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It is worth recognizing the uncertainty there is no evidence of a coherent front belts with the same age need not be from
in when and how the southern GAAI were anywhere, much the less where one has the same event. A billion years from now,
sutured to Laurentia. In one interpretation, been assumed to be. The situation may parts of the Andes and Cascadia volcanic
they were left behind during the 1.1 Ga have been analogous to the isolated pock- arcs might look similar, and the Alpine and
breakup between Laurentia and Amazonia. ets of deformation identified in the Himalayan collisions might appear to have
Thus, they experienced the two last phases Midwestern U.S. far inland from the been adjacent.
of the Grenville orogeny (Ottawan and Paleozoic deformation fronts (Marshak et
Rigolet), assuming collisions in the eastern al., 2000; Craddock et al., 2017). SUMMARY
U.S. were the same as in Canada.
Alternatively, they may have collided with Discarding the “front” makes sense New data and insights show that the
Laurentia during the last ~100 m.y. of the given recent insights into the evolution of linear gravity anomalies used to infer the
Grenville orogeny, but were not on the the Midcontinent Rift. The “front’s” position of the GF in the central U.S. are
block that caused deformation in Canada. assumed location near southeast Michigan part of the MCR, and should not be
Another possibility is that the southern implies that the east arm of the MCR mapped as a separate entity. There is lit-
GAAI accreted during Rodinia’s breakup. ended there (Cannon et al., 1989) so rift tle evidence that this lineation is associ-
As observed elsewhere, continental frag- volcanism and extension did not continue ated with the western edge of a Grenville
ments can rift off before major breakup to the east and south. If so, the rift would fold-and-thrust belt, and good reason to
(Veevers, 2004). Some GAAI show evi- have been an isolated intraplate event, expect that Grenville deformation in the
dence of rifting and volcanic events start- rather than part of a plate boundary reorga- central U.S. would differ from that
ing ca. 760 Ma (McClellan and Gazel, nization as implied by paleomagnetic data observed in Canada. It is time to erase
2014), so if these events are related to oth- and similar to those observed today in East the “Grenville Front” lineament in the
ers in Laurentia, the southern GAAI Africa and in the geological record else- central U.S. from maps.
accreted to Laurentia before this time. In where (Stein et al., 2014).
summary, during the Grenville orogeny ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the southern GAAI need not have been More precise dating of MCR rocks near
part of North America. Thus, they cannot Lake Superior than available when the We thank Scott King, John Weber, and an
with confidence be used to support defor- “front” was proposed (McLaughlin, 1954; anonymous reviewer for helpful comments. This
mation of the eastern U.S. during the Bass, 1960) shows that the rift-filling igne- work was supported by NSF grants EAR-1550108,
Grenville orogeny (ending ca. 980 Ma). ous rocks formed ca. 1109–1085 Ma, EAR-1148088, and EAR-0952345.
although rifting started perhaps ~10 m.y.
Grenville deformation south of earlier. Seismic reflection data suggest that REFERENCES CITED
Amazonia may have involved the Rio de la the extension ended ca. 1096 Ma, ~10 m.y.
Plata craton (Fig. 3). Some reconstructions before basaltic volcanism stopped (Stein et Adams, D.C., and Keller, G.R., 1994, Possible
place this block along the southern part of al., 2015). Even if compression occurred extension of the Midcontinental Rift in west
Laurentia’s eastern margin during the near the “front” during the Grenville orog- Texas and eastern New Mexico: Canadian
Grenville orogeny, but there is much eny, this deformation would be younger Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 31, p. 709–720,
uncertainty about its position owing to the than the MCR’s extension. Hence the
limited paleomagnetic data (Li et al., 2008; “front” would not have been there and thus
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these sediments. becomes progressively younger toward the for the magnetic anomaly map of North
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ally mapped “Grenville Front” in the cen- as Ottawan, whereas most metamorphic Baranoski, M.T., Dean, S.L., Wicks, J.L., and
tral U.S. is the western edge of a Grenville- ages near the front in Canada are from the Brown, V.M., 2009, Unconformity-bounded
age fold-and-thrust belt. Recent younger Rigolet phase (Rivers et al., 2012). seismic reflection sequences define Grenville-
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Although some Grenville-age deformation along Laurentia’s south and east margins. Grenville orogenic cycle of southern Laurentia:
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8 GSA Today | May 2018