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Submitting an Abstract

  Discipline Sessions                        Topical Sessions                          Pardee Keynote
  Discipline sessions are created by     Topical sessions are topically focused
pooling together abstracts submitted   for a motivating exchange of science. If     Pardee Keynote Symposia represent
to a particular discipline category.   you are interested in submitting an        leading-edge, interdisciplinary science
These sessions are formed in order to  abstract to a particular topical session,  and address broad, fundamental geo-
establish a very stimulating session.  you can review the list at community       science issues and/or areas of public
Start your abstract submission by           policy. Speakers in these sessions are
going to                                                of high standing in their fields. More
gsa2018/discipline.                                                               information on these sessions can be
                                                                                  found at

       Key Things to Know                                             The Two-Abstracts Rule:

Submitting an Abstract                                                (A) 	 You may submit two volunteered abstracts, as long as one of
                                                                           the abstracts is for a poster presentation;
   Submission deadline: Tuesday, 14 August.
                                                                      (B) 	 Each submitted abstract must be different in content; and
• 	 To begin your submission, go to
  gsa2018/abstracts.                                                  (C) 	 If you are invited to submit an abstract in a Pardee Keynote
                                                                           Symposium or a topical session, the invited abstracts do not
• 	 A non-refundable abstracts submission fee of US$50 for                 count against the two-abstracts rule.
  professionals and US$25 for students will be charged during
  the submission process.                                             Abstract Content and Presentation

• 	 Abstracts are editable until the 14 August submission deadline.   • 	 Please familiarize yourself with and adhere to the GSA Code
                                                                        of Ethics for abstract publication and meeting presentation
• 	 When submitting an abstract to a discipline session, a list of      (see p. 33).
  possible topical sessions may pop up during the submission pro-
  cess. This list is provided as an option for you, in case you feel  • 	 Abstracts must describe recent findings in the realms of
  your abstract might fit well into one of those sessions.              science, pedagogy, or their applications.

• 	 Please be patient. When submitting an abstract, the first page    • 	 All abstracts undergo peer review. Common reasons for rejec-
  is slow to load. We thank you for your patience while the page        tion include dubious conclusions, questionable methodologies,
  is loading.                                                           poorly written prose, and incomplete or outdated information.

                                                                      • 	 The Joint Technical Program Committee (JTPC) will attempt to
                                                                        honor the authors’ designations of topical session, discipline, or
                                                                        presentation mode (oral or poster). Final assignments remain at
                                                                        the discretion of the technical program chair. Session schedul-
                                                                        ing and presentation modes are firm once assigned.


                                                                      • 	 Please adhere to the Code of Ethics describing content, author-
                                                                        ship, and scholarship (see p. 33).

                                                                      • 	 PRESENTERS: Presenting authors can deliver two (2) abstracts
                                                                        during the meeting, which can consist of one (1) volunteered
                                                                        oral presentation and one (1) volunteered poster presentation, or
                                                                        two (2) poster presentations. The only exemption to this policy
                                                                        occurs when the presenter is also invited to give a presentation
                                                                        in either a Pardee Keynote Symposium or a topical session, as
                                                                        invited abstracts are not counted. Invited topical session pre-
                                                                        senters will receive a PIN to exempt that abstract. If the session
                                                                        to which a presenting author is invited is canceled, that abstract
                                                                        will lose its exempted status.

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