–Sun., 14–15 Apr., 7 a.m.–4 p.m. Cost: US$215; includes      OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
     guidebook, transportation, one breakfast, two lunches, one
     dinner, lodging on Sat., 14 Apr. (double occupancy), and         Presentation Awards
     refreshments. Robert Tipping, Minnesota Geological Survey,; Tony Runkel, Minnesota Geological                Awards for the best graduate and undergraduate student posters
     Survey,, Julia Steenberg, Minnesota             and papers are supported by the GSA North-Central Section and
     Geological Survey,; Andrew Retzler,             by the Great Lakes Section–SEPM (Society for Sedimentary
     Minnesota Geological Survey,                   Geology). To be eligible, students must be lead authors and pre-
                                                                      senters, and should be capable of answering detailed questions
                                                                      about their research.                                                                                                             25
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