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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office       Brigham Young University is an equal oppor-
no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the    tunity employer. All faculty are required to abide
issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@   by the university’s Honor Code and Dress and, +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.  Grooming Standards. Preference is given to quali-
All correspondence must include complete contact informa-       fied candidates who are members in good stand-
tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses.                   ing of the affiliated church, The Church of Jesus
Online:                                Christ of Latter-day Saints. Successful candidates
                                                                are expected to support and contribute to the aca-
Rates are in U.S. dollars.              Per line each           demic and religious missions of the university
		                                      addt’l month            within the context of the principles and doctrine of
                                                                the affiliated church.
	 Per Line for	                          (same ad)
Classification	             1st month	     $9.25

Positions Open	             $ 9.30	        $5.00
Fellowship Opportunities	   $ 9.30	        $5.00
Opportunities for Students  $ 0.00	
   First 25 lines	          $ 5.00	
  Additional lines	

Positions Open

          ANALYTICAL SPECIALIST                                    Hiring?                                            GSA Advertising Manager
      DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL                                                                                                   Ann Crawford
                                                                  Find those qualified geoscientists
                       SCIENCES                                 to fill vacancies. Use print issues of          
      BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY                                  GSA Today and GSA’s Geoscience                                   +1-303-357-1053
The Department of Geological Sciences at
Brigham Young University (BYU) invites appli-                     Job Board (                         toll free +1-800-472-1988
cations for a full-time, continuing faculty status-                        Bundle and save                                            ext. 1053
track Professional Faculty position beginning as
early as the Fall of 2018.                                             for best pricing options.            
   We are seeking an individual with interest
and experience in managing analytical facilities.                  That unique candidate is waiting
Experience in the operation and maintenance of                                to be found.
at least some of the following is essential: X-ray
diffraction, liquid scintillation and alpha count-              GSA Member Community
ing, ICP and XRF spectrometry, stable isotope
analyzers. Field expertise may include shallow                                    Powered by You!
sediment coring, geophysical surveying, and
water chemistry sampling. This professional fac-                Photo by Bret Webster.
ulty position is designed to assist and collaborate
with Professorial faculty, as well as mentor gradu-             Get Connected …
ate and undergraduate students. The successful
candidate will not conduct a self-guided research                                “What a great discussion.” —Andrew Cullen
program. Moreover, the successful candidate will                  “Thank you for joining in. I believe this type of discussion is exactly what
spend much of his or her time working with stu-
dents one-on-one or in small groups, and may be                        was intended by GSA for this open forum.” —Michael Tarullo
assigned to teach an instrumental methods course.                “I would like to add to this very interesting discussion.” —Georges Pardo
The position requires a PhD in the geological sci-
ences or a related field.                                                                 … in the Community
   Excellent research infrastructure exists within
the Department, including laboratories and field                                  GSA Members:
equipment that support a wide-range of geophysi-
cal, geochemical, isotopic, and petrologic studies.                Lend your voice to your community
Excellent computational facilities are also avail-
able within the Department and University.                       
   The Department consists of 13 Professorial and
3 Professional faculty, and offers B.S. and M.S.
degrees. Research areas include environmental
geology, hydrogeology, continental magmatism,
structure and tectonics, stratigraphy, paleontol-
ogy, planetary geology, mineral surface chemis-
try, geophysics, climate studies, and petroleum
   Applicants should send by US mail a curricu-
lum vitae, graduate transcripts, a statement of
experience managing analytical facilities, and the
names and contact information for three references
to: Chair, Search Committee, Dept. of Geological
Sciences, PO Box 24606, S-389 ESC, Brigham
Young University, Provo, UT, 84602. Applications
will be considered until May 31, 2018.

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