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                                                                                       Renew at

               Why GSA Membership Is Important                                                                                                                   COLLABORATION

                            Real Reasons from Real Members*
                                                                                                                                                   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                                                                      SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS & EVENTS  |  FIELD TRIPS  |  SHORT COURSES
                                                                                                                                                SCIENTIFIC DIVISIONS  |  23,000 MEMBER COMMUNITY  |  GEOGRAPHIC SECTIONS
                                          Access to information and research I wouldn't
                                        get anywhere else, connections to new opportunities,
                                               and having a feeling of belonging.
                                                                                                                                              SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION

                                                        An indispensable source of professional
                                                          development and career-oriented                                                       RESEARCH GRANTS  |  TRAVEL GRANTS  |  FIELD EXPERIENCES  |  CAREER GUIDANCE
                                                            resources and guidance.

                                          A vibrant and diverse society ensuring that I am
                                         always exposed to new innovative ideas from every
                                              corner of the globe, which keeps my                                                                                      ADVOCACY
                                                 thought-processes on edge.
                                                                                                                                                PUBLIC AWARENESS  |  OUTREACH  |  PUBLIC POLICY  |  DIVERSITY IN GEOSCIENCES

                                                     A huge part of networking and advancing as a
                                                       young professional.  I have felt supported
                                                        and challenged by participating in GSA.


                                              Opportunity to connect, reconnect,
                                               get inspired, and inspire others.                                                                            AWARDS  |  LEADERSHIP  |  VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES

                                                   Being part of a larger community that galvanizes the
                                                      voice of scientists and helps us share ideas,
                                                   communicate their findings, interact with the public,                                                               RESEARCH
                                                          and connect with policymakers.
                                                                                                                                                       PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS  |  PUBLISH & PRESENT RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                FREE GEOFACETS  |  FREE ONLINE GEOLOGY
                                        Working in industry, GSA is critical to stay current on
                                         research in the geosciences, and GSA provides a
                                             "lifeline" to the research community.
                                                                                                                                      Renew Early & SAVE 15%* off Membership Dues

                                                                          *Member quotes are from GSA’s Strategic Planning Survey                                        *Discount applies to those in high income country/territory economies
      16                                         GSA Today  |  November 2018
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