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Help Shape the Future of Geoscience
—Serve on a GSA Committee!
Deadline: 15 June 2018 the employment issues these groups face; expertise and leadership
experience in such areas as human resources and education is
Terms begin 1 July 2019 (unless otherwise indicated) also desired.
If you are looking for the opportunity to work toward a com- EDUCATION COMMITTEE
mon goal, give back to GSA, network, and make a difference, then
we invite you to volunteer (or nominate a fellow GSA member) to Three vacancies: 4-Year College Faculty Representative
serve on a Society committee or as a GSA representative to (4-year term; B, E, M), Member-at-Large (4-year term; B, E,
another organization. M), Graduate Student Representative (2-year term; B, E, M)
Use the online form at to make This committee works with GSA members representing a wide
a nomination or self-nomination. Committee open positions and range of education sectors to develop informal, pre-college
qualifications are also listed there. GSA headquarters contact: (K–12), undergraduate, and graduate earth-science education and
Dominique Olvera, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, outreach objectives and initiatives. Qualifications: Members of
USA; fax: +1-303-357-1060; this committee must have the ability to work with other interested
scientific organizations and science teachers’ groups.
B—Meets in Boulder or elsewhere; E—Communicates by phone
or electronically; M—Meets at the Annual Meeting; GEOLOGIC MAPPING AWARD COMMITTEE
T—Extensive time commitment required during application
review period. Two vacancies: Member-at-Large (3-year term; E), Student
Member-at-Large (3-year term; E)
The purpose of this committee is to generate, receive, and eval-
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (4-year term; B, E, M); one uate candidates for the Geologic Mapping Award. This award
Student Member-at-Large (2-year term; B, E, M) acknowledges contributions in published high-quality geologic
mapping that led the recipient to publish significant new scientific
This committee is charged with developing a plan for increas- or economic-resource discoveries and to contribute greater under-
ing the quality of the annual and other society-sponsored meetings standing of fundamental geologic processes and concepts. The
in terms of science, education, and outreach; evaluating the tech- objective is to encourage training and support toward the produc-
nical and scientific programs annually to identify modifications tion of excellent, accurate, detailed, purposeful geologic maps and
necessary for accomplishing the Society’s long-range goals; con- cross sections. With respect to size or scale, there are no restric-
ducting short- and long-range planning for the Society meetings tions on map products. GSA’s Geological Mapping Award will be
as a whole; and developing a long-term logistical plan/strategy for made on an annual basis, leaving the option open for multiple
the technical programs of all GSA meetings and other Society- awards to be given under unusual circumstance in any given year
sponsored meetings. One member-at-large should have previous or to make no award in any given year.
meeting experience.
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; E, T) One vacancy: Member-at-Large (3-year term; B, E, M)
This committee selects candidates for the Arthur L. Day Medal. This committee provides advice on public policy matters to
Qualifications: Members should have knowledge of those who Council and GSA leadership by monitoring and assessing interna-
have made “distinct contributions to geologic knowledge through tional, national, and regional science policy; formulating and rec-
the application of physics and chemistry to the solution of geo- ommending position statements; and sponsoring topical white
logic problems.” All of the committee’s work will be accom- papers. This committee also encourages the active engagement in
plished during the months of February and March. All committee geoscience policy by GSA members. Qualifications: Members
decisions must be made by 1 April. should have experience with public-policy issues involving the
science of geology; ability to develop, disseminate, and translate
DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES COMMITTEE information from the geologic sciences into useful forms for the
general public and for GSA members; and familiarity with appro-
Two Member-at-Large vacancies (3-year term; E, M) priate techniques for the dissemination of information.
This committee provides advice and support to GSA Council
and initiates activities and programs that will increase opportuni-
ties for people of ethnic minority, women, and persons with dis- Four vacancies: Member-at-Large, Secretary, IIG Chair, and
abilities and raise awareness in the geosciences community of Chair (4-year terms; E, M)
the positive role these groups play within the geosciences. The
committee is also charged with stimulating recruitment and pro- Serve as GSA’s coordination and communication resource seek-
moting positive career development for these groups. ing to promote, create, and enhance opportunities for international
Qualifications: Members of this committee must be familiar with cooperation related to the scientific, educational, and outreach
56 GSA Today | May 2018