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Crustal thickness along the ECGH and           The seismic lines crossing the “front”      uplift zone in Texas. It has thus been
FWR is similar to that beneath the MCR.        lack the layered structure seen in Canada,    assumed that similar events occurred
Teleseismic P-wave studies in Tennessee        implying a different history. Although they   between these two areas in the eastern U.S.
(Owens et al., 1984) show thick crust simi-    have been interpreted as suggesting           However, the deformational events in
lar to that beneath the MCR’s west arm         Precambrian compression similar to that in    Texas and Canada/NE U.S. were not
(Moidaki et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2016)     Canada, it is unclear whether the compres-    caused by the same plate collisions and
and Lake Superior (Green et al., 1989). In     sion is of Grenville age. In Canada,          were not necessarily synchronous.
southern Ohio, seismic reflection and drill-   Grenville-age metamorphism and shearing       Moreover, in the central U.S., although
ing data support a half-graben structure       of the front are superimposed on rocks        some Grenville-age deformation may have
similar to other parts of the MCR (Dickas      recording older events of west-directed       occurred, there is no clear evidence of col-
et al., 1992). Gravity studies also suggest a  thrusting (Bethune, 1997; Rivers et al.,      lisions or of a coherent deformation front,
thick crust (Keller et al., 1982; Mayhew et    2012). Baranoski et al. (2009) interpreted    much the less where one has been assumed
al., 1982; Buening, 2013), similar to that on  data at the western end of OH-1 as show-      to be.
the MCR’s west arm (Merino et al., 2013;       ing rift development followed by thrust
Levandowski et al., 2015).                     faulting at least ~100 km west of the front.    Although no Grenville-age fold-and-
                                                                                             thrust belt is exposed in the central U.S.,
  Moreover, new interpretation of the data       The inferred age of compressional fault-    Grenville-age features proposed to reflect
from wells in Ohio used initially to define    ing depends on the age of the faulted         localized deformation are observed (Ruiz
the “front” (Bass, 1960) indicates that the    Precambrian sedimentary rocks. By             et al., 1984; Bornhorst et al., 1988;
geophysical lineament defining the “front”     default, it has been assumed that the com-    Petersson et al., 2015). Most crucially, the
is not a Grenville-age tectonic front but      pression must be Grenville in age, so the     Appalachian Mountains in the U.S. contain
rather part of the MCR, with pre-Grenville     faulted sediment must be older than 980       blocks called Grenville-age Appalachian
Laurentia to the east (Petersson et al.,       Ma (e.g., Drahovzal, 1997). The               inliers (GAAI) (Fig. 1). These fragments
2015). In Ohio and Kentucky, many of the       Proterozoic sandstone Middle Run              were assumed to be part of Laurentia dur-
wells bottom in mafic rocks (Drahovzal et      Formation, observed only in wells, is         ing the Grenville orogeny that were later
al., 1992; Buening, 2013) similar to MCR       thought to have similar age to the            uplifted and exposed at the surface during
rocks exposed near Lake Superior and in        Jacobsville Sandstone and Bayfield            Paleozoic orogenies (McLelland et al.,
the buried west arm (Walker and Misra,         Formation around Lake Superior. The           2013). These rocks’ ages are usually
1992; Lidiak, 1996).                           Jacobsville and Middle Run have some          assigned to phases in the Grenville orog-
                                               similar distributions of Grenville-age zir-   eny (Fig. 4A).
DID DEFORMATION NEAR THE                       cons. However, detrital zircon dating
“FRONT” OCCUR DURING THE                       shows that the Jacobsville must be younger      The Llano rocks record compressional
GRENVILLE OROGENY?                             than 959 ± 19 Ma and is probably several      events overlapping in time with ones in
                                               hundred million years younger (Malone et      Canada. However, different plate interac-
  In SE Canada, seismic reflection pro-        al., 2016). Schneider Santos et al.’s (2002)  tions were involved (Dalziel et al., 2000;
files show parallel southeast-dipping          zircon analysis for the Middle Run finds a    Davis and Mosher, 2015). The fact that
reflectors extending at least 100 km south-    maximum age of 1048 ± 22 Ma, but they         Grenville-age deformational events were not
eastward from the surface trace of the         also argue that it must be significantly      continuous along Laurentia’s eastern and
front (Rivers et al., 2012) to at least 20 km  younger than the Grenville orogeny. If the    south margin raises the questions of when
depth. However, reflection data across the     Jacobsville and Middle Run are about the      the GAAI accreted to Laurentia and whether
presumed “front” in the central U.S. look      same age, much of the Middle Run faulting     they record the same events as in Canada.
quite different.                               must be younger than Grenville age. These
                                               ages show that the “front” in Ohio is not       It seems likely that different tectonic
  Much of the Precambrian tectonic his-        the western edge of the Grenville fold-and-   events occurred at different times along
tory of Ohio and the “front” is based on       thrust belt and that the deformation near it  the Laurentia margin. Petrologic analyses
the COCORP OH-1 and 2 lines (Fig. 1).          may be younger, probably reflecting the       suggest that GAAI south of about the New
Several subsurface features had been inter-    same post-Jacobsville event that inverted     Jersey/Pennsylvania border have
preted as part of the deformation. In this     the MCR near Lake Superior (Stein et al.,     Amazonian affinity (Fisher et al., 2010;
interpretation, the area to its west was part  2015).                                        McLelland et al., 2013), implying that they
of the ca. 1.5–1.4 Ga Granite-Rhyolite                                                       were not part of Laurentia before the
Province of Laurentia, whereas rocks to        GRENVILLE-AGE APPALACHIAN                     Grenville orogeny. In reconstructions of
the east were similar to provinces of          INLIERS AND LLANO UPLIFT                      Rodinia (Fig. 3), Amazonia’s southern
Canada’s exposed Grenville orogen              COMPARED TO CANADA                            extent along Laurentia is often near a tran-
(Culotta et al., 1990). However, recent                                                      sition in petrology from northern GAAI
gravity modeling (Buening, 2013) and             The argument for a “Grenville Front” in     with Laurentian affinities to southern ones
analysis of rocks from wells (Petersson et     the U.S. assumes that the entire U.S. East    with Amazonian affinities. Hence, given
al., 2015) suggest that the Granite-Rhyolite   Coast was affected by collisions in the       the Grenville’s complex history and
Province continues ~100–150 km eastward        Grenville orogeny. Grenville-age events       Amazonia’s motion, the history of colli-
beyond the “front,” indicating that this       are recorded in Canada and the northeast-     sional events in Canada probably does not
area is not a terrane added during the         ern U.S. and in exposures in the Llano        describe the history of the southern GAAI,
Grenville Orogeny.                                                                           especially before the Ottawan phase.

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