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7. 	 Nutrient Hotspots through Time: Taphonomy in Modern            and will introduce you to informational interviewing. This section
     and Fossil Ecosystems. 14 April, 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Max: 20.     is highly recommended for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.
     US$130. Principal organizer: Sarah W. Keenan, University       The earlier you start your career planning the better.
     of Tennessee–Knoxville; co-organizers: Christopher Widga,
     East Tennessee State University; Jennifer M. DeBruyn,          Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration. What do geologists in
     University of Tennessee–Knoxville; Sean M. Schaeffer,          various sectors earn? What do they do? What are the pros and
     University of Tennessee–Knoxville.                             cons of working in academia, government, and industry?
                                                                    Workshop presenters and professionals in the field will address
8. 	 Hydrogeology and Structure of Tuckaleechee Cove and            these issues.
     Vicinity. 14 April, 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Max: 22. US$130.
     Principal organizer: Ben Miller, USGS–Nashville; co-orga-      Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés, and CVs. How do you prepare
     nizer: Terri Brown, University of Tennessee–Knoxville.         a cover letter? Does your résumé need a good edit? Whether you
                                                                    are currently on the job market or not, learn how to prepare the
9. 	 Mesoscale Structures, Macroscale Folds, and Inferred           best résumé possible. You will review numerous résumés helping
     Cratonic Basement Structures, Nashville Dome,                  you to learn important résumé dos and don’ts.
     Central Tennessee. 9 a.m., 14 April–4 p.m., 15 April.
     Max: 11. US$195. Principal organizer: Mark Abolins, Middle     Travel Grants
     Tennessee State University.
                                                                    Deadline to apply: 5 March
OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS                                            GSA’s Southeastern Section is pleased to offer support for the

Mentor Programs                                                     cost of student travel to its Section Meeting. For more informa-
                                                                    tion, go to
  For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@     students.aspx.
Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience                 LOCAL COMMITTEE
Luncheon. Thurs., 12 April. Students will have the opportunity to
discuss career prospects and challenges with professional geosci-   General Chair: Colin Sumrall,
entists from multiple disciplines over a FREE lunch.

John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program                   Technical Program Chairs: Linda Kah,, and
Luncheon. Fri., 13 April. Students interested in applied hydroge-   Bob Hatcher,
ology or hydrology as a career will have the opportunity to net-
work with professionals in these fields over a FREE lunch.          Field Trip Co-Chairs: Annette Engel, and
                                                                    Bob Hatcher,

Geoscience Career Workshops                                         Treasurer: Hap McSween,

  For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at jnocerino@     Exhibits Chair: Brad Thompson,
Part 1: Career Planning and Informational Interviewing. Your        Sponsorship Co-Chairs: Ed Perfect,, and
job-hunting process should begin with career planning, not when     Larry McKay,
you apply for jobs. This workshop will help you begin this process                                                                                                             29
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